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Chapter 2 The Attack 2

"Y-you should have run away! You should have left when I asked you. Why did you return? Why?"
I hugged her and wept. "I-i am sorry, Alaila. I just could not watch you being taken away while I run away"
She pulled away from the hug and stared at me. "Do you think I am happy you came back? What about your mom? Do you want her to be alone?"
"I could not imagine you being alone over there either. I can't watch you suffer"
She sighed. "I-i just wished you were safe and I..."
I placed my finger over her lips. "We are in this, together". I stared at her wound. "I should tell them to attend to this"
I made to stand up but she pulled me back. "What if they shoot you?"
I sighed and raised my hand. "You over there! Why is your hand up?". Alaila pulled my hand down but I raised my left hand. He walked closer to us. "What do you want?"
I pointed at Alaila's leg. "C-can my friend get some treatment? She won't be able to walk with this"
He stared at the wound for a while and then stared at me before gesturing to another man, who moved closer to us. He whispered some words to him. The other man moved closer to Alaila and pulled her up.
I held his hand. "Where are you taking her to?"
He stared at me in surprise, but conceal it quickly. "What are you doing?"
"W-where are you taking her to?"
"Do you not want your friend to get treated?"
"I-i want"
"Then where do you think I am taking her to?"
Alaila pulled my hand away from his. "I don't think he meant any harm"
I stared at her and she gave me an assuring smile. "C-can I go with her?". He stared at me. Alaila stared at me too. "I-i just want to be there with her. I promise I don't have any plan in mind"
Alaila gave him puppy eyes and he groaned. "I will let you go with her but if you try anything funny, I will not spare you"
I nodded. "I won't do anything funny"
"Follow me"
I held Alaila and followed the man. We were taken to a tent. There was a woman dressed in nurse's cloth.
"Take care of her" he pointed to Alaila.
"And she?" she pointed at me.
"She's her friend". The nurse smiled at me and I smiled back. "I will be outside waiting"
"Sit down, while I attend to her," the nurse said and I nodded.
I sat down on the available chair, tapping my foot slightly. I watched her attend to Alaila's wound.
"It's a minor wound. She will be fine" the nurse assured me. "I will give her some drugs to help her sleep". She gave Alaila some drugs and helped her settle into the bed. I watched Alaila sleep and I sighed. "The attack must have taken a toll on her," the nurse said.
I nodded. "Yes it has"
"You should get some rest too. I will talk to Jack. He will let you two rest here. We should not be leaving until next tomorrow"
"Are you human?" I asked when she made for the door.
She smiled and nodded. "Yes"
"Where you captured too?"
"No, I was born there and have been living with them since then"
"Are you..."
She placed her finger over her lips. "Shh". "Enough of the questions. You should get some rest"
I crawled into the space beside Alaila and lay down. The nurse left the tent and I closed my eyes, drifting into dreamland.
Alaila felt better after receiving treatment and I felt happy about it. I had worried she might not be able to walk though the injury doesn't look deep and serious. It was soon time for us to be taken away. I had tried to find my mom among those that had been captured but she wasn't there. Alaila's family was not with us too. I soon realized they had only taken young girls and wondered what they want to do with us.
"Do you think our family will find us?" Alaila asked me.
I placed my hand around her neck. "If our family doesn't find us. I will find a way of saving us"
She wept. "I miss them. I miss my mom, and my dad. Even my annoying brother"
I wiped off her tears. "I know they miss you too. I will make sure to keep you safe, ok?"
She nodded. "Ok"
A few men came to us and asked us to make a straight line. They tied us up in twos and asked us to follow them in a straight line. The journey was shorter than I had expected. We got there in less than six hours on foot. As we entered the gate, my jaw dropped. It was a place I had never thought I will be. The houses looked so beautiful they made me forget about my worries. I wasn't the only one who was taken aback by the beauty. I could hear them muttering some words in excitement.
"It-it's beautiful" Alaila whispered and I nodded with a smile.
Watching the beautiful houses slowed down our movement.
"Move!!!" a man yelled at us and we moved quickly.
We were directed to a place. It was a big room that looks like a hall.
"Sit" another man ordered.
We all sat down on the floor. "What are we going to do with them?"
"We will wait for the Alpha's order"
Alaila poked me. "What are they going to do to us?"
"I don't know" I whispered.
"The two of you should keep quiet" he pointed at Alaila and me.
"The Alpha is here," a man announced and I looked up.
A man walked in. He walked closer to us and his eyes landed on me. He stared at me and I could bet I saw a surprise look on his face.

Book Comment (697)

  • avatar
    De ramosJeferlyn

    so adorable novel .the characters in novel is very good ..the way i read it still in my mind ..


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    Arjhun Siray

    I love the story hahaha if i am alaila i will definitely to the same to her because i wonder if my friends get caught by me I could not forgive myself of being careless to my friends i already accept the pain i have right now and I hope there's more person there to save me but being good friend to alaila is good to have him because she is brave and strong independent woman i will cry alot if she caught and killed by bad people so i really love the story hahaha this is the best I've ever read hha


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    Ernest Ernest

    Jason stared at me so you haven’t spoken such a long sentence in a while, he tell he was happy , he want to take a walk around the pack house


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