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Chapter 4

Chapter 4
I slumped down on to the couch, exhausted. My face, particularly in my jaw, hurts like a bitch. That motherfucker son of a bitch Rutherford! I fucking hate him. I am still pissed at him for humiliating me in front of the crowd.
I groaned as I caressed my abused jaw. Rizer had managed to get even. He punched me back in the face when I was unguarded.
"Hi, Michu!" My sister exclaimed as she sat down on the single couch. She was smiling widely as her eyes focused on her phone.
"Hilo," I replied.
"How's school, brother? I heard it was unpleasant,"
My sister and I doesn't have the same school. She was enrolled strictly by my father at all-girls school because he doesn't want her to have a boyfriend once she got into highschool. Now, she's in 11th grade and still hasn't no boyfriend. Poor, siztah.
"You heard it wrong. It was actually pretty nice," I said as I picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. I quickly found YouTube and searched for some music videos. I've chosen an 80's songs.
Our housemaid came in bringing a basin filled with lukewarm water and rose petals in it. My brows shot up when she placed it under Missi and then she submerged her feet in. Another housemaid came with an ice bag and a first-aid kit, approaching me.
"Sir, I'm gonna clean your--" I cut her off.
"No, it's okay. Thank you," I said as I grimaced at the sight of first aid kit. I have some cuts on my elbow and knees but it wasn't that severe. There's no need to clean it up and put a fucking alcohol in it. I'll clean it by myself when I got into the shower.
"Mighty! Let her clean your cuts!" I heard mom's loud voice from the stairs. I looked at her and she glowered at me.
My lips protruded. "Mom, I'll do it myself."
Her head shook as she walked near us and grabbed the first aid it. "I am the decision in this house!"
My sister spoke, "Mom, you are not just the decision but you're also the law itself, remember?"
Dad suddenly came. "You got it right, honey!"
I sighed in resignation. "Mom, can I take a shower first?"
She nodded. "Go ahead and change into a boxer. I'll be cleaning your scratches once you're done. Be quick, okay?"
"Oki." I gave her a peck in the cheek before standing up and running upstairs.
"Be careful, Michu!" She shouted. "Or you'd get trip for the second time around!"
"I'm the protagonist of this movie, I wouldn't get die if ever I fall!"
"Then, I will just kill you myself!" She yelled. "Try me, Mighty!"
"Peace, motherzo!" I laughed hard before twisting my door to my room and slamming it loud.
I quickly undressed myself and tossed my used clothes to the basket. I then, got into the bathroom and turned the shower into a cold water as I scrub my skin with the loofah. I carefully avoided those small scratches I got. After awhile, I went out of my bathroom and searched for a boxer shorts inside my closet. Finished, I ran downstairs and immediately saw my mother talking to some stranger. They looked at me and my mom widened her eyes like as if scowling me for having no clothes. As far as I remember, she asked me to wear only a boxer short for her to be able to clean my scratches without a lot of hassle. I pouted my lips before going back to my room and wore into a decent shirt.
"Michu, faster! We're having an early dinner!" My sister barge into my room unannounced.
"Learn how to knock!" I scolded.
She stuck out her tongue at me as she annoyingly crossed her arms around her chest. "Faster!"
"What's in a hurry? Food won't walk away!" I shouted.
"You're always grumpy, Michu!"
"I am not!"
"Oh, sure you aren't!"
I rolled my eyes heavenwards as I hang my arm around her shoulder and guided us out of my room.
"Who's the guests?" I asked calmly.
"It's one of mom's patient and its family. Come on, they are waiting at us in the dining table," she said.
I nodded quietly as I trailed after her towards our dining room. At least 4 guests were here. The two are kids and the other two are I assume was their parents.
"Good evening," I greeted as I sat down on my usual seat. They smiled at me back.
I ate in silence as I listened to their conversation. My parents are both doctors and surgeons, specializing body organs and brain. They are one of the best doctor in the busy city of New York and people who does have a million of dollars in their bank could have their service in a short period of notice. Though, my parents are still humble. They do free surgery for those who badly needed it and they also have lots of charities, most especially for orphans and cancer patients. I wish I could be like them, but I really hate the hospital smell.
"These are our children; Mighty and Missiah," mom said. "Kids, they are the Sawyer family. Maria, Saint and their children; Preece and Pier."
"Hello!" My sister waved her hands at the kids.
The kid with a very pale lips and skin smiled at my sister kindly. He has a hat covering his head, probably because he has no hair. He's also skinny and sick. I looked away immediately as I felt a sting in my stomach. I do have a soft heart when it comes to people who's sick. Maybe because I grew up with my grandmother by my side and I watched her die due incurable sickness. Either way, it's still heartbreaking because sooner or later, they would eventually die.
As I continued to listen on their conversation, I heard that the pale kid with a bonny body has already have a complicated illness. His name was Pier. And the Sawyer family wants their other son, Preece, to give his one kidney to his twin.
"Thanks for the wonderful dinner, Dr. and Dra. Styles." Maria Sawyer said gratefully and hand-shake with my mother. Her husband did the same and they leave our house with a small smile. I saw the sick kid turned his head over his shoulder and waved his hand as he flashed a small, weak smile.
"Poor, kiddos," My sister said sadly.
The night passed by so quick and school is about to start again. Ugh. I turned off the annoying rings of my bedside clock and got into my feet as I hurried myself towards the bathroom. I don't want my mom to come in my room to wake me up becasue I am scared she would bring up the topic yesterday and rant about my misbehaviour in school. Yes she do love me, but she could sometimes be an Amazona.
After I took a shower and got dress, I went to the kitchen and grabbed some sandwich my mother has prepared for me. They are doctors but they have their time in their hands so they could always sleep normally during at night and work every morning. Though it depends on the circumstances, like if there's a very important surgery that needed an abrupt operation. Or if the hospital was too busy.
"Morning, Michu!" My annoying sister exclaimed as she startled me.
"Goodness, Missi! I almost dropped my sandwich!" I hissed.
She giggled as she opened the fridge and pulled the jar of nutella. She also pulled some loaf of a bread on the table. She was laughing while making her own sandwich.
Someone woke up in the right side of the bed, yeah?
I smirked slyly as I thought of a good start to ruin her mood.
"Dad!" I yelled. "Missi has a boyfriend!"
In a flash, dad rushed running in the kitched while buttoning his dress suit. His hair was disheveled and his expression was grim.
"Missiah?" He asked warily, yet his eyes was telling the otherwise. It was threatening.
My sister's face paled as her mouth parted. She looked at me in disbelief and I looked away, whistling.
"Daaaaaad! No!" She dramatically whined. She ran on to him and hugged his waist. "I d-don't! I don't have a boyfriend! Gracious! No, of course not! Mighty is being a jerk!"
I burst out laughing and dad glowered at me. I've bitten on my sandwich and ran across our living room. As I was about to grab my carkeys, mom showed up and held it up.
"No. You're not driving today."
My eyes widened. "Mom! You are not serious, am I right?" I asked.
She shook her head. "Nope," she said, popping the 'p' as she handed me some bills. "Take this and find your own way to get in school. And don't you not attend because I have my eyes, dear."
When she said 'eyes', it could be Lyra. The two of them are very much close like a mother-daughter. Sometimes I would think if she's my long lost sister or not. Or maybe Missi and her was swapped when they were still a baby.
"Ugh, fine." I rolled my eyes as I accepted the bills and put it in my pocket. I would just grab a taxi.
"Take care, son!" I heard her said. I could imagine the smile in her face even though my back was facing me.
"Love you, mum!" I waved my hands in the air dismissively as I scurried away.
"No trouble, okaaaaaaay?!" She shouted.
"Got it!" I answered almost immediately. As soon as I got out of our gate, coincidentally there's a taxi already waiting at me. Or was it even a coincident? Nonetheless, it's still in my favor so I quickly went in and told the driver to send me school.
Just then, realization striken me.
School, the punishment, and Rizer.
My mood soured up in a blink of an eye. I paid the driver and got off his car. I looked at the school sign logo above the massive gate. The bold letters of NYIS was painted in gold and silver. The snake-like stick under the letters was crimson red. It almost looked so creepy. Geez.
"Where's your I.D?" The guard said. I showed him my I.D and had it scanned on the scanner and then I listed my name on the logbook before I totally was able to enter. Wew. Tight security. And since it was high-tech, my parents probably received a notifications that their child was already in the school.
This institution is crazy, why do we need to have a thumbprint in order to enter? Didn't they considered those people who has some deformity? Oh, God they are insensitive!
Lol. Kidding aside.
I walked thru the sea of students carrying my bag on my back with also a box of hospital hand gloves. My mother prepared it herself as she agreed on the principal to have me punished. Krazie mother.
It was still early but I was already here. Ms. Maggie informed us that we would have our schedule regarding about our one month school service. Punishment to be exact. Fuck. I hate cleaning, let alone having Rizer as my partner in it.
And speaking of that jerk...
I narrowed my eyes at him as I spotted him standing in front of my locker number. There was a girl in his arms clinging like a freaking tarsier while they kissed shamelessly in the hallway filled with students. I immediately recognised the girl he was kissing.
It was Kessie, my ex fucking girlfriend.
I clenched my jaw as I stopped in front of them. With my arms crossed around my chest, I spoke, "You two horny individuals could get a room instead of making out in front of my locker, yah know?"
Kessie pulled away and looked at me, shocked. I looked at her flatly. This slut...
"M-Mighty!" She exclaimed, disoriented from the kiss. Rizer snickered as he wrapped his arms around her small of a waist.
"Step aside, bitch," I said calmly.
"Hi there, partner! How's---"
"Shut the fuck up, Rutherford." I rolled my eyes as I pushed away the girl blocking my locker. She gasped as she stumbled in Rizer's arms.
I find my key thru my pocket as I heard the two of them talked. He was asking her to leave and wait for him inside the vacant room from the abandoned building. And I knew exactly what they're up to. It's not like I haven't done it before. Sure, I also brought girls there.
Hallelujah, sorry Papa Jesus.
"You look not so bad of yourself today, Mighty. Was your night beautiful?" I heard him asked. I turned to face him and showed him my middle finger. He just smiled like a sick man. My brows furrowed at his sudden nice of approach. And he even smiled at me, huh? Hmm, suspicious...
I squinted my eyes at him cautiously. He chuckled and stepped back as he spoke defensively, "What? Can't I greet you nicely today? Since we are going to be partners in cleaning, we must have a great relationship as lockermate."
"I'll kick your ass, Rizer. Tell me what you did."
"What?" He smiled.
"I know you did something! Tell it to me before I kick your ass!" I yelled.
He tilted his head and his smile widened. God, he looks like a psychopath! I wanted to strangle him to death!
"I did nothing, Mighty," he denied. Of course, he would. Why am I even expecting him to follow what I'd said? Stupid, self.
I looked at him for a brief moment before I sighed and averted my eyes. He wouldn't tell me so I would just figure it out myself. I  shook my head and took out my key to open my locker. I glanced at Rizer who was now grinning. I rolled my eyes and shrugged off my shoulders.
I thought of what possible things he would've done to make fun out of me. I tried to think about it thoroughly. Could it be he had me recorded while having sex with some random college girls when I attended party last, last night? Or could it be he have planned not to attend our cleaning session later at the soccer field?
All the thoughts and possibilities I was thinking suddenly ended when I opened my locker and a snake appeared right before my eyes.
A loud shrill escaped from my mouth as adrenaline rush through me. My heart dropped down in the abyss pit of my stomach as I stumbled backwards.

Book Comment (90)

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    nice grammar and nice story I like the scenario and scene I hope many people enjoy this and I hope many people realised this morning and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be


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    Rêäl Dëlâ Çrûz Ygøt

    nice apps


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    hai super Ganda


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