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Chapter 2

Chapter 2
I puff a breath as I boredly sat on the seat in the back of the class. There was nothing really much of an interest in schooling. Teachers are boring and stricts. They gives homeworks and does do a lot of things to get their pupils tortured. I don't understand parents has to send their children to school. Well, in a second thought. School is also fun. I had gained a lot of friends and I could play Basketball and any other physical activities. But still, lectures are torturing. I almost fell asleep.
"Hi!" Someone beamed behind, poking my back. My sleepiness fade away real quick and I turned over my shoulder and saw a girl smiling at me. She was beautiful. Her black hair was tied into a messy bun, exposing her small of a face. She has a brown, expressive eyes. Her nose was small yet pointy. Her lips was plump and naturally bloody red. She was smiling widely at me with a friendly look in her face.
I had to blink my eyes and slap my face to see if I wasn't dead. It seems like I had just seen an angel.
I cleared my throat as I regained my composure. "Hey,"
"Hi, we're classmates in this class!"
I tilted my head to the one side. "Yeah, obviously."
She giggled and took out her hand in front of me. "Hi, I am Trisha Angeline Levkin. What's your name?"
"I'm Mighty Styles. It's nice meeting you,"
"Same!" She said before she covered her mouth through her mouth. "Ops, our teacher is looking at us right now."
I shrugged and glanced at the teacher. She gave us a disapproving look before she continued discussing.
I stood up and sat next to Trisha. "You're a Russian?" I asked calmly.
"Yup!" She chirped. "And also a Filipina. Although 3/4 blood only. My real surname is Madrigal but I'm using my dad's Russian last name. Levkin. I'm also a British 'cause my mom is one."
"I see," I said. "How old are you?"
"I'm 16. You?"
"Oh, you're one year ahead of me." She looked at her phone and I unintentionally peeked, seeing a boy in her locker screen. "Anyways, I've seen you with Lyra earlier. Are you perhaps her boyfriend?"
I shook my head. "No, we're bestfriends. She's like a sister of mine," I replied. "How do you know her?"
"We've been friends since yesterday through ballet class I've applied. You know, I'm kind of a newbie here and I'm badly looking for friends. Can we be friends?"
I smiled at her. "Of course, we can."
Her eyes widened and she clapped her hands in glee. "Great! Oh, my gosh!"
I laughed at her adorableness and couldn't help myself to pinch her cheek. She pouted and pulled away, rubbing her abused cheek.
"You and my twin are just the same. You like pinching my cheeks. They are not even chubby,"
"Believe me, they are."
She playfully rolled her eyes, then she grinned. "Are you a gay?"
Her question had me taken aback. My smile froze and slowly vanished. My mouth parted. What?
"I..." I struggled to say. How should I answer her? Was she even serious? No, I am not a gay nor bi, but do I look like one? Do I look like a gay? Wow, I'm quite offended.
The very awkward situation came to an end when someone arrived in and interrupted Trisha and I's conversation. My tensed shoulder sagged in relief. But it didn't lasted for too long.
"Hey, Isha," I heard his oh-so very rough yet manly voice. It gave me goosebumps all around.
My head automatically rose up to look at him. He was standing so tall and lean in front of us. His athletic frame of a body towered me up and his nice scent lingered in my sense of smell. My eyes found his face. He has a dirty, blonde hair. It was slightly disheveled and wet. His eyebrows were thick, it was sloped down a little, making him look like snob and serious. His eyes were jet black, like a starless night. His aristocrat nose was standing proudly in his face. It was perfectly sculpted. And his stubborn, strong jaw could probably slice me two.
I looked at him defiantly. Our gazes met and he only smirked at me.
"Oh, Rizer!" Trisha said. I quickly looked at her. Don't tell me she was friends with this jerk with an uncircumcised dick? "You're here,"
"Yeah." He shrugged off his shoulders. "Can I sit beside you?" Phew, I'm shocked he could also be polite.
"Sure, sure!" Trisha quickly responded and let him sat beside her seat. Now, we are side by side of her. "By the way. Mighty, this is Rizer, my friend from Philippines and also my brother's bestfriend. Rizer, this is Mighty, my new friend."
I sucked in a deep breath and puff it harshly. Rizer chuckled that made my blood boils even more hotter. I really hate this boy to the core. We knew each other since we entered high school and even before, we already had this hate towards each other. He's arrogant and quite frankly, full of himself. He's boastful and a total jerk. I could still remember those days when we would try to go into each other's nerves. He had gotten into my shower and put a purple dye in my shampoo. I had to attend my game with a purple-head like a fucking mushroom.
Then the next day, I've teared up his football uniform and he wasn't be able to join the game. I should've took a photo of his face; it was priceless. He looks like he was about to cry!
"Yow, low." I smiled a sarcastic smile at him and rolled my eyes.
"Low, yow." He replied with a laugh. "Wazzup, man?"
"Fine one minute ago before you came."
He put his hand on his chest, acting like he was offended. "Aw, harsh."
I scoffed.
"Do you guys know each other?" Trisha asked. "Ah, right. Probably,"
"We knew each other... more than you could think of." Rizer wiggled his brow and both him and Trisha laughed. Where's the humor in it? I see none.
The campus bell ringed and everybody stood up faster than The Flash.
I lazily stood up from my seat and wore my black bag on my back. It was lightweighted 'cause it only has a bottle of Gatorade and some pens in it including highlighters. Also a charger and a headphone. I like music anyways. I didn't bring much of a notebooks and other school stuff 'cause first; I don't feel like bringing one. Second, what would possibly I could bring if I didn't have one to begin with?
I forgot to buy school supplies and I didn't plan to buy, too. It would just a waste of money because I'm a lazy ass to even bring it to school.
"Mighty, where are you heading?" Trisha asked as she stood up, too. I was kinda astounded. She's a tall girl. "Are you going to the cafeteria? Can I tag along with you? I am still not really familiar with this school,"
I nodded my head silently and licked my lower lip. I waited till she finally was done gathering her things up and placed it inside her bag. She hang it up in her slender shoulder before she smiled at me softly.
"Let's go?" I said and smiled back.
"Wait, wait..." My eyes authomatically rolled heavenwards when Rizer spoke. "Don't leave me, you two."
"You're not invited to come." I glared at him.
"Well, you didn't ever invited me before. I'm used to it." He grinned and hang his arms around my shoulder. "Dude, I missed you!" Same. I missed punching him.
"The feeling isn't mutual so fuck off, loser."
He groaned loudly. "Come on, don't be so rude. We didn't seen each other for two months straight. Didn't you missed me?"
"Why would I miss you? You're irritating." I removed his hand on my shoulder and looked at Trisha who has now a teasing smile in her face. "Let's go, you wouldn't want to walk alone, do you?"
"Ship, ship, ship!" She said and giggled so loudly. Her eyes were moving from me to Rizer back and fort.
I tilted my head questiongly as I blinked. I really couldn't understand girls.
Rizer laughed behind me. He was so close I could feel his hot breathing on the back of my ear. I immediately put a distance and narrowed my eyes at him. If we didn't knew each other since before, I'd probably think he's a faggot. But no, he isn't. His countless of girlfriends prove him that.
"Isha, baliw ka talaga," Rizer said. My brows furrowed at what he said. He spoke a foreign language.
Trisha laughed. I began walking towards the exit, not minding if they'd follow me or not. I felt their presence trailing after me so I assume they got the hint that I'm done with the talking. I'm bored and fucking hungry. I'm craving for Taco.
As we entered the busy cafeteria, I quickly noticed my team seated on our usual spot. Beside us was the football team. I walked towards them and had some fistbumbs and manly hug from my mates.
"Cap," Axl, my teammate said in recognition. We all had a terrible morning due partying last night. And I bet his' was worse. His blonde hair was messy and the dark circle under his eyes were visible.
I grinned as I threw my bag on the table and sitten up beside him. We began talking about our nights last night and we congratulate ourselves for the win. Some juniors gotten our orders up. Sodas scattered around our table as we talk. The table next to us was also noisy. I annoyedly turned my head towards its direction and unexpectedly locked my gaze on Rizer black orbs.
"Will you and your fucking team shut up?" I hissed. My team and his' went silent after I spatted their table.
He arched me a brow as he crossed his amrs around his chest. We were sitting across each other so I could be able to see his face clearly. He has this smug smirk plastered in his red, thin lips. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why would we?" He asked. "We came here first,"
"This spot is ours! You could've chosen a table far away from us, you loser of a captain."
"Booooo!" My teammates said in unison, making Rizer's team to snarl. They glared at us.
"This is a free country, we can do anything we want," Rizer smiled like an idiot. "If you badly want to get rid of us, try harder."
I was about to stand up and throw a punch on his fucking annoying face when someone suddenly came. It was Trisha, together with a boy whom I suppose is her brother. They look alike. Although the boy was taller than her by inches and he doesn't have a friendly look in face unlike Trisha's.
"Hello, guys!" She beamed. She was holding a tray on her hands as she stood up in the middle of our tables. "There's no vacant seat left, can we sit here?"
"Hey, Trav, Isha. Sure, come on," Rizer said. Trisha looked at me and smiled softly as she sat down in their table. His team began asking who was she and the boy beside her. Rizer seems like he already knew them since then. "They were my childhood friends," he said to his teammates.
I scoffed when our eyes met. I stood up to find the comfort room 'cause my bladder was crying right now. He was still talking with the twins whilst laughing. His laugh dominated the whole corners of this room. Ah, my eyes are bleeding.
I walked past by their table, and past by him. But of course, Rizer is Rizer. He wouldn't just let me. The last thing I knew, I was tripped by his foot blocking my way. His group burst out laughing and my team immediately came and helped me up.
My cheeks burned up in embarrassment and anger. I shrugged off my shoulders to shove my friends away as I marched towards Rizer who was now grinning like an oaf.
I pulled him up by his colar and without a word, I threw a hard punch on his cheek.
Just then, the riot started.
Wow, whatta good show to start the very first day of class.

Book Comment (90)

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    nice grammar and nice story I like the scenario and scene I hope many people enjoy this and I hope many people realised this morning and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be


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    Rêäl Dëlâ Çrûz Ygøt

    nice apps


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    hai super Ganda


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