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The Salary

Deme and Lora arrived in Manila. Lira met them at the bus station and went straight to her boarding house. Lira’s boarding house was small, but she made it possible for her parents to stay in Manila for three days.
The next day…
The day of their graduation has arrived.
“Lira, I’m excited to see you on stage.” Her mother said cheerfully.
“Thank you Ma, I’m also happy that you and Papa are here. Although I’m a little sad in my heart because Naneth isn’t here. Where is Naneth now?” said Lira.
Deme heard that he suddenly entered the conversation.
“That’s enough, you are pure Naneth... Naneth. It’s hard to hear her name. ”
“Deme, what are you, you don’t seem to be Naneth’s niece! You don’t seem to have a heart and feelings, aren’t you worried about where she is now?” Lora replied.
“Why? It’s like you’re being targeted by what you’re saying! ”
“Mom, dad… please it’s okay, are you fighting up to here. You two are ashamed.” Lira interrupts.
“I’m sorry dear, you know that I’m anxious about Naneth who has been missing for a year and still no one can tell where she is now.” Said her mother.
Robin’s parents are also at the venue.
“Mom and Dad, thank you for coming to my graduation. I am happy because we are complete.” Smiling,” Robin said.
“Of course, son, we have a surprise for you. Just wait for him to come,” said his father.
“Really Dad, it looks like I’m going to be inspired to go up on that stage ah!”
They went inside. Robin saw Lira was talking to someone. He went to it and talked to it.
“Excuse me, Lira!” Robin called.
“Oh! You are Robin.” Lira replied.
“Did I disturb you?” said Robin.
“Ah! Not really. By the way, my mother is Mrs. Lora Reyes. Mom, my classmate, is Robin Tan.” Introduce Lira.
“I’m glad to meet you, Mrs. Reyes. ”
“Thank you, Robin. Nice to meet you too.”
“Thank you. Where” Robin is Lira’s father?”
“Ah! My husband, the Robin, just went to the toilet. It will come back soon.” Answer by Mrs. Lora.
“Ah! Okay, Robin’s parents approached. And he introduced it to them.
“By the way, my mother is Mrs. Neva Tan, and my father, Mr. Gilbert Tan.” Smiling, Robin introduced himself.
“I’m glad to meet you, Mr. And Mrs. Tan. By the way, I am Lora Reyes and she is Lira, our daughter, and Deme.” said Mrs. Lora.
“Nice to meet you too, Lora. Where is your husband?” Neva asked.
“Ah! I’m sorry, he just went to the toilet. Dad is coming back.” Said, Lira.
“Ah! Is that so! That’s okay. All right, my husband and I will just sit down first. Come on son, ”
“All right Lira, let’s go first. Good luck to us later.”” Goodbye, Robin.
“Deme, where are you going, and why are you taking so long?”
“What do you care what I’m doing before graduation starts!” annoyed Deme.
“Mom, can’t you just be quiet now? It’s embarrassing for my classmate’s parents.” Lira interrupts them.
Louie arrived at the venue to attend his nephew’s graduation.
“Congratulations, nephew,” Louie said, smiling.
“Uncle, you are here. I am happy that you attended my graduation.” Robin said cheerfully.
“Of course, you are still my favorite nephew. Guess who is with me? ”
“Who?” Abigail came in from outside.
“Congratulations, my dear cousin,” Abigail kissed Robin on the cheek and hugged him.
Lira turned around correctly. She saw Robin hugging a woman. She felt jealous. She wanted to rush them both in case she thought about what was her role in Robin’s life. They were just friends. She suddenly felt annoyed.
“So, how was your trip, Abigail?”
“So far it was tired, Robin, but it’s okay,” Abigail replied.
“Louie, where’s Natasha?”
“Don’t let him just understand him brother, because she doesn’t want to come with us because she’s going to take care of a welcome party for his friend Aurora’s daughter. You know Natasha is yours with friends who won’t stop.” Louie replied.
“So, what cousin will you come home to after your graduation?”
“Maybe Abigail,” because I miss our house and the pets on the farm. Haha!” Robin’s funny story.
Lira noticed that as she peeked at Robin’s conversation. She felt annoyed because she did not know who that woman was. She couldn’t be bothered because they were so close.
“Dear, why can’t you relax. Are you having trouble wearing your dress? ”
“Ah! Not Ma. Where is Papa?
Why isn’t he still in the toilet? He? He has done going there.” astonished Lira said.
“Let your dad go first, that’s just the way it is so you can get used to it.”
Louie was about to enter the toilet, and he heard a man talking in the other cubicle.
“Hello, bro! Tell our boss to give me that girl’s salary. For us to have money here, just take it from the boss.” Said the man.
“Bro, Boss doesn’t want to give it because the child is sick, she needs more money to be treated.”
“What ?! That bastard oh! That girl is acting again. Now she will be paid. It’s annoying. Just tell the boss that I’ll take it,” the man retorted.
Louie is confused which child the girl is referring to why he insists on taking the child’s salary. He noticed the man come out, but the man didn’t notice him but he saw the color of the dress the man was wearing. After the man left, he quickly washed his hands and followed the man with his gaze. He saw it side by side with a young woman and his wife. Only then did he return to his seat.
“Oh! Louie, you’re sweating,” Neva noticed her sister.
“Ah! No sister, I’m fine. It’s hot in the toilet,” so this is how I react.” Louie replied to his brother.
“Just a moment someone called me, I’ll just answer it’s important.” Said Gilbert.
“All right, just hurry and the ceremony will start.” His wife replied.
“Hello Boss, Deme called me. He said he would receive the salary of the child he sold,” said the man.
“What?”! Is he crazy already? The child is sick Mrs. Maria asked me to treat the child so that she can work properly.” Gilbert replied.
“I don’t know that man. He is very greedy for money. Even though his niece worked for him, he still wanted to be the recipient, even though he was just buying from his vice. Now he is pretending that they are spending money.” Explanation by the man.
“Tell him to be quiet because he is thinking of nothing but himself. All right, I’m busy with my son’s graduation.” He puts down his phone.
He was surprised when Robin suddenly spoke behind him.
“Dad, it’s about to start.”
“Oh! Are you still there, son?” his father asked.
“Just now, why?”
“Ah! No son. All right, maybe your name will be called. ”
“No worries, dad because my last name is Tan. Tan, I’ll be called too late haha!” jokingly said, Robin.
Roel didn’t stop looking for the girl he met on the way, but to this day he still has no news.
“Is there any news on what I’m looking for from you?”
“Boss, I’m sorry but I haven’t yet.” Answer by one of his staff.
“All right, don’t stop looking.” Said Roel. Gio’s phone rang.
“Hello dad, our graduation is next week. Can you come? ”
“Of course son, will I miss your graduation. Let’s just talk! Do not forget!”
“Yes, dad, that was noted. Do I have a choice! Haha,” Gio laughed at his father.
“Okay, so I’ll expect that.”
“Dad, what happened? Why can you only call me once. Is there a problem? ”
“Ah! It’s childish, but I’ll just tell you when we meet. ”
“Okay dad, I’ll understand. Take care of yourselves because you are my only ally.” Gio said softly.
“Of course, son, don’t be sad or your daddy will cry over that,”
“All right, be careful there, see you next week.”
Naneth is excited to receive her salary. Because she also worked for a month.
“Oh! Naneth, this is your salary. I’ll just give it to you because Boss is still in Manila.” Said one of Gilbert’s staff.
“Thank you, but why does it seem to lack? I will still receive medical treatment. ”
“Don’t complain anymore because your uncle took half of your salary. He still owes money to the boss, you must also pay. Thank you, that boss took pity on you and gave you more because you need him. ”
“What?! Why did he take it? I don’t owe that. Why” should I pay.” Naneth is still not losing.
“I told you not to complain! Maybe what else can I do for you?” The man’s voice rose.
“That’s enough,” Mrs. Maria interrupts.
“Come on Naneth, don’t fight or complain anymore because you have nothing against them either.”
Naneth left feeling bad. She worked hard and only her uncle benefited. Naneth was so angry with her uncle she kept it up. She was still living her life.
Meanwhile, Natasha and Aurora are busy with the party to be held for Aurora’s son. Her only son is coming from another country” so that’s how she prepares for her son.
Who is Aurora’s son referred to? What role will he play in everyone’s life?

Book Comment (282)

  • avatar
    Apple Tandayag Arreglado

    very nice story 😁


  • avatar
    Nhe Flor Briol

    I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby may have a good night love youuu to be fun to see tour face and I will be there in a few min late for me first thing in condition is the quickest way to lose my mind and I will be home tomorrow morning and I can you show an email from Philippines i always love youuu you too baby may have a great weekend and happy Birthday sa ana


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    Thank you readers for reading and give support to my story. God bless.


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