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Capitulo 7

ELBOWING her twin, Hussey leaned down to whisper to Eiassey.
“You know? You’re giving off a psychopathic vibe. . . .”
“That’s the plan!” she shamelessly answered. “If you’re jealous then try this!”
Then Eiassey drank the glass of water that she brought from home, half of the students are turning on her way.
Her twin had been walking around drinking a glass of water from home.
“Hussey! I know it’s weird but it’s subtle.” Then she drank the glass of water again, she was cocky about it.
Hussey mentally face-palmed when Eiassey began to take off her belt and put it on her pocket, felt like all eyes are on them and they are basically alarmed and disturbed with the action that Eiassey made.
“You’re embarrassing us! Stop that!” Hussey half whispered and half shouted.
After the two swiped their i.ds, Eiassey made another stunt where she walked with her tensed, straight, and immobile arms on her side, in short, she was walking without swinging her hands—which what people normally do when they walk.
Because of what she’s doing to herself, she looked intimidating and nutty as a fruitcake.
Hussey pinched her waist. “If you kept doing that I’ll leave you here.”
“Ow!” She rubbed her side. “Then leave, I’m just being unique here. You should also try it too, so you’ll look cool like me!”
She screwed up her face while slowly giving a good distance from her twin and she kept backing away from her until she bumped into someone.
“Oops! Sorry!” Hussey grabbed the person’s arm so he won’t fall flatly on his butt on the floor. “I wasn’t looking on my direction—wait, Sky?” she squeaked.
The lassie pulled him better so he won’t completely fall, she examined him up until she noticed something.
“We’ll celebrate our recollection together? You’re from Saint Benedict then?” she inquired, suppressing her slipping smile from her lips.
Just safely not letting her victorious smile exposed her.
“Uhm… Yeah, so you’re in Saint Ignatius class?” she nodded at Aeschylus. “Great, um, shall we head to the function room together?”
Biting her lips to not let her squeal get out, she agreed.
As they walk, Hussey would constantly get close to him so she can brush their shoulders together for just a swift second.
Of course she would do it again and again.
So she could feel his skin for a bit without holding his hand, Hussey would hold him without hesitation now but she doesn’t want to be so obvious about wanting to feel his skin either so she chose the former.
Their recollection was always postponed for unknown reason and because of that, the teachers decided to let the two sections have the same recollection day so it won’t take so much time since they’re also chasing for the three days’ examination because they’re graduating from high school.
Almost half of the students looked at their way, mostly the Saint Benedict students as they’re confused why Aeschylus was with a girl.
With her twisted face and clicking her tongue, she couldn’t help but to tangle their fingers together.
As soon as they entered there, Aeschylus was lowering his head as if it’s a crime if he will look at his classmates’ weird gazes.
“Keep your chin up, they don’t deserve your head down. You need to stop listening to what they say or how they look at you, whatever their fusses are—you need to listen to yourself more than anybody.”
She played their fingers together until she spotted two free chairs at the back. Hussey pulled him towards there to sat themselves down.
Not letting him off her grasp, she stretched her hand to the other chair and pushed it closer to him then sat down beside him.
Fiddling their fingers, Hussey placed their intertwined hands on his lap then propped her chin on her hand, elbow was on her knee.
Hussey looked around the room and there are still many students that are watching their movements, not minding their own businesses, and some are even whispering that she believed it’s about them as they didn’t even exert an effort to not make it obvious.
Smirking, she saluted at them using her middle finger, Hussey couldn’t care less if they are inside of the function room. Some looked away while some took it offensively.
When she turned to Aeschylus, she spotted him staring at their hands together.
“Hey, Sky…” she softly called. “You okay?”
He paused for a minute just to stare at her for good seconds before he answered, “Yeah… Are you okay staying with me? You can leave me and spent time with your friend.”
“Silly, my friend isn’t here and yes, I’m staying with you.”
His lips pressed together as if he was thinking if he should voice out what’s bothering him or not.
But Hussey can read perfectly read his emotion, especially that she can smell him distinctively. “Spit it out, Sky. I’ll always listen to whatever you say,” she made sure.
“Uh, just wondering if you’re just here out of pity…”
Hussey frowned at him.
“You need to seriously start thinking that I’m your friend, I’ll never pity you. I just want to be close to you and these plastic people here are making my head hurt, I’ll only pollute my attitude to them if I talk to them.”
Aeschylus squeezed her hand lightly. “Thank you, Hussey. For being here and staying.”
She shook her head. “What are you thanking for? It’s not something that I give to you and also not an obligation. I’m staying because of my free will. So stop thanking me.”
“Whoa, lovebirds!” Eiassey interrupted and Hussey gave her a threatening look. When her twin sensed it’s not the time to bother them, she retreated. “Okay… You want to solo your man…”
She sighed in relieve after her twin backed away.
“Who was that?”
Hussey turned her face to him, wearing a grin for him. “That’s Eiassey, my twin.”
Aeschylus gaped at the lassie. “Didn’t know you have one.”
“Well, you know now.” She winked.
After some minutes, one of the priest of the school greeted the two sections as they started their recollection day.
They formed their chairs into a circle while the father was inside holding his microphone so they can hear him better.
Aeschylus and Hussey still sitting beside each other.
DURING break time, Hussey invited Aeschylus to go to the cafeteria together which he kindly declined.
What a bummer because she wants to be with him for the whole day since it’s just that time that they got together for so long inside of the school as they’re not classmates.
So instead of Aeschylus, she got with her twin instead.
“What are you buying?” asked Hussey to Eiassey.
“I want waffles, please.”
Hussey extended her hand to her. “Your money?”
Clicking her tongue, she put her hand in her pocket to give her a twenty-five pesos. “You should have bought me using your money.”
“Just like you, I’m saving my money for the comeback albums of my faves.”
Since there’s a long line before to get to the counter, Hussey offered to wait in the line for her twin.
While Eiassey just stood beside her—not in the line.
“That guy you like, he looks so cute.”
Rolling her eyes, Hussey spoke jadedly. “Yeah, yeah and don’t steal him. He’s mine. I knew him first before you.”
Eiassey grimaced at her.
“No way I’ll like my twin’s crush. That’s foul, also, you know who I like.” Hussey just nodded as she yawned while taking a step from the slow line.
“Oh! Look who decided to show up!”

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