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Chapter 4 A Weak Mate 2

I turned to leave but stopped. I turned. "And one more thing. Do not rough handle her". I said and pointed at Xavia before walking out of the hall.
Hade met me outside. "The elders' meeting"
I walked past him and he ran after me. "What time?"
"An hour less"
I sighed. I have a few minutes to get myself cooled off from this shock, before going into the meeting.
I had just finished my meeting with the elders and I wanted to head to my room but on second thought, I changed my mind. I was sure my mom had not left yet. I went into the training room and sat down.
"Get me my sword," I told Hade who rushed quickly to get it.
I rested on the couch, my eyes closed. My mind drifted back to the young girl. Thinking about her made me feel frustrated. I could not imagine having such a weak human as a mate.
I have waited for too long. Why do I get a mate like her?
I stood up from the couch and picked up the sword Hade had kept. I began to sway my sword trying to get my mind off her. After doing that for a while, I dropped the sword and picked up a bottle of water. I drank some water and then dropped the bottle before picking up a towel.
"Your mom," Hade said and I groaned.
"Don't tell me she is here"
"She is outside"
I dropped the towel and went out. "What are you doing here, mother"
"I knew you are going to be here" she answered. "You do not want to talk about your mate right?"
I groaned. "There is nothing to talk about" I replied, brushing my hair.
She beamed. "Did you find her?"
I blinked. "Find who?"
"Your mate"
She smiled. "It seems you have. Tell me what does she look like? Is she beautiful? What pack does she belong to? What does she..."
I groaned. "I haven't met her yet. You should stop asking all these questions"
She stared at me and I sighed. There is no way I will tell her my mate is a young weak human that was captured.
"Are you sure about this?"
I nodded. "I am very sure"
"Then why do you look uneasy?". I furrowed my brows. What does she mean? "You always look this way when you are lying"
I groaned slightly. "You think I am lying?"
She nodded and moved closer to me. "So tell me. Who is she?"
"I don't know what you are talking about, mom. I haven't met my mate yet"
She shrugged. "Then will you listen to what I have to say?"
"About what?"
"Your mate"
I groaned. "There is nothing to talk about her"
"There is a lot to talk about. Maybe you have been searching for her in the wrong way. How about we find another way?"
I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Mom, can we talk about this another time? I need to take my bath and get some sleep"
"We have to talk about it now or I find you a random girl to marry. How am I sure you are not being punished for your cruel act"
I blinked. "Are you saying I am cursed?"
"I never said that but it seems you are receiving punishment for being cold-hearted. Find your mate before the next full moon or I give you one. I am not getting any younger. I want to see my grandchildren before I die. Do as I have told you or you push me to do mine. I am not joking" she said, before leaving.
I blinked a bit, before groaning slightly. It doesn't look like my mom is giving me an empty threat.
I must do something about that little girl. It won't take long before my mom will find out she is my mate.
"Hade, when are the other Alphas coming to visit?"
"In a week"
I groaned. A week will be too much for my mom to find out about her. I need to find a way of getting rid of her.
"How about you kill her?" my subconscious mind said and I groaned.
She is too innocent. I can't kill her because I do not desire her. She has not done anything to me aside from being my weak mate and it wasn't her fault that the moon goddess decided to punish me by choosing her as my mate.
"I can't believe you are here. I have been looking for you everywhere" Arden said walking closer to me.
He is the only friend I have been able to keep. Despite my cold aura, he isn't scared of me and no matter how many times I tell him not to speak more than three words to me, he wouldn't budge.
"And how did you find out that I am here?"
"I saw your mom"
I sighed. "What is going on? Why are you looking for me?"
"You won't believe what I heard"
I furrowed my brows. "What?"
"The Lycan King is visiting the Ice pack tomorrow"
I blinked. "The same Lycan King? I mean the young Lycan King?". He nodded and I smiled. That is good news for me. Arden furrowed his brows. "You look so happy". I smiled, nodding my head. "Are you not curious to know why he is coming? "
I shrugged. This might be a blessing in disguise.
I have only heard about the Lycan King but have never met with him before. My dad who had visited the Lycan pack so many times before he died told me about the young Lycan prince who is cold-hearted and brutal. After his father's death, he became the Lycan King. And rumor had it that he killed his father to become the King. No one knows what he looks like either because he was said to always remain in his room but is said to have some clouts.
"The Lycan King is here" Arden announced and I nodded.
"Where is he?"
"The room beside yours"
I furrowed my brows. "The room beside mine?"
He nodded and I rushed outside. I walked into the room and saw two men standing beside Xavia and Alaila. One of them was in his late twenties and the other seems to be in his early twenties.
"He wants her," the older man said, pointing at Xavia. "And her too" he pointed at Alaila. "He doesn't want them as gifts. He will be paying for them," he said and I blinked.

Book Comment (697)

  • avatar
    De ramosJeferlyn

    so adorable novel .the characters in novel is very good ..the way i read it still in my mind ..


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    Arjhun Siray

    I love the story hahaha if i am alaila i will definitely to the same to her because i wonder if my friends get caught by me I could not forgive myself of being careless to my friends i already accept the pain i have right now and I hope there's more person there to save me but being good friend to alaila is good to have him because she is brave and strong independent woman i will cry alot if she caught and killed by bad people so i really love the story hahaha this is the best I've ever read hha


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    Ernest Ernest

    Jason stared at me so you haven’t spoken such a long sentence in a while, he tell he was happy , he want to take a walk around the pack house


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