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7 - First Love

[ Myrtle's Point of View ]
"Hey, Myrtle, you okay?"
I turned to Kristina as I was washing the dishes in the cafe.
"Yeah," I replied.
"You seem to be thinking of something. Is your mother alright?" she asked again, and I nodded. I just nodded because I really don't know mom's condition right now.
Actually, I was thinking about Sean. He really looked so concerned or something along those lines.
If he really does have feelings for me, why? I mean, he barely even knows me.
Geez, Myrtle, stop thinking about him.
"What did you and Yohan do yesterday? Is he kind?"
"Yep. He was very kind and welcoming. Also, he's very talented."
That's when it hit me, I've been trusting people too much.
"What about the man who went looking for you here last night? Is he your boyfriend? He was acting so worried when I told him you went with Yohan."
"He's not my boyfriend. How do I put it, uhm- I am actually staying in his condo for the meantime because I don't have anywhere to go," I replied hesitantly. Kristina nodded.
"He looked damn fine. If I were you, I would've dated him already. Besides, he looked rich."
"He is has a rich ass, but I can't just date him."
That's right. I mean, falling for him isn't hard, but I don't know him. We kissed, but that was my hormones talking.
I don't even know what type of company he is managing, if he has siblings, or if he plans on entering college as well.
I know nothing about that man.
The day passed as usual. As soon as I went out of the shop, I saw Sean's car parked in the parking space. He opened his window, and I saw him, handsomely looking at me.
"Let's go!" he screamed. I walked towards his car without further ado and sat at the passenger seat.
"How's your day?" he asked as he started the engine.
I sighed. "Just any other typical day. Hey, can I just be your maid? I think your maids have much more salary than the nurses here," I uttered.
"No. You are only qualified to be my wife."
I grimaced at what he said. Why is he so eager to marry me?
"Have we met before?" I asked him out of curiosity. I know we didn't because he lives in a city and I live in a rural area. It's just absurd why he wants someone like me, or rather, he just wants someone to toy with?
I know that people are not serious in relationships nowadays. Who knows if Sean is one of those people.
He looked at me while driving. "You really don't remember?" he asked with a hint of sorrow in his voice.
"I don't think we've met before. I don't remember meeting you at all," I replied.
"I can see that."
"So, you were saying we've met before?"
He nodded. I frowned in curiosity.
"Huh? How? Where?" I leaned closer to him.
"Well, I was a child that time. I was nine when I first met you at the farm."
"How would you even know if the child you met was me? I mean, people in the province almost look alike," I replied.
"It might be ridiculous, but you saved me from a goat attacking me that time," he responded and laughed.
Yes, it is ridiculous. Goats won't attack people unless they are triggered.
"Really? Well, I don't think that's enough reason for you to want to marry me. By the way, I don't remember you at all. And, I'm sorry about the goat."
"That's not just the reason. During summer vacation, I used to go back to your farm to look for you. Sometimes, I catch you toiling the soil or feeding the chickens. Whenever the sun hits your skin, and you cover your face with your hand, it's just attractive," he muttered in awe like I was the most beautiful person he saw.
I widened my eyes at him and gasped.
"You were stalking me?" I voiced.
"If you see it that way. When you saved me from the goat, I knew to myself that I had a crush on you. And whenever I get to glance at you every summer, I am enthralled. Who would've thought we are now living under one roof? It's a fate, I presume?"
"It's not fate. It's just a coincidence."
He chuckled as I rolled my eyes at him. I can't believe he was stalking me! So that means he already knew me before I met him at the hospital, right?
"You really visited the farm every summer?"
"Yeah. I was doing it for eleven years, Myrtle. But within those years, I never got the courage to approach you."
Eleven damn years?
I just sat quietly as I thought about what I was doing in the past eleven years. Well, I did nothing but plow the fields and play with my naughty siblings.
"You were my first love, Myrtle. I plan on making you my last too."
We went back to his condo without me speaking a word. I was dumbfounded because of his sudden confession.
It's apparent that he has lingering feelings for me, but the tone in his confession back in his car was different.
It made my heart flutter.
I shook my head at that thought. I don't want to trust him. How would I know if he was lying just so he could marry me and use me as his puppet?
Sean, you fraud.
I walked towards the maid's room and saw the cute, fifteen-year-old maid. I realized that I didn't know her name yet.
"Hey," I greeted her while reading a Physics book.
"You're studying well, huh?" I added and sat beside her on her bed with black sheets.
"Oh, hi Myrtle! It's been days since I last saw you! Sorry. Sir Sean sent us on vacation," she replied and smiled at me.
"Is your mom living here too? I didn't see her yet," I said.
"My mom will come back soon. She's now with my siblings because they need her. She told me to work here on behalf of her, that's why I am here. Sir Sean is kind to let me work here," she said.
It struck me. Her mom probably was hurting when she asked her daughter to substitute for her, but I guess she has no other choice. Besides, her siblings need their mom.
I wonder how my siblings are right now. Are they okay without mom and me? Are they eating well?
"By the way, I am Lemon. I forgot to introduce myself to you because I was too busy," Lemon said and closed her book.
She yawned and stretched her arms as she lay down on her bed. "I'm too tired of studying! What about you, Myrtle? Aren't you a college student?" she asked.
I shook my head and lay down beside her. "I was planning on entering med school, but I don't have enough money. My mother needs the money more than I do," I replied.
"That's sad. But you know? Sir Sean can help you with that. He's actually the one who is paying for my school fees. He also promised to support my education until I finally graduate college."
Yeah, he also told me that, but in one condition.
I need to marry him.
"If only there were other options out there," I replied. "Anyway, good night, Lemon. See you tomorrow." I patted her head and went out of her room.
"What were you doing there?" I was startled when Sean suddenly popped out of nowhere. Now, he is standing right in front of me while one eyebrow is raised.
"I just talked to Lemon. She's a strong kid. Why do you have to let her work here?" I asked him.
"Well, she is nanny's daughter. Besides, it was my nanny who forced me to accept Lemon. I couldn't do otherwise. Don't worry about her. I'm not letting her do the hard chores."
Oh, so Sean's nanny was Lemon's mother. That made sense.
"Can I just be one of your maids? You see, I can do almost every single chore!"
He pursed his lips and said a big fat NO.
"Come on! Just let me be one of your maids, and I will be the best-"
I stopped speaking as the telephone started ringing. Sean walked towards it and answered the call.
I couldn't clearly hear what they were talking about, but the tone of their conversation was serious. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, so I went somewhere where I couldn't hear the conversation.
I decided to go to the balcony and stare at the stars. Those stars were much more apparent and closer back at the province. I used to look at them with my siblings at night and sleep on the wet grasses.
It's just nostalgic. I hope to go back as soon as possible.
"Myrtle," Sean's voice became sad as I heard him speak from behind.
I turned to him, and he looked directly into my eyes.
"What happened?" I asked. I felt unnerved by his aura.
"Your mom. Something happened to your mom."

Book Comment (92)

  • avatar

    I have been waiting for the next chapter for this past few days... Hope you publish sooner or later. I really like the story and its plot. Very recommended <3


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