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Chapter 7

Silence filled the long corridor. Byul turned his head many times and still felt the eeriness of the place. No matter how he further he'd walked he always found himself near the two doors before his room. The hall became longer and longer that he felt exhausted walking many times without reaching the end.
Byul felt the chill another time and soon a clinking sound was heard across the hallway. As he turned his head, prepared for the worst. He heard a loud beep followed by a panel appearing in front of him.
Subject found...
Player information:
Seung Byul
Ability: None
Status: Newbie Level 1
Would you like to upgrade? Y/N
A mechanical voice sounded from a blue panel in front of him.
Byul surprisingly look at the screen, his eyes suddenly flashed with excitement. To think he'd have this! The odds didn't detest him so much!
Ah! No way I have my own system! Byul held out his hand as the blue panel simply sispended itself in the air. As he turned and walked away, it didn't follow and was just suspended there in a wait.
Byul look at his information for a moment and thought. Upgrade? Does this mean I would finally have some abilities? As he thought of the RPG games he played and imagined a lot of possibilities. Byul then pressed 'Yes'
"Subject confirmed! Welcome player Seung Byul!
Fetching world interface...
World setting: Kingdom of Lunur
Ultimate Task: Unite the Kingdom
Task: Escape the Duke's Mansion
Reward: ???
Would you like to proceed? Y/N
Byul raised his brows in surprise. So he really is in a Duke's mansion. He surveyed the hall and thought for a moment. It must be because of this task that he couldn't get out of the corridor. This system had dragged him for too long!
You did a good job scaring the shit out of me!
System: "..."
He glanced at the choices and eventually pressed 'Yes' after a while a beep was heard and a loading screen appeared on the panel.
Byul stared at the loading screen and waited for awhile. After a minute, a string of information appeared on the screen.
Mansion of the Duke Hassan,
Location: Southern Lunur, a mile away from the Capital.
The estate was given by the Southern District General as a compensation. This is an inescapable place.
Warning: Hallucination, Black Mist
Task: Leave this place in two hours
Punishment: Death
Continue —>
Byul inhaled deep as he read the message. F**k! Death at first world?! I'm going to die if I can't leave in two hours?! Bullsh*t! As he cursed on the screen his hand accidentally pressed 'Continue'
Seconds after, a timer was indicated on the top right of the screen. As the seconds decreases, Byul eventually burst into a cold sweat.
F**k you Odd-kun!
Byul turned his head and started to survey the hallway. How can he escape if he can't even leave this corridor?
Byul look at the hallway end and sighed. 'This is the worst.'
He wasn't great at puzzle and solving games you see, so being faced with an escape problem was a very difficult atsk for him. I knew it. I'm cursed with luck. Byul thought and look at the floating screen. A minute had passed.
'Sh*t. I shouldn't waste more time here.'
After trying to sort things off his mind. Byul finally put on a determined look. Where should he start?
Byul pondered for a moment then went back on the room he had been earlier. There must be some sort of clues in the rooms. The hallway cannot be passed through After all, it wasn't here for nothing.
Byul entered the room and glanced at the rope on the floor. He should probably take it too. Just in case...
Byul then rummaged on the desk again to seek for hints. He flatten the scrolls on the table and surveyed each of them. There's the map and the scrolls with chinese characters on them.
There's also an inked painting of a tree branch and an apparent red stamp with two chinese characters inside a square. It must be the signature of the artist?
Byul scrutinized the art for a bit and soon he put it aside after discovering nothing unusual in it. He fiddled with the scrolls for some time and hence move onto the cabinets.
There were four layers of the cabinet and he first opened the upper one. There was nothing special in it except for the blank sheet of sand paper and a quail. The next layer also had nothing but a stack of stationery.
Byul sighed helplessly and soon moved on the third one and there he found a key and another scroll on top of the pile of papers. Byul took out the key and the scroll then rummage through the papers to see if there's something more to it however he found bothing more than the two items. Byul then moved on the last cabinet and found none.
Byul helplessly sighed and stood up. He then glance at the system screen and it indicates that 10 minutes had passed.
Byul glanced at the room one more time and decided that there's nothing more in this room.
Byul then took out the things he found valuable in the room with him and finally headed towards the door. His hand held the rope, the scroll and the unknown key.
He went out and moved onto the next room and twisted the knob.
'It's locked.'
Byul took out the key and tried to opened the door. However, the key didn't unlocked the door.
'It must be the other way then'
Byul reversed the key to the other side and the result was still similar to the former. Byul instantly pulled out the key and went to the third door. If it's not the second then this key must be on the other one. He thought and finally insert the key to the door.
After a few seconds, he heard a click. Byul smiled and finally made his way into the room.
"Oh my."
Byul twitched his mouth in an awkward manner.
The room was filled with endless set of robes. There was a sofa on the side and a body mirror next to it. There were also a few closets encompassing the whole room. It must be a walk-in closet of the noble Lord. To think that he'd be invading someone's privacy to escape. This is utterly ridiculous.
Byul glanced at the panel and saw that he only had an hour and forty minutes left. He stopped procrastinating and finally searched the nearest closet.
He should be looking for a cue to open the second room so he naturally dug through the closet for the key.
Byul inspected the clothes hanging on the closets and after fumbling around for a while he nonchalantly threw the clothes away as he moved on to the next. The clothes was then scattered throughout the room as they start oiling up on the floor.
Byul didn't think deeply into it and just continued. He lazily rummaged through the closet until he eventually emptied the whole dresser. Byul then moved on to the next wardrobe as he repeated this process till he got on to the last cabinet, drained.
The whole room was overturned by him as he made sure to search every nook and cranny. He kicked the clothes on the floor, annoyed.
Byul crouched on the ground as he decided to rest for a bit. So far, he didn't find anything at all. Not even a f*cking clue! That mofu totally hate me this much. Well f*ck you too Odd-kun!
Byul then gave up searching and decided to examine the scroll. He have this only one clue left and he should probably be able to figure out something from it.
Byul felt his heart banging out of his chest. If he didn't find anything at all after this then he'd probably sit here while waiting for his demise!
'I don't want that!'
Byul immediately spread the scroll in panic. Afterwards, he suddenly hear a clunking sound as the f***cking key in question ricocheted on the floor.
Key: Oh hello there Human!
"What the f?!"

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    Jhecel Reyes



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    Sepp Jenny Bernadas Bayot

    👏👏👏👏👏nice one!


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