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Just how it is planned, what happened after the firing course is the meeting about the pageant to be executed. This portion will highlight the wit, charisma, creativity, even the physical talent they can show.
“It is good that you came here on time. Let’s start with the program you want to liquify” Lt. Col. Peredo initiated. “Coronel, it will be better if we’ll make the program flowy according to the officials. It will be suited if we’ll use EITSQS” (Entrance, Introduction, Talent Showcase, Sportswear, Question and Answer, Survival)
In the Entrance, the main surprise of each family will be seen. Most of the time, military combats are worn by each participant. In this portion photoshoots, video graphs, and other behind-the-actual presence clips including preparations are seen. Here, their charisma will be tested based on the photos. Their confidence level in front the officials will be focused on.
The second portion is the Introduction where the contestants will be familiarized through their name starting with their surname and position. Next are their ages and the team they belong to. Here, they can see how the individual is proud of his/her family.
In the Talent Showcase, the hidden talents of each participant will be served on stage. This portion will prove their capabilities inside and outside the camp.
The sportswear portion will show the participant’s flexibility in a different attire that will suit him/her. This doesn’t mean that you’re capable enough to do the sport. Instead, the sportswear should suit the boy physique of the individual.
The Question and Answer aims to bring out knowledge and wit from the contestants. It is done orally and demerits will be earned if a dead air happens. Speed processing and knowledge in the topic merits a high point. Most of the time, the questions are situational and it is only up to you and your opinion.
Lastly, the Survival, strength and strategy are measured in this portion. The four contestants will be on a maze while wearing a vest that will serve as the opponent’s target. Every target has a point but it should only be the vest itself that can be shot. The target points in the vest contains two colors – one for each team and no one should shoot one of the crucial points. In this portion, rule twists are present.
“I won’t change the program flow you made. If you think that you’re comfortable with this sequence, hand that to me and I’ll affix my signature,” said Lt.Col. Peredo. “Talking about the talent portion, what will you present?” he added.
“I will do the drum intervals. I’ve been practicing for over a week now” PVT JL answered. “We’ll do an entertainment performance” said Olivia that may connect with Silas since they are King at Queen in this battle meaning, they should share the talent. “I’ll do the violin” Endrei answered since it is his hobby. “We’re settled with the talent portion, how about the sportswear and the survival strategies?” the senior asked.
“I think swimming is a good one” Silas suggested. “You’ll chase away girls with that” JL contrasted.
“We’ll be wearing rash guards right Ola? What do you have in mind JL?” he defended his point. JL nodded and wrote down Silas’ idea in their notes.
“Talking about the strategy, it will be hard since we’re clueless about the rule twist” Olivia said. “Well at least we should initiate some preparations?” Silas answered.
“This won’t do. There are three possible rule twists in survival. First is the flickering lights, second is the limited bullets, lastly, wide-range maze” their senior uttered. “So, let us think about three plans. Plan A will go with the flickering lights, B will be used in limited bullets, and C will be on wide-range maze. What do you think?”. They all nodded and started planning their strategies.
On the other hand, at the same time, the two alternatives DK and Zaydi hunts food for their lunch.
The two are walking when DK noticed the end of the path that they are taking. “Wait, if we go straight, we’ll eat the same vegetable we had this morning. Don’t tell me we’ll eat kangkong again?”. “Then where do you want to hunt? This is the scope of our camp” Zaydi answered.
“What if we go to different tents and hunt there? Today is their schedule in the obstacle course” DK suggested. Zaydi nodded and crossed to the opposite camp where their opponents' territory is located.
They walked behind the tents but they found nothing except for the same vegetable they ate from their last two meals. They had no choice but to pick those kangkong in the ground.
“Damn this life! Kangkong for last night’s dinner, kangkong last breakfast, then we’ll eat this again later for lunch?” DK complained while holding the vegetable in his hand as if he’s choking it. “Hey don’t do that. That vegetable in your hand will solve our hunger” Zaydi answered.
After filling the basket, they went back to their own territory to hand over the vegetables to the kitchen staff. “Even though I like this vegetable, I still crave something tastier than this” Zaydi sadly uttered.
They walked continuously not until DK stopped. Zaydi got confused so he stared to the same direction where DK is looking. “What are you peeking at? You’re such a perv—” he failed to finish his sentence when DK covered his mouth.
They saw a fat chicken not too far from their distance. “Stay here Zaydi. Hold that basket of kangkong for me because later, that won’t be our main ingredient” DK said.
He gently walked nearer and nearer the chicken. DK went to Zaydi’s direction and made him face the chicken he caught. “How’s that? This will be the tastiest meal we’ll have today”. “Let’s return that chicken! Maybe someone owns it” Zaydi suggested while looking around.
“No one can notice this once it is cooked. Let’s go, we’ve been eating the same vegetable for almost two days. Aren’t you sick of it?” DK asked while holding the chicken in his arms. Zaydi sighed and followed DK who’s going to the kitchen.

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    pls akajajjaka


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