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Where Are You (Ch.3)

"Alpha, Alpha Greg has arrived." Wren thought to Kalen, Kalen shut the pack file on his desk and looked up at the Alphas of the branch packs of dark moon sitting in his office.
"The state of your finances are relatively okay, but for dark moon... okay is just not good enough, I want a 30% increase in your annual income before the year runs out." Kalen said in his usual monotone, the branch alphas exchanged glances at Kalen's words.
"What?...you can't do it?...50% increase before the year runs out, if you cannot achieve this, you can hand over your position as Alpha immediately." Kalen dismissed coldly, the branch alphas winced but knowing anymore words would be useless, they swallowed down their reluctance and bowed in acceptance of Kalen's orders, rising to their feet and leaving Kalen's office quietly.
Kalen calmed his anger at their incompetence, it was clear they could do better, they had all the resources and the skills, they just couldn't be bothered to do better, satisfied with being just a little above average, Kalen could not accept that...if you worked under alpha Kalen, it was either you gave your best or you left the job to someone more effective.
The dark moon pack due to it's mass population was divided into 5 branch packs apart from the main pack Kalen presided over, the 5 branch packs were each governed by an Alpha who reported directly to Kalen on all affairs of the pack, apart from that, the dark moon pack also had numerous smaller packs which although were independent packs, they were under the protection of dark moon.
"Send him in." Kalen thought to Wren, referring to alpha Greg.
Alpha Greg was the alpha of one of such independent packs under Kalen's protection and alpha Greg himself could be considered to be one of Kalen's few confidants.
Kalen's door was pushed open after a knock and in came a grinning Greg, walking in the odd manner he usually did, as if he owned the world, he pushed back a strand of his blonde hair and flashed Kalen a wink.
Kalen fixed a blank look on Greg to which Greg pouted before taking a seat in Kalen's office like he owned the place.
"You know Greg, one of these days, I'll get tired of ignoring your stupidity and rip your head off..." Kalen said calmly, Greg chuckled at Kalen's words.
"I missed you too Kalen." Greg said happily, Kalen turned his blank gaze away from Greg, deciding there was nothing he could do about Greg's silly nature.
Kalen couldn't kill him either, alpha Greg might not look it but he was actually one of the most efficient alphas serving under Kalen, hence Greg was still quite useful...at least for now.
However soon enough, Kalen believed Greg's stupidity would outweigh his usefulness, and then Kalen would be glad make good on his promise, Kalen said a silent prayer for Greg's soul in advance.
"First things first, what's the status of your borders? Any rogue sightings?" Kalen asked, going straight to business. Greg's expression also turned serious as they delved into business.
"Not much, one or two here and there but they never come close enough to cause concern, after the purging you led 13 years ago, they have remained away from pack territory." Greg replied, Kalen frowned but nodded.
"As they should, however the frequent sightings are becoming a little disturbing, I find myself suspicious... make sure to keep a close eye on this." Kalen instructed, Greg nodded in understanding.
"It won't do us any harm to be cautious, I will inform the alphas to keep their guards up." Greg promised.
"Good, your pack's financial situation is becoming worrying, what do you intend to do about it?" Kalen asked Greg, Greg's pack was not a branch pack of dark moon as such Kalen could not interfere much in their matters, however as long as they were under Kalen's protection, Kalen needed them to always be in top notch condition, a pack's financial situation determined a lot of things including the survival of the pack members.
"Our members keep finding their mates so our numbers are on a constant increase, I'm truly in a tight spot." Greg said tiredly, Kalen glared at him.
"Did I or did I not tell you to make provisions for this by making new investments when you took over? But of course you never listen, 'the future will take care of itself' you said, how is that working out for you now?" Kay asked coldly, Greg winced, looking down as he was unable to answer Kalen's direct question.
Kalen glared at Greg before throwing a file at him.
Greg caught the file and opened it and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Really? You're giving me this?" Greg asked in shock, Kalen scoffed in response.
"With much reluctance, yes. Sign that and blue moon constructions will be merged with blade constructions and you will be in charge of the combined companies."
"Now I'm aware construction is your speciality but blue moon is not receiving the recognition it deserves. Under your management I expect an increase in the income of blade constructions by 30% and with our popularity blue moon will also have a lot more projects and will in turn experience an increase." Kalen said, Greg nodded, a huge smile on his face.
"30% increase? I can handle that, what percentage is blue moon to give blade corporation annually?" Greg asked.
"Nothing, as long as the income of blade construction increases under your leadership, I won't request anything from blue moon construction, let the income be used to improve your pack's financial status, after your pack is in good shape and blue moon has gathered enough recognition, you can choose to stand on your own again...it won't be as easy as you think, the annual income of blade construction is already extremely positive." Kalen informed Greg, Greg stared at Kalen like he was a heavenly being.
"Nothing? You truly want nothing in return? And we're allowed to pull out anytime?" Greg asked in surprise and Kalen nodded, Greg grinned happily.
"Thank you Alpha, I don't know how to express my gratitude, you've saved me... again. I will definitely ensure the income of blade construction increases by nothing less than 50%." Greg promised solemnly.
Kalen nodded in approval, despite Greg's annoying tendencies, this was why Kalen still preferred Greg to even his own branch alphas.
Alpha Greg was capable and confident in his abilities, as long as he wasn't being a nuisance, whatever he set his mind to do was easily achieved, so Kalen did not doubt one bit that Greg would be able to keep to his words.
"Go through the documents and sign them, Wren will fill you in on the next steps, heed his instructions carefully. If you display your usual nonsense and scare my workers, I really will take my hands off all your matters." Kalen warned sternly.
(Greg's thoughts: I don't think anyone could beat you when it comes to scaring your workers.... you maintain top position in that regard, hehehe.)
Kalen glared suspiciously at the silly look on Greg's face.
"Whatever nonsense you have going through your head right now will be written as the cause of your death on your gravestone." Kalen promised him, Greg gulped audibly at Kalen's scary tone.
Kalen was quiet for a while after that, pondering over a few things but was drawn out of his thoughts by Greg's sad sigh.
"I'm very sorry we haven't been able to find the girl Kalen, my men have tried every possible method but we are still unable to come up with anything. The name Iretomiwa although rare, there's still quite alot of people who bear this name, especially in the African regions, without a surname or a face, it's truly difficult to locate the girl." Greg explained sadly,
Kalen frowned but did not reply, instead he shut his eyes and leaned hishead back on his chair.
Kalen had given the task of locating Miwa to Greg when his men were unable to find her, this was because alpha Greg had more connections in the African regions than Kalen himself did.
Kalen was sure she was an African, however Kalen didn't even know which African country, it was practically impossible to locate her and yet Kalen couldn't give up... he just couldn't.
Kalen knew was all his fault, he had never stopped blaming himself. Kalen was supposed to go see her the next day but he failed to do so, he was delayed a week and when he finally got there, she was leaving.
Kalen had only met the car driving off with his mate and her family, leaving him forever. Kalen gave chase but he was already severely injured, he couldn't catch them and his pack also needed him then.
Kalen had returned home with a broken heart and a promise to definitely find her again.... it had been 13 years since then and yet....
"I think we really should just give up..." Greg began but a sharp glare from Kalen cut him off.
Greg stared at the deadly gaze on Kalen's face in horror before lowering his head in submission, Kalen noticing he had let his wolf aura loose, quickly pulled back his wolf's oppressive aura.
"I'm sorry, but Kalen, I've never really asked because I know it's not my place but...the girl...who is she?" Greg asked Kalen hesitantly, Kalen failed to respond for a while and Greg sighed in defeat.
"It's good you know it's not your place." Kalen said coldly.
Greg sighed again, looking down. They remained that way for a few minutes, Wren also came in before Kalen spoke again.
"My mate Greg... she is my mate." Kalen said quietly.
Greg's eyes widened in surprise, turning to Wren.
Wren sighed before recounting what had happened to Greg.
Numerous emotions flashed through Greg's eyes from shock, to understanding before converting to sadness and then determination.
"You gave up your mate to save us...." Greg whispered in a sad voice before rising to his feet and falling to a knee before Kalen, a determined look on his face.
"I will personally look into this matter... even if it means visiting all African countries myself, I will definitely, definitely find her Alpha, no matter what." Greg vowed solemnly, Kalen sighed but nodded.
"I will put my trust in you." Kalen said before rising to his feet and exiting the office, heading to his room with just one thought on his mind.
'where are you Miwa? Where are you?"

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