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“Nice meeting you, Stella” Silas said.
“It’s nice meeting you too, Silas. By the way, what you’re doing isn’t wrong right? I mean, you’re starting something with a Buddhist like me” Stella uttered.
“Friendship is not based with religion. It’s not also in economic standings. That’s what my family
taught me. How about you? Aren’t you scared to get caught? You’re here every day you know”
Silas answered.
“So, you’re saying that we’re friends already?” she asked.
Silas nodded. Stella smiled, “It’s not wrong to befriend a Christian like you. Besides, I have a lot
of friends who has the same religion as you”
“That’s good to hear. So far, you’re my third friend in this place” Silas said while chuckling.
Days passed and the two became really close. Silas is sitting in the church’s bench when Stella
sat beside him. “What have you been doodling about?” she asked.
Silas answered, “I’m writing my memories. It’s like a diary but it’s not; because I know, there
will be a time that everything will be forgotten by me” .
“Are you sure you’re writing memories? Seems like you’re composing prayers” she said and grabbed Silas’ notes.
“Hmmm… You’re really different” she commented.
“Wait a minute, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to pay your respects to your
temple?” he asked.
“Since we moved here, my faith already disseminated” she answered.
Stella changed the topic, “You know, it’s been weeks since I met you but I know nothing about
you except for your name and age”.
“Full name: Silas Israel Woolbright – Tiueco, nineteen, the first child among the six kids, sacristan” he answered.
“Really? So you have five siblings?” she asked; face shocked from Silas’ words.
“Yeah. Only two are legitimate, three from the maternal side, and one from the paternal side” he
“I’m an only child by the way” she said.
“We just migrated here one year ago” Silas shared.
“I’ve been here for almost ten years now” she said.
They all shared facts with each other. They exchanged questions until the sun started to set.
“The beauty of the sunset really amazes me. Here you will realize that the tiring day is finally over. At the end of the day, it shows your productivity and survival” Stella said while staring at
the sky.
“Right. Another day passed; Who knows what will happen tomorrow?” he asked.
“Maybe I will see myself going in this path again. I have nothing to do at home; I don’t have anyone to communicate with” she answered.
“Just say that you’re missing me that’s why you’re always here” Silas said.
“Wow. We just met; I haven’t developed any attachment with you” she answered.
Silas smiled; he thinks that he’s fond of her now. But they can only be friends and nothing more.
“Should you go now? It’s getting dark” Silas said and stood up to help her stand.
“I think so” she answered. Silas glanced at her, “I’ll take you home” he offered.
“Is it okay? Is it convenient for you?” Stella asked.
“Let’s get going” he said.
Stella felt awkward at that moment. The cold wind from the night sky is touching their skin.
“Don’t be bothered, I’m not wearing my cassock; no one can judge you here” Silas said. It broke her silence. Silas continued walking while wearing his white shirt and slacks.
“They all know that my religion is familiar and it is obvious that you’re a Christian” she
“I don’t mind. There’s nothing wrong with it, right?” he asked.
In just a glimpse, Stella walked confidently. She didn’t mind those people glancing at them.
They stopped when they reached a corner, “You can leave me here. I’ll take the road to the subdivision” Stella said.
Silas waved goodbye and went back to the church. Stella watched him go; he still folded the cassock and hanged it in his arm. She felt a soft touch in her heart; maybe he values her feelings or maybe… he only values their friendship.
Stella’s mind went blank, she’s just thinking about Silas. He’s a gentleman and you can’t deny the fact that girls may fall from his attitude.
Even her got close to him in just few days. Stella held her chest, “Why am I feeling this way?” she asked herself.
She went inside their subdivision and found no one inside their house. Their housekeeper
approached her, “Stella, your parents already left. Sit down and have your dinner” she said.
“Sister Hua, how can you differentiate a crush to a friend?” Stella asked, eyes staring blankly.
“You know it’s a crush when you get attracted to his talents, the way he moves, or the way he
talks. When it’s a friend, you enjoy his company, you learn from him, and you got his
companion” their housekeeper answered.
“Can my friend become my crush?” she asked.
“Of course. But you should always be aware of love. You can’t remember how love will start you can just feel it devouring your mind and it will make you follow your heart who’s making foolish decisions” Sister Hua answered.
Stella scratched her head, “I’m so clueless, I can’t understand a thing” she said.
“Stella, you need to be more careful with love. You’re still young” Sister Hua said while preparing her dinner.
Silas on the other hand, returned to the church. Xavier approached him, “We need to cook
now, Bro. Silas. Give me a hand in the kitchen and wear your cassock please”
Silas came to his senses and immediately followed Xavier. Carl touched his sleeves, “Bro Silas, I
saw you with Stella a while ago. Is she your girlfriend?” he asked.
Silas got his palm covered to Carl’s mouth. “Ssshh… the brothers might get the wrong idea.
We’re just friends” he answered.
Xavier saw the two fooling around, “Bro. Silas, Carl, what are you doing there? We’ve got some work to do” he said making the two’s attention captivated.
Silas answered, “Nothing, we just talked about the schedule tomorrow”
Xavier looked at them, “Remember Proverbs 25:1: telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow” .
The two were left guilty while doing their tasks. “We’re doomed if this happens again” Carl said
and helped Silas in setting the table.

Book Comment (319)

  • avatar
    Cris Tian Bustrillo

    I always looking forward to this kind of novels that has love story with some excitements in the end♥️♥️


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