


While at another school another possessed nut went around to stab anyone who came across him, across the school he could play the victim.
- Save the fog, she ordered. – Then he cut whoever he could cut that was in front of him.
All this happened in a burst and a crisis of violence, where countless people committed crimes of violence around the city, stabbing and killing whoever appeared in front of them.
The police and police squad with no solution amid the negotiations, with no other alternative invaded the police and executed each of the men who had no choice.
About that.
Darkness, Hadrianus and Amasteus descended through the secret tunnels and entered the ancient temple.
- I know that when I managed to translate, there was a guardian.
- Beauty, did you find out more than 200 years later? – Darkness questioned him.
- It was a dead language. – Hadrianus defended himself. – I can't be in two places at once. - He said. – I couldn't know everything. - He said.
Then, removing the restrictions, they released the guardian.
It seemed like a race against time, the fog took over the place, in the midst of releasing a huge snake that was the guardian that was on the pillars and statues of the underground temple.
It climbed like a gigantic black snake that opened a crater and towards the sky, it sucked and ate the mist in front of it, then it assumed a bigger and longer form, as it fed on the mist and the violence stopped, the people fell to the ground...
- I want Guzion here. – Hadrianus said.
The demon monkey appeared, while the smaller man gave the orders.
- Erase everyone's memory of these events and consequences and their details.
The demon did as ordered, then said, the other black snake guardian, descended to them, decreasing in size to the size of Hadrianus' arm, wrapping itself around his arm like a good hose, heading towards his face and the kissing.
- Dad. - He said, curling up on him.
- What a beauty, Daddy. – Darkness made fun of.
- It's lucky that he calls me father, otherwise, he would want to eat me. – Hadrianus said.
– Nothing better than the beast of the end to tame beasts. – Darkness said.
As they returned to the mansion, in which they went to rest, placing the small black snake towards the ground to roam around.
The news that everyone started to pass on all channels, there was a terrorist attack towards New York City, the victims let it be very clear, Guzion erased the memories, but the destructions stayed there as if it were an alien attack of seconds.
Meanwhile, in another time...
Around the years 1862-1864, and he was with each of the refugees from the Dakota War of 1862, and as such proposed the deal, he would guide them to the promised land if so those who wanted to go to the world of Zarathanis.
Occurring between the worlds of that middle Earth reality if they so wish, and he could ask that those who stayed could stay on the lands he would protect and thus be his guardians.
They were such as the keepers of the seals and the totems and the gates and the watchmen of the twelve powers, and they in return would have the abundance of the land and it will always be prosperous, in which they could guide those who wished to go and when and to move through the passages. hidden between the transactions of dimensions and the passages of the gates of the fissures of time and caves.
In Minnesota they fled west to their allies in Montana and Dakota Territory, were to increase illegal settlement after the American Civil War caused war once again, in which the Black Hills were considered sacred by the Lakota, and they opposed mining.
Between 1866 and 1868, the U.S. Army fought the Lakota and their allies along the Bozeman Trail, who were each of the native nations, and ancestral peoples, in which these accepted the sharing of the lands, and they being the protectors of totems and portals, and strongest in the US built to protect miners.
And that in the future were abandoned and protecting the mines among the promised lands that few could pass, and go when it was necessary to go.
And traveling along the trail. Oglala Chief Red Cloud led his people to victory in the Red Cloud War.
And in 1868, the United States signed the Treaty of Fort Laramie of 1868, and Nathaniel as its mediator, and which dispenses the Black Hills from all white settlement forever, and being guides and mentors to the native forges and the twelve powers encrusted in the lands. .
Four years later gold was discovered there, and prospectors descended on the area.
There were the various caves that led to other worlds and dimensions and their guardians that protected the sacred grounds and the portals that in turn were called the masters of the seals.
Attacks on settlers and miners were met and that by military force conducted by army commanders.
Even so, as Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer General Philip Sheridan, who later joined in a truce with Nathaniel, and who encouraged his troops to hunt and kill the buffalo, in what was such a means of destroying the commissar of the Indians who afterwards of the truce were kept in peace for a long period of time.
In the midst of this, Darkness forced him to go back in time, when he called him on a trip through space.
When a race called the Lacta and Arapaso allies and the various indigenous peoples who followed the ancient tradition saw the worlds of Zarathanis and the gates that led to the dimensional passages as the world of spirits.
Since the temples of Zarathanis, and each of the peoples had a guardian and a representative of the peoples and tribes that led to the worlds and dimensional divisions, in which these dimensional temples is not a physical world, but a spiritual one, and the unified Cheyenne galaxy of the Northern sector and those who were involved in much of the war after 1860.
Being that they migrated to the middle earth dimensional worlds and a part stayed in the reservation lands as guardians, and not all migrated to the Zarathanis temple planes, both the plains of the lands and the prairies, the forests and the trees around them. vegetation itself and the fauna, in themselves, are not plants or living animals as normal.
For the most part, they are supernatural, mystical creatures hailing from the realms and temples of Zarathanis of the land of the Middle and Faerias, where they are marauding creatures that leap from dimension to dimension, and few permanently return to the physical world, in themselves they are mystical creatures who forsake the physical forges.
Being that the fine lines and the fine passages influence in reality the animals are not animals the vegetables and the trees are not trees nor vegetables, in which they are alive and they are spiritual creatures that roam and jump between the planes and come and go and never remain on the same plane or place, and that they come as totems and look for avatars and shamans they can bond and connect with.

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    so much ❤️ good


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