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Chapter 5 Uniform

When I entered, the faces of my companions were immediately exposed, except for Red, who didn't care.
"Oh, there's the missing one." Red said and stared at me.
“Where did you go Moon?” Ice asked.
“How long have you been a dora?” Cloud asked.
"It's good that no one is bullying you while we're not by your side?" Star asked.
"I'm sorry if I bothered you." I said.
"We're not worried, you're not important tho. We'd be even happier if you're gone." Said Red.
"it's just you." Said Shadow. I approached the Admiral and Admin who were looking at me. "I'm sorry if I suddenly disappeared." I said.
"What else can we do, the important thing is you're already here. Here's your uniform." Head admin said and handed a box to me.
"Here's yours Cloud." Said the Admiral and handed him the box as well.
"There's two comfortroom, Change your uniform and we'll accompany you to the facility." Admiral said, Cloud and I immediately followed. I am excited to change into a uniform because I will finally be able to wear the beautiful Moonlight uniform as well.
When I entered the cr, I immediately opened the box given to me by Admin. When I opened it, I was immediately exposed to a pair of blue shoes with heels. I immediately took one and measured.
"Just right for my size." I said and next picked up the blue Skirt with moon and star designs that were above the knee length and the black polo with a white cut at the neckline. It's Cute! at the very bottom of the box is a name plate with the Moonlight Academy emblem on it and engraved with 'Moon Laureen'
After tidying up I looked at myself in the mirror, I smiled because I couldn't quite assume that the Moonlight Academy uniform would suit me. After I looked at myself in the mirror, I came out of the comfortroom, it was also the same that Cloud had just come out, so our companions looked at us.
"I'm really handsome." Cloud said then looked at me. "You became human in that part." He said and laughed.
"Moon, you look like a model in a Moonlight uniform. It's up to you." Rain said and approached me.
"I hope all have the big boobs." Ice said so my eyes widened, those with us laughed except for Red as if no one could see.
"What's your story 'Hope all' , Red?" Star asked, Red just stared at him.
"You look good with that uniform, Moon." Admiral said. I smiled. " Thank you." I said.
"But her performance is not good." Red replied and looked at me. "Even if you dress in a rich uniform, it doesn't change the fact that you're still a weakling and poor." Red said to me.
"eh you? even if you have a gentle face, it doesn't change the fact that you're a witch." Rain appealed and glared at Red.
"That's enough, before you heat up, let's go. Let's go to the facility." Said the Admiral and opened the door. Red came out first so we followed.
While we were all walking, Cloud and I also did a mini tour. Every time we passed, the Admiral explained what it was until we came to the building where I always see Zero.
"This is the Moon Building." Said the Admiral. "Moonlight students are off limits here because this building is only for Stellers." Said the Admiral. We nodded. That's why I always see Zero because it's their building, maybe he was training here and he also stayed there.
"Is there a warning sign on it?" Cloud asked while looking at the second floor of the building. I also looked there and saw what he was saying. On that place i always saw Zero. "You're asking too much private talk so I can't answer that." Admiral replied.
"For now, let's go to the facility first so we can tour you inside." Admin interjected and walked first. We followed them until we came to the front of a large building.
"This is the Facility, here you will stay until the game day." Admin said so I swallowed.
"That facility is too big for us?" I said.
"How much do you pay for the electricity bill here?" Cloud asked.
"Are you ignorant?" Red asked Cloud. "Am i talking to you?" Red returns to Cloud. I laughed to myself, it looks like Red has a boy version ah.
There was what the Admiral and Admin took out of their pocket then that one one was given to us. It's a small card, our cards are different colors.
"That's what you're going to use to open this door." Said the admiral and swiped a card to the side of the door. it suddenly opened and from where I was standing I could see the expensive things inside the facility.
"Stay and feel at home guys. You will be staying here from now on." Said by Admiral. My companions entered while I slowly entered. I was even swallowed up by the size and extent of where I stand today. is this the first floor? if this is the first floor I'm sure the next floors will be more beautiful and wider.

Book Comment (133)

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    Datuprince Mamebped

    Lahat kayo gagagagaagagagahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahfafafafaafafafafafasasasasasasasasaadwewewewewwewdwwdwdwdwdddwwdwdwdwdwwdwdwrerefefefefefeefefefefeefeeeeteteteeffefefeyoyuyoyuyoyuyoyuyiyuyiyuyiyoyuyoyuyouyouyoyuyoyiyotgagaagagagagagsuddidieidufhcchfhdhfhfhfhdhdueeudidifififiififididudufufufufhffhfhfhdheuwusjdjcncnfnfnnfbffbfbfbfbfbfbdbdbdbddufjfjfjfjfhfhfjfncbcnvnvkvkglgglfojdjd in the morning to the office and I will be able to get the money to the company and I will be able t


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    Prince Javier Luhan

    Dayamond sa MLB


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    Marc Angelo

    it's good


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