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Chapter 3 Xiongnu

"Your hair is a mess! Sage King Left Prince is certainly the most handsome man among the Xiongnu, but you are certainly the ugliest woman on the prairie!"
I immediately calmed down, I turned the bronze mirror and looked at myself closely, "Am I still uglier than with the toothless old granny we saw yesterday?"
"Worse than that fat aunt who walks fast but doesn't make any progress?"
While sneering I looked at myself in the mirror, between my thick and messy hair tucked a few blades of grass, on the tip of my nose and cheeks there were some black spots of mud, really sad, only my eyes were like a spring lake or cold stars , glittering brilliantly.
A Die wiped my face clean, carefully plucked the blades of grass, then combed my tangled hair with a comb. "We will make two braids, I will first braid a braid, then you also learn to make the other one, once the braid is done, you will definitely be the most beautiful lady I have ever seen". While braiding my hair, A Die spoke while laughing.
The dry twigs in the middle of the bonfire rattled, flies flew around, stirring up my memory, beside me, after sluggishly fidgeting, Lang Xiong was again face down on the ground. I patted Lang Xiong on the back and recalled the old days.
That year I was seven or eight years old, I had only lived with A Die for a year, that day, for the first time I managed to make a braid well, and also for the first time met Yizhixie: A Die's best friend, Crown Prince Yu Dan's uncle, Junchen Shanyu's younger brother, the Xiongnu Left Sage King. Because he often looked for A Die, we became close friends, whenever he went hunting he always took me.
"Yu Jin, if you still can't memorize the State Policy book, even if your hair is neat, you can't join the banquet tonight." Without lifting his head, the annoying A Die said while writing while looking down.
I once heard Yizhixie say that my hair looked like freshly sheared lamb, I limply stopped tying my hair and looked at the bamboo[] blades in front of me, then started biting my fingers, "Why don't you teach Yu Dan? Isn't Yu Dan your student? Or You can ask Yizhixie to memorize it, he will be happy, he likes reading books of the Han people the most, I only like hunting with Yizhixie". As soon as I finished speaking, I saw A Die looking at me intently, I hesitated said, “Yu Dan won't let me call him crown prince, Yizhixie also said that I can call him prince. Since they can call my name directly, why can't I call him prince?” do the same?"
A Die seemed to be taking a deep breath, he stepped in front of me, then crouched down, "Because of the rules in this world, they can directly call your name, but you have to use their title. In the midst of a pack of wolves, have you never seen how wolves small respect the adult wolf?
Let alone talking about position, Crown Prince Yu Dan is also four or five years older than you, while the Left Sage King Prince is seven or eight years older than you, you must respect them".
After thinking for a while, I felt that A Die's words were quite reasonable and nodded, “Okay! After this I will call Yu Dan the crown prince, and also call Yizhixie the Sage King Prince Yizhixie, but tonight I want to eat roast lamb and want to join the banquet, I don't want to memorize the State Policy, Yu Dan is your student, let him memorize it".
A Die threw my hand away from my lips, then took a handkerchief and wiped my hand, “Soon you will be ten years old, why haven't you grown up yet?
I held my head high and snorted smugly "When we chased the rabbit, he was nothing compared to me". I suddenly remembered the pact between me and Yizhixie, I regretfully covered my mouth, then said gloomily, "I promised the prince not to tell anyone else, otherwise he won't take me out to play, you absolutely can't let him know".
Smiling A Die asked, "State Policy?"
In annoyance I pounded the table hard, while looking at A Die wide eyed I said "Villain, you are a villain nerd, now I will go memorize it".
Sang Shanyu ordered someone to call A Die, although before leaving the house he repeatedly told me to memorize it well, but I know, and he knows even more, that his words will be just like the wind caressing my ears, A Die looking at me in despair for a moment, then shook his head and walked away. As soon as he came out, I immediately happily jumped out of the room, looking for fun!
On a deserted slope, Yizhixie was lying quietly in the middle of the grass. I tiptoed to his side, wanting to startle him, but unexpectedly, he suddenly got up and caught me, and even startled me. I laughed out loud, then hugged his neck "Yi. wangye, why are you here? I heard that you are going to marry a princess, tonight's banquet is specially held for you".
Yizhixie hugged me and put me on his lap, "You're getting your A Die's nagging again, huh? I've told him a hundred times that we Xiongnu don't care about such things, but he's always careful and overly civilized. Yes, I will." marry a princess".

Book Comment (264)

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    Dela Cruz Alipante Jenny

    nice story


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