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Chapter 6: Gabriel Lucas

"are you sure you're not coming?" His mom ask
"Mom we already talk about this"
" I know but it would be best for you to study abroad"
"It's too much pressure there, my friends are here and Philippines offer quality education too"
Gabriel is busy packing her brothers stuff, his family is moving abroad his dad is an engineer in Canada and his mom is about to start working there as a surgeon, the whole family is planning to migrate. His parents wanted him to study in one of the prestigious university in Canada they wanted him apply for an scholarship but the team is planning to enroll in the same university here in manila. His mom won't stop bothering him
"Mom,seriously I'm no longer a kid this is my decision, I can take good care of myself now"
" I know but living in this huge house alone is lonely"
Gabriel stop packing and look at his mom
"Mom I gotta learn how to live alone, I'm 20 now you and dad just need to pay attention to Raphael" he said
" Alright if that's what you want, we are not going to argue with you anymore, it's your life it's your decision, our first born is now grown up"
Gabe smile to his mom and he give her a hug before it went downstairs
Guys where you at?
" On our way to school" Gabby answered
" Same here I'm preparing got class at 2pm" says Kate
Those three are busy to their summer class
" I'm at the hospital with my parents" Mikaela answered
" I'm in practice" Jun-so answered
" Running an errand to my mom but I'm almost done" Eun hye answered.
" Alright I guess I have to catch ya'll later cause Im busy packing as well " he responded
Gabriel is a first born son in Lucas family, 20 yrs old, born on February 1, 2001 He's mom is a surgeon and his dad is an engineer, He took Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in Sto.Thomas. He is the Team Leader a happy go lucky guy, girls magnet but known for its bossy attitude but nobody hates him for that. Gabriel continue to pack things up when he heard his mom complaining about his little brother's dog, he smile and went downstairs to check on them or else his mom won't stop nagging,
"What happening here?" He ask
"Your brother let his dog poop inside the house"
"alright let me clean it up for you" Gabe said
After he clean the poop he went outside to tie the dog ,Gabe hear a strange sound as if someone fell from their mango tree. He went their to check and he was right someone did fell from their mango tree, he look at the guy suspiciously, this is the first time he saw the guy's face,The guy stand right away when he saw Gabriel
Hey guys someone broke into our property,he looks strange.
"Who?" Everyone ask
"I don't know I never saw him before anyways just listen"
"Hi ahm I came from from my girlfriend's house right there, she lives in that house" he explain pointing the house next to theirs, Gabriel look at him once again and waiting for another explanation.
" Her mom doesn't know about us and she went home early so I ran and took a de de detour?" the guy added nervously
Detour? Mikaela ask
Since when did climbing a mango tree become a detour? Abby added
Ahhh!!he should come up with a better alibi said Jun-so. They just smile
"Ahhh" Gabe exclaimed
"Can_can I exit here?" The guy ask
Gabe look at mango tree then he look at the guy once again before he answered
"Yeah, this way please, after you" he answered
As they are on their way out Gabe notice that his little brother's dog kinda likes the guy it wiggles it's tail as if he wanted to play with him that's strange in his mind, and he notice a small tattoo an angel's wings with tail halo with horn, something about him doesn't feel right. The guy thank him and left quitely, hurriedly he ran inside their house he even ignore his mom calling him, as soon as he went inside his room he lock the door and teleport inside to his neighbor whom the guy claimed as his girlfriend's house. To his surprise he appear inside the girl's room and fell in top of her, she's about to yell when Gabriel cover her mouth with his hand
"Shhhhhh sorry wasn't my intention please don't shout"
He slowly remove his hand and sit beside her
"Ha_how did you?" She nervously ask
"Ok I'll tell you but I need to ask you something first, deal?" He negotiate just to put the girl at ease. She just nod slowly
(Gosh! He is so handsome..) Gabriel heard her thoughts and he feel awkward
"Your boyfriend fell in our mango tree he said he came here before your mom came home, did you perhaps see the tattoo in his arm the wings thingy? Did he tell you about it?" He ask
The girl's forehead wrinkle as if she has no idea what he's talking about.
"Boyfriend?" She ask
"I don't have a boyfriend and my mom never left the house" she added
He was about to say something when they heard a footprint coming to her room,he grab the girl at the back of her door, he pinned her to the wall and gently cover her mouth with hands again, slowly the door open
"Leny?" Woman call. They never make any sound then the door shut, Gabriel release his breath and look at the girl
"I apologize miss leny I need to erase your memory for what happened here" Gabe use her power to remove her memory the girl pass out, he slowly put her to bed then teleport to their base library.
"Gabriel! you're here what brings you here at this hour?" Asmodeus ask
"Hi Asmodeus I need to do some research about a tattoo"
" What tattoo Sir if I may ask?"
"it's a wings with tail in between and a halo with horns"
Asmodeus facial expression change.
" Where did you see that Tattoo Gabriel?" Amado ask
" To the guy who broke into our property"
Amado teleport Infront of Gabriel and grab his shoulder,he look at him seriously, he is not a guy the tattoo that you see belongs to a fallen angel they are also known as dark angels, I believe he is gathering Intel.
" What?" Gabe ask
" They found him keep the location secure" Amado told Asmodeus, Asmodeus disappear right away to spread Amado's word.
"Listen Gabriel your family is no longer safe, you need to transfer them to a safe location before it's too late" said Amado
" Their flight is at 6 o'clock today" said Gabe
" Then they need to leave early" Amado exclaimed
Philip came into the room, Gabriel was about to leave when Eun hye appears from nowhere and crash landed on him they both fell into the floor
"Auuhggg!" They both moan in pain Amado and Philip just looking at them
"Eun hye?" He ask
"Seriously you need to learn how to land properly" Gabriel added
"Hi Gabe ,sorry I'm in a hurry mom ask me to buy something but I need to return this book first here for safe keeping" she explained.the book was about angels powers and techniques it shouldn't be read by humans or by dark forces.
"It's alright, are you hurt?" He ask
" Anio, gwaenchana" she answered in Korean, thank God his an angel at least he can understand and speak different languages. Gabe was about to bid goodbye when he saw Philip and Amado's expression change they have this teasing look on their face.
"what?" Gabe and Eun hye ask
"Nothing!" Amado and Philip answered
"Faith always brings you guys closer,I mean the two of you" Philip added
"Huh?" Said Eun hye
Gabe look at Eun hye's confused facial expression then look Amado and Philip's reaction both them were smiling
"Don't mind them" he said to Eun hye then he disappear to return home to protect his family.

Book Comment (92)

  • avatar
    Teresa Mae EL



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    Nhora Gonzales

    very good paragraph


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    Rachelle Boo Escabusa

    it sees that good is better than bad


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