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The Celestial Realm

The Celestial Realm


Chapter 1: Celestial War

A never ending war between Light and Darkness started over a thousand years ago, when few of the high rank angels betrayed the light. Darkness conquered the Celestial Realm. This is the official residence of the angels. This is their haven where they can rest after their long journey and daily tasks.
Inca, the leader of the Dark Armies was able to win the war after getting help from Hell.
They captured and killed all of the messengers from heaven and beheaded all of the high rank Angels of Light. Some were held captive. But most of them lost their wings when Inca's army cut them off. Only a few were able to survive, hiding in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pass the gate of heaven, for them to get help from above. The once safe haven of angels are now ruined and covered with darkness.
"It's been two days, but still, the gate is heavily guarded.” Neomi said.
"We need to find a way to cross or get out of here, or else all of us will end up dead.”
"What about the babies and the kids, Amado?" Lara asked.
Baby Archangels who were destined to protect the realm and mankind are kept in the realm's nursery. The realm has a special school for toddlers and a huge training ground where they can learn how to use the swords and hone their individual skills and powers.
"Let's check the academy first. It’s the safest path for us to take and much closer to the nursery.” Amado said.
Amado is one of the chief of the Archangels, and one of the high rank angels who are responsible for the security and safety of the realm.
Aside from him who managed to escape, he has no idea who else got out alive. He is sure there were others hiding in the woods, seeking refuge to survive.
"Alright! Eyes here. This is the realm's map. Currently, we are here,” pointing to some legend in the map.
"We need to be here before the dark ones check the woods. There is a secret tunnel that leads to the academy that only the generals knew about. We can use the tunnel to our advantage. Food and weapons are stored there in case of emergency."
Lara and Neomi nod, and together, they immediately moved. Behind a small hill covered with molds, dried leaves and rock, there is a door that will lead them to the tunnel. The hill is 1.2 miles away from the academy and it would take approximately fifteen minutes to get there if you fly or run. But it would definitely take days on foot.
Amado took the torch to light their way. After a minute of walking, they found the other angels hiding there. Some are heavily wounded, others lost their wings and some have their eyes gouged out. He could not believe what he saw. Medical angels were busy attending to the wounded.
"Amado?! Amado! Amado! Thank God you're alive!” Joonmin hugged and pat his shoulder but unlike him, Joonmin lost his two wings. Looking at the wound, it was obvious that it had been forcibly cut from his skin and is still bleeding. Amado cried in disbelief.
"Don't cry brother, this is not the time to lose faith.” Joonmin held his shoulder firmly.
"What happened to your wings?" He asked.
"Xiao cut them off.” He said in a slow voice.
"He is one of the rebels.” Joonmin added.
The realm has seven chiefs. Xiao is one of them. Among them are Joonmin, Amado, Tyra, Mary, Luke and Athena.
"How about the others?" Amado asked.
"Mary and Tyra died protecting the children. Inca has Lucifer's sword and dagger and his army used the angels’ swords to slay everyone.” Joonmin explained.
That explains why the dark ones are able to hurt them. Angels are immortal and they have the capability to heal themselves. Only a weapon created by God can hurt or kill them.
"They got Athena. Luke held her captive.” Joonmin added.
"Those traitors!!" Amado yelled. He was raged by anger.
"Lara? Check everyone and gather those who can still manage to fight. We don't have enough time. We need to find a different place to hide the wounded. They will check this place anytime soon.” Amado commanded.
"Yes, Chief!”
"Listen up, everyone! I understand that we are in a tough situation at the moment. But this is not the right time to give up! Darkness cannot overcome the light! Don't let the situation drag you down! Have faith for God is always with us, protecting us! Never lose trust in Him! So get up and fight! Don't be afraid to die. We already know where we are going.” Amado said the last words with a smile.
"Those of you who can still fight, prepare yourself for battle and those wounded who can still manage to walk, help those heavily wounded to evacuate.” Amado added.
"But where are we supposed to go?" the Medical Angel asked.
"To the woods!" Amado answered.
"Noemi and Lara will guide you. This place is no longer safe for all of us. Move while we still have time.” Amado added.
Joonmin, gather all of the angels who can still fight and provide them weapons that are hidden in the tunnel. They studied the map and created a plan. 
As they are getting ready to fight, the dark ones are preparing themselves to hunt the survivors.
"The children are all dead, Inca, we slayed them all and left no one breathing. Hahaha!"
"Very good! You will have your prize after this war." Inca responded.
"How is she?" Inca asked Luke.
"Athena is hard as a rock. She won't submit herself to darkness easily.” Luke explained.
"Then she has no use for us. Such a waste but you will have to kill her.”
"No, this is not the right time for us to kill her. Others will come for her. Believe me, they will come sooner than you think.” Luke said with a smile. Inca tapped his shoulder and laughed.
"She won't live longer, though. She’s losing blood. Just make sure to keep your eyes on her. Though I cut her wings, she still has the power to protect herself.” Inca stated.
"I heard that behind this wall, there are newborn angels hidden.” Inca started. He looked Athena in the eyes and read them.
Athena looked at him fiercely. Her hands were tied as well as her feet. Her wings were cut off and she was beaten badly but she can still fight when she has the chance. Her priority is to protect the newborn. If Inca finds them, it will be the end of the realm. Inca grabbed her face tightly and his nails dug in her cheeks, it hurt her as his nails are like small blades.
"I truly admire your bravery.” Inca commended.
"Break this wall!" Inca commanded Luke and his army.
As his army began to break the walls, Amado and Joonmin were on their way to the nursery. Currently, there are twenty newborns there if Joonmin was right.  Seven of them are high rank angels and the others are guardians and messengers.
Newborns are dressed according to their rank. The pure white clothes are for guardians, combination of blue and white are for messengers and gold and white for the high rank angels. They were born to protect the realm, to serve God and mankind.
When they opened the door, a huge blast occurred from the other side of the room. They covered the newborns using their body and wings.
"Athena!" Joonmin yelled.
The angel armies yelled and they began to fight against the dark angels. Joonmin grabbed Athena and brought her to the newborns’ room. She was bleeding to death.
"Grab the white ones, Joonmin.  You and Amado must take them away from here. Bring them to the realm of the humans. It’s the only chance for them to survive.” Athena explained.
"What about you?!" Joonmin asked.
Amado grabbed a sheet and tied it to Athena's wounds to prevent her from bleeding too much.
"Both of you must fullfil the task. Grab the white ones and bring them to earth. The Holy Spirit will guide them from there to find suitable parents who will protect and love them.”
"The white ones?" Amado confirmed.
"I switched them, Amado. Now you and Joonmin must go.” Athena then uses her power to create a portal. Amado hurriedly grabbed five newborns while Joonmin grabbed two since he only have two wings left. They jumped to the portal that Athena created.
No one knows where the portal will lead them. The most important thing is to save the newborns who will defend the realm in the future. As they go nearer to the light, the pressure increases. Amado and Joonmin were separated and thrown out in the air.

Book Comment (92)

  • avatar
    Teresa Mae EL



  • avatar
    Nhora Gonzales

    very good paragraph


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    Rachelle Boo Escabusa

    it sees that good is better than bad


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