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Chapter 4 - Sudden change

"So, Jace Williams looks like a rock? No... More like candy stone." Olivia whispered, carefully scanning the guy that sprinkles dirt everywhere he goes. "Jesus, He's walking towards my direction."
"Hello, Good friend!" He said as loud as he can then saluted Olivia, he is enthusiastic in a weird way.
"I guess you are brother Leo's new hired P.A for us!" He exclaimed while clapping in excitement. Adorable.
Oliver grabbed Olivia's Hands over the desk; she can feel the dirt rubbing against her hands. She forced a fake smiled and greeted him. "Hey, I assume you're Oliver? We almost have the same name. How are ya mate?"
The boy's eyes widened. "M-me? Mate? We're mates? Like buddies?!" He asked excitedly.
Note one: Oliver likes to be called Mate. (His age is around 13.)
"Yeah, Is there a problem with that? You don't like it-"
Oliver shook his head while waving his hands, "No, no! This is the first time a P.A called me Mate."
Olivia smiled, slowly understanding and adapting to the situation. "What are you up to?"
"I planted potatoes behind my apartment complex... The owner doesn't know- Anyway, will you come hiking with me? You can't say no, I'm taking you anyway!" He said before pulling Olivia around her desk without having the time to think what her decision is.
She felt a strong force pulling her to the door. It was Oliver dragging her ass off the Hotel.
"Wait, wait! I didn't agree. And I don't have the proper attire to go hiking..." Olivia said as she tried to stop Oliver from pulling her.
"I got some clothes for you mate!"
"Where are you taking Olivia?!" Tala shouted behind her desk when she noticed that a weird man was dragging off her new co-worker.
"Tala, that's Olivia. The adventurous alter of Jace." Casey explains to her friend who only nodded in reply.
"That explained the dirt," Ruby said as her eyes traced the trail of Oliver's dirt. "I'm calling cleaning service."
"Should I call help for Olivia?" Casey asked as her fingers dial 9-1-1, but Lianne stopped her. "No! Oliver is harmless, unless.."
They all exchanged looks then gasped. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Tala asked while staring at Oliver who is waddling his way to Olivia.
They all nodded. "Olivia is so dead."
"Why are we walking again?" Olivia asked as he tried to get Oliver's grip on her arms.
"Can you let go? I won't run away." She said reassuringly.
"Oh, I didn't noticed that. Sorry!" Oliver quickly loosened his grip while apologizing over and over again.
"We should take the cab.." She suggested.
"I tried but they declined and I don't know why." He said, obviously oblivious to his dirty attire.
Note two: Oliver is oblivious.
"Our apartment is just a walking distance from Brother Leo's hotel." He said as he pointed to the apartment complex, which looks like only rich people get in.
Olivia is confused. Why would that fancy apartment complex let Oliver enter?
"They let you enter there?"
Oliver nodded. "Yes, I've been here for 3 years."
"But Jace stayed here five years ago? Leo told me so." She said, confusion itching her mouth to ask things.
"Ahhhh, I meant I've been here as an alter to Jace Williams for three years." Oliver smiled as he opened to her lightly with a light grin.
It warmed Olivia's heart to see this kind of person. She usually sees this kind of person with such illness in movies, and people usually use them as the antagonist, which can cause other people to get the wrong idea.
"We're here!" He jumped with both of his hands up in the air.
Olivia chuckles, "What are you doing?"
"My butt is itchy but I can't scratch it here, so i clenched my ass."
"Disgusting." She said while trying to distance herself to Oliver.
"You wouldn't know if i hadn't said it! Now let's go inside and find your outfit." He said then he pulled Olivia again with him.
The staff greeted the boy warmly as if Oliver owned this body. "Oh, Is it Oliver's day today?" The guard questioned like he is talking to a child.
"Yes! And I found my new mate here!" He shouted, still pulling Olivia behind him.
"Holy shit." Olivia whispered as she stared at the big apartment in front of her.
There is no fixed theme of the house. It's big but messy. Various paintings, instruments, and gym things are laid out everywhere. Also clothes.
"Sorry for the mess, Ace last took over then he made this mess. He hates us." Oliver said as he tried to walk over the pile of clothes.
"You'll have a hard time finding clothes over this mess!"
Oliver turned his head to the concerned girl behind him, then smiled. "Don't worry I've got my way... wait here for a second. Maybe sit on the sofa? If you can find it."
Olivia laughed at his flat comedy. She finds it funny when people are dumb than people who purposely act dumb to look cute. Oliver is just straight-up Dumb and a Cute.
Should I find the sofa? she thought.
Olivia shrugged as she removed her heels, then walked over the mess to find the missing sofa.
Should I make a movie about this?
Finding sofa.
"This is harder than I thought, Maybe there is no sofa." She whispered as she scratched her head. "Oliver?" She called out.
But no answer.
"Oliver? What's taking you so long?" Her voice echoed around the apartment but got no response.
Suddenly she heard a deep screaming from the room Oliver walked in on. There she saw Oliver come out of the room, she smiled at him, but he only stared and growled at her. Her smile vanished.
He raised one brow, "Did Oliver messed the apartment up?!" He yelled as he questions Olivia.
"W-what?" Olivia stuttered while backing away from the completely different person in front of her.
"Who messed my place up?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he started kicking the clothes and paintings on the floor.
Olivia is guessing that she is now seeing Jace's other alter. "What is your name? If you tell me then I'll tell you who trashed you place." She said with a smug look on her face.
"You're the new P.A? Heh, trust me you won't last a week."
"Answer me, what is your name?" Olivia asked, her dominant side is showing which scared the alter she is talking to know.
"You're different from the rest of P.A Leo got us. Let me introduce myself to you..." He said as he walked over the kitchen counter to grab pink gloves and tons of cleaning materials.
Olivia's smirk got bigger.
"You're Daniel, right?"

Book Comment (971)

  • avatar
    John Weshley Javier

    this is good


  • avatar
    Love Mary

    nice story and will bring you to a unique love story and will make you want to read the next chapters more and more without that heavt dramatic feeling. Satisfying! This is a great word to use because it promises readers that they will have positive feelings after reading the book. It is also a good way to describe a book that checked all the boxes for you in terms of the story and the quality of writing. Will definitely would want to read more novels from this promising author. Thank you much!


  • avatar
    Albert Rushzel Natividad

    Absolutely delightful to watch this drama. I love Zhao Lushi and Yecheng, great chemistry, both are good looking and they acted naturally. Although I love watching Yecheng on martial arts not the bloody magic coming out from his hands, I still think he is charming in every aspects of this drama. IJust finished watching 25 eps. on Amazon Prime and the last 5 on Youtube because I couldn't wait. Both main casts are so lovely and did an awesome job. This is the second time I watched Zheng Ye Cheng


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