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Chapter 3 First Class

Were in front of the history room and i really nervous to went inside because I know that the students inside are the students who i met earlier.
"Don't worry they won't bite." Rain said and put her arm around me. I looked at Cloud who was reading his book while waiting for us to enter our History room.
"Are you nervous?" I asked him, he looked at me and closed the book he was reading.
"No, I'm even more confident." He says.
"Hope all." I said, I looked at the left side of Cloud overlooking the other building.
"Where is Zero's Room?" I ask.
"Why are you looking for the room of the son of the owner of Moonlight?" Cloud asked.
"I'm just curious." I answered and took a deep breath. Is it in the other building? I just want to be friends.
"If you want to be friends with him, don't expect it. Because nobles like him definitely don't make friends with people like us." He says. Which is actually truth.
"Let's go." Star said when the door of the History room opened, I let Cloud enter first while I looked again at the Building in front of us. I smiled when I saw Zero standing where he had stood before while looking at me.
I immediately waved at him while smiling. He just smiled at me and then suddenly disappeared. Does he have the power to suddenly disappear?
"A new classmate of yours looks crazy." I was surprised by what the speaker said, I immediately looked in front of me and saw an old woman looking at me.
"G-Good day." I said, from where I was standing I could hear the laughter of my classmates inside.
I was devastated to realize that I was the only one standing outside our History room, Cloud was already in the chair. Is he done introducing himself?
"Maybe you want to come in?" The old woman in front of me asked, maybe she is our history teacher. As she said I entered the history room and was amazed at its size and breadth. There is a large blackboard in the front the size of the wall of this room. Gold chairs for the students to sit here and some History teaching equipment.
"Introduce yourself." Says our teacher then she closed the door,i was shy a little because Me and our history teacher are the only person whose standing in front while my classmates were sitting in their seats.
"Oh, the landfill is here!" I looked at my classmate who said that, the whispers echoed again in our classroom.
"She's just an obvious bitch." A crumpled paper hit me in the face, causing the students here to laugh.
Calm down Moon, don't let anything happen because you are just a beginner and they are strong creatures. Place yourself Moon.
"Shut up! Stop if you don't want Negative F on your papers!" Our history teacher shouted and silenced them. Fortunately, they are afraid to put an F on the paper.
"Ms. Moon, Introduce yourself." She said that's why I took a deep breath before facing my classmates again.
"My ..... name is ..... Moon Laureen Venumous ... I'm a ..... Levite and I'm one of those picked from RF--" I couldn't continue what I was about to say when suddenly laughed my classmates.
"We have a Levite classmate Guys!" A man in the back shouted, which made my classmates even louder.
I just went and forced myself to calm down, I don't want to show that I am weak as they say but with what they are doing to me now such as throwing paper at me, my self -esteem is getting weaker.
Is it like this here? just because my only ability is reading minds,i'm weak? Just because I only have one ability they underestimate me?
Was it my fault that I was born with only one ability?
Is it my fault that I am from the tribe of Levite?
"Sit down." Our teacher said and pointed to an empty seat at the end where there was another vacancy next door. I did walk to there.
I was already sitting in the chair where our history teacher had taught me, a woman next to me suddenly moved away from her chair and seemed disgusted that I could be next to her.
I just ignored that and looked out the window near the history room door. I heard that our teacher's discussion had started but nothing else entered my mind but the mistakes it of my classmates to me.
I stopped when I saw Zero who suddenly stopped walking and peeked out the window then smiled at me, I looked at my classmates who were only focused on our teacher's disscusion. I turned my gaze back to Zero who was carrying a notebook and wrote something and then turned to me. I first looked at my classmates to see if they could see Zero's letter but they only focused on our teacher's lesson.
*'Don't cry'* That's what Zero wrote in the notebook he was holding. I frowned and touched my cheek, that's when I realized that my tears were dripping but I didn't even notice. I immediately wiped it off and looked at Zero with another letter.
'*Let's recess together.*' That's what he said so I looked at him looking at me, I nodded and smiled.
"Ms Moon, Can you please stand up." My eyes widened when our teacher called me. I stood up and looked at our teacher in confusion. All the eyes of my classmates were on me.
“Can you please repeat what I’ve said?” It asked. I swallowed because I didn't even know what she said because I was looking at Zero.
"Ma'am S-sorr ---"
"Stupid nut hahahahaahah." One of my classmates shouted, causing the classroom to make noise again.
It just fell silent when Red suddenly stood up.
"Yes, yes, she's stupid but can you keep quiet? Your voice is hurting my ear." She said then looked at the clock.
"I will answer the question. The olden age of Greek philosophy took place in Athens in the 5th century BC. Starting at the height of the Roman republic, Christian thought was central to philosophy at least until the enlightenment. that's it, we can take a break now.. " Red said and immediately walked out of the room. We were left silent here when the bell suddenly rang signaling the break.
"Moon, let's go." Rain said standing up, I picked up my gear and walked over to our teacher.
"I'm sorry ma'am." I said then ran to Rain.

Book Comment (133)

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    Datuprince Mamebped

    Lahat kayo gagagagaagagagahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahfafafafaafafafafafasasasasasasasasaadwewewewewwewdwwdwdwdwdddwwdwdwdwdwwdwdwrerefefefefefeefefefefeefeeeeteteteeffefefeyoyuyoyuyoyuyoyuyiyuyiyuyiyoyuyoyuyouyouyoyuyoyiyotgagaagagagagagsuddidieidufhcchfhdhfhfhfhdhdueeudidifififiififididudufufufufhffhfhfhdheuwusjdjcncnfnfnnfbffbfbfbfbfbfbdbdbdbddufjfjfjfjfhfhfjfncbcnvnvkvkglgglfojdjd in the morning to the office and I will be able to get the money to the company and I will be able t


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    Prince Javier Luhan

    Dayamond sa MLB


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    Marc Angelo

    it's good


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