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Chapter 2 - Meet Jace's active alter Ace

Leo's words echoed to Olivia's head. "A Person with Multiple personality disorder? isn't that dangerous?"
He nodded, "Yes, apparently he is giving my workers a hard time. But he is not dangerous I assure you, I hope you'll give this job a chance?"
We can all say that this young lad opened hopes in front of a jobless person in front of him. How can she resist this rare opportunity? His brows furrowed in excitement; his dimples were deeper than before because of how uncontrollable his smile was.
"You know how I fall apart when a random person talks to me right?" Olivia questioned with a smirk rather than being shy and scared.
Leo pursued his lips, "Well, I am a stranger and you're not falling apart now. Are you?" He smirked.
Olivia nodded as Leo quickly dodged her reason not to accept this job offer. His persistence and dimples made her legs wobbly. She then agrees with him as she surrenders. "Point,"
"Just please give this a chance. If Jace is too much, you can quit!" Leo continued, even if Olivia looked already convinced, and he knew that he still needed to put on his act together so he'd convince the pretty girl 200% the better.
"Fine, fine. I have no choice anyway. This is the random luck of finding work." Olivia finally gave in after having a pointless debate inside her mind.
Leo smiled happily while clapping with excitement, "Thank you so much!"
"Are you sure you are the owner of this hotel? Doesn't look like it." The girl murmured while eyeing Leo from head to toe.
Leo immediately got the message in her tone; he quickly straightened up like one of those superior businessmen who hold dominance. He'll hide his squishy side and mask it with dominance; after a minute, he knows that he will fail.
"Ofcourse, I am!"
Olivia stood up to bid farewell to Leo, but the man stopped her. "Wait! This place is a two hours ride from where I met you."
"What? But, we got here after an hour." Olivia said, confused, as she gave Leo a suspicious look. She saw how Leo nodded with such dominance, but his dimples are a loophole to his squishy side.
"Morning traffic usually blocks the road. If this is a hassle to you, I won't force this job on you." He lowered his head as he dropped his guard to Olivia, hoping she'd buy the sad squishy side of him.
"I'll see what I can do." She fully smirks at Leo, who is taken back by how fast her emotions change.
"Since you brought me here, it's your job to bring me back to where you found me." A smug look plastered on her face, she crossed her arms over his chest with a hoard of confidence gathering inside her.
Leo huffed but managed to pull a fake smile and a string word that went against his will. "Ah, Is that so? I'll let my driver take you home."
"Okay," Olivia shrugged Leo off, who almost threw him into a fit of anger. Her sudden change of moods is so perfectly staged as if she never needed a job; she has a skill for manipulating people with her emotions.
"Damn she's like the girl version of Jace..." He whispered before following her from behind. A sudden train of thoughts made him blank and blind for a minute; he accidentally walked over her shoe that made her trip.
"Leo, watch your step!" Olivia whined accidentally, with her voice 2x louder than before. Leo is surprised by his clumsiness and the girl's unique personality.
"He'll take you to your house, make sure to think about my offer!" Leo said before closing the car's door.
He is now standing in front of his hotel, happily waving off Olivia. "I hope she agrees. I can't bear being with Jace's clingy ass."
A moment later, an expensive car drove aggressively in front of him. "Ahh... speaking of Jace,"
The car's window was lowered. He crouched to see Jace wearing all black and has tons of piercings on his ears. He also noticed a girl on his car seat.
"Jace, If you are bringing this girl to my hotel, please don't. You are purposely turning my place into a motel." Leo said, but Jace didn't listen. He got out of the car and threw the car keys to the hotel owner.
"Be good to my car." Jace said nonchalantly while opening the side door. He escorted the girl into the hotel; his hands rested on her waist near her ass.
Leo rolled his eyes. "I hate that alter of him, stupid Ace."
"Where is the owner?" A middle-aged woman asked on the front desk, alerting the receptionist.
"Where is the owner?!" The woman repeated.
"May I know what the problem is, ma'am?" Leo spoke softly.
The woman was surprised by his sudden appearance. "Well, the room next to me is very noisy! They are moaning and the walls are about to fall off the damn floor."
Leo closed his eyes as he breathed deeply. Ace that no good alter.
"I'll look right into it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He smiled at the older woman then made his way to the elevator, ready to throw Ace off the roof.
He certainly wished that Ace wasn't banging a random girl again. The chances of stopping Ace from doing random girls are at 2%.
The elevator dinged, he reached his designated floor. He stepped out, and he could already hear the moans.
"God, Give me the strength to not kill this guy." Leo whispered angrily.
Every step he takes, the louder the moans he is hearing. "Nasty idiots."
He can feel his knees wobbling as they weaken every step. After dragging his dignity by his feet, Leo successfully made it in front of the door. He swiped the card, and the door opened.
The room smells like sins.
He saw Jace on top of the girl he saw a while ago, and they were both sweaty and disgusting.
Leo's anger builds rapidly; he grabs the nearest thing he can hold. It was a pillow, of course.
He pushed Ace off the girl then kicked the girl off the bed. Leo is not an aggressive guy, but Ace literally drove him insane.
The angry man is on top of Ace now, "If i ever see your ass in this hotel again I fucking swear to you..." He said while pointing at the girl.
The girl immediately scooted away, leaving Leo and Jace on the bed.
Leo is still not done with his rage, he hits Jace with the pillow, but the other man is strangely strong. "Leo you scumbag!"
"You're a fucking pussy right? Do you mind if I pinch some in your 9 lives?" He said as his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets because of anger.
He choked Ace but did not have enough strength to actually kill him. Ace pats his arms, saying to get off of him.
"You're a party pooper Leo..." he said when Leo let his throat go.
"This is your last time at my hotel," Leo said fiercely, and he got off Ace not after hitting him with a pillow again.
Ace laughed, "Sure, you said that months ago too."
"And may I remind you. My name is Ace, Jace your buddy is asleep inside my ass." He added while laughing.
"Just get out of my hotel, for good." He pinched the tip of Ace's dick before sprinting off the room.
"Shit! That hurts."
Leo brushed his hair and dusted off his black coat. He looks like chaos because of all the ruckus.
Suddenly his phone vibrated. It was a call from Olivia. A smile made its way to his face, big enough to actually look like Koro-sensei from Assassination Classroom.
"Hello dear, did you get home safely?" He asked.
"That's a weird thing to say but yes. I discussed your offer with my mom and she immediately agreed without letting me explain. So I guess I'm in?" Olivia spoke from the other line.
Leo jumped in excitement. Yes! Yes... fuck yes!
"Oh really? Thanks for giving it some thought, you can start your trial tomorrow!"
"What trial?" Olivia asked.
"Just be here before 7 AM."
Olivia agrees with Leo then hangs up after telling her all she wants.
"She sure asked for a lot of things. But that is no match for her hellish experience with Jace." He smiled as he imagined how chaotic his idea would be.
"Rest easy Jace, I guess I found your match."

Book Comment (971)

  • avatar
    John Weshley Javier

    this is good


  • avatar
    Love Mary

    nice story and will bring you to a unique love story and will make you want to read the next chapters more and more without that heavt dramatic feeling. Satisfying! This is a great word to use because it promises readers that they will have positive feelings after reading the book. It is also a good way to describe a book that checked all the boxes for you in terms of the story and the quality of writing. Will definitely would want to read more novels from this promising author. Thank you much!


  • avatar
    Albert Rushzel Natividad

    Absolutely delightful to watch this drama. I love Zhao Lushi and Yecheng, great chemistry, both are good looking and they acted naturally. Although I love watching Yecheng on martial arts not the bloody magic coming out from his hands, I still think he is charming in every aspects of this drama. IJust finished watching 25 eps. on Amazon Prime and the last 5 on Youtube because I couldn't wait. Both main casts are so lovely and did an awesome job. This is the second time I watched Zheng Ye Cheng


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