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Chapter 5 the prove passed successfully

before I get down in the car I took my ring also I feeling comfortable and I was believing that bring me good luck.the car come I jump in ..and I started to talk but I stopped the driver was different face no kime..I become confused.and I just become silent..I never saw that new face in the bar or the offices I thought it's a new hire and I didn't give much importance . while we approached the offices I make ready to go down and I took my jacket but the driver said not here...we will check the new place first...I stunned for the moment and I just put back my site belt ..after 40minutes travel we arrive ..was a new place for me and unconscious. I got the order to wait in the car and to wait for the signal if I needed to go down..I ask the driver for Kim..he just smiled and told me from today you need to show me your best ..forget the love and the comfort you had those days..today you grow up and working for your self.i saw this serious face again and I didn't say nothing just I watch straight the road.i waited for more than 20minutes alone in the car and in my mind was the SIGNAL I needed to wait..I become nervous and I saw the keys of the car was still there ..was little weird bcs we never let the keys inside the car if the driver it's already out and the car it's stop already..anyway it only the signal I need to follow I told to my self and I stop thinking about others..after 40minutes waiting o heard noises of guns maybe 70meters far from the corner we park already .I open little my window for listening more clear what was that sounds. and I turn my head In the key direction again after few seconds I saw the new driver hanging on my window his hand was full of blood and he shout OPEN THE DOOR..OPEN THE F..C.K DOOR ..I become shock my brain stock for the moment and automatically my hand go in the safety pin of my door I unlocked and I jump in the driver side ...the new driver jump in my place turn on the key of the car and the car sounds come out ..he shout at me again HOLD STRAIGHT AND DRIVE FAST ....
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING...the truth was I never touched the car before only kime I saw driving in and I don't know..my heart start to run fast and my hand shaking...
FOR REACHING THE PEDALS DOWN ..and the car start to shake after different sounds like a broken motor and moved slowly..I make free the right pedal and the sound come in the normal ...i hang my full body in the car steering wheel and I moved the car forward I told him take care of the gear I don't have idea ..like that I drive for 10 minutes and we reach in one province road plenty of mud ...the car stop was the motor very hot needed to find water ..I talk to the driver and I turn my head in his direction but I don't had answer ..he had lost the feelings..I fall in shock again and I decided to go ask for help outside but where ..I was in different city I didn't know anyone there outside...I remember uncle of my father telling stories about veterinarian who saved two times him and I remembered also the name ..when I go out I close the car from outside I make 2 rounds in that province when a old man call me and ask me if I was lost...I ask him about the veterinarian I knew but he told me no one in this village have that name ..and I ask him again if he could help me to find veterinarian for my dog ...he send me in one old house and that was the veterinarian shop ..I enter inside and I ask the veterinarian named ENVER if he could help me ..I ask him to come over the place and he accepted immediately..while we was walking I was thinking maybe he will call the police when see the blood or maybe he will not help my guy...with this ideas already in front of the car ..I open the door of the passenger and the veterinarian step back..he ask me what happened I didn't answer I just go in the trunk and I pull from there my steel bar and I Frick out him to help my guy if not ill kill him...ENVER SMILED at me and he just told me let go in the hospital...I shout to him NO ..NO HOSPITAL
and after I started to cry..Enver took the driver out put in one flat wood and Start to pull in the direction of his clinic..was already evening and no people around..
while I was checking in the driver seat I found one bundle of money..foreign value..without understanding the value I pulled off and I run to the clinic I throw in the table and I shout to ENVER..i will pay now...you remove my car from the place and take care of my brother I told to him
enver because of that amount of money become nervous he ask me where I found and what we are...I order him no questions you do your work..more money will come after my brother uts heal...I run out and I give him the key of the car..after few minutes enver come back and I ask him to fund me one animal for travel...a horse...he had only one donkey no other choices
like that my final of that day was to ride a donkey..I got my jacket from the clinic and I ask enver to heal my guy ...and I rush out. the only thing I remembered in the way going back in the city was the famous disco I make fight ...after 3 hours riding that animal ...the donkey become tired he stop in the side of highway and start eating grass..I tried to pull it but he didn't mind my power..like that thinking and watching the cars passing from both directions..fortunately one beautiful lady wearing officially stop the car in my side..while i was staring her necklace gold she ask me if I was selling the animal or if I was lost...I just told I need to go in CALYPSO disco ..but the animal it's tired..she laughed for few seconds and told me she will send me there ..but not with the donkey...I smiled at her and I run to fix the donkey I twisted the rope in his front leg like I learn from uncle and I jumped in the car..the smell inside make me drunk ..like 1000roses
after 20minutes driving and staring at this lady driver her lips her necklace and her clothes I almost forget everything I had passed that day...she broke my silence and ask me if I had a girlfriend waiting for me in that disco I answered NO ...just one friend who will send me home..after that I keep silent..
when I reach there I jump to get out but the lady call me ..she give me one piece of paper with her picture and her mobile number..she advise me to not give to anyone or to lost it..she told me to find a way to call her if I needed some help ..I told her thank you I kiss her hand and I run..in the entrance I told to the guard I'm the cousin of bartender and I ask for him to come outside..after waiting in the darkness the bartender come out...I ask him to send me in our offices bcs I had emergency..but no money for travel..he immediately found one taxi and finally got in the offices ..when I enter in the door 4guys and kime was inside drinking..they jumped in me and ask me about LILI..NAME OF THE NEW DRIVER ..I TOLD them without forgetting nothing what happened every details and the bad thing was I don't know where it's the location of the veterinarian clinic they both watch each other and then kime order some food
after many questions again I told them about the donkey in the highway and they laughed at me...while laughing with me my face become red and I wanna to punch their faces but I stopped my self ..and I told them to find that high way..three cars and two scooter we started the research..two hours making round I remembered the piece of the paper and the beautiful lady ..I asked the cellphone from kime and I call her number...she answered straight away...and I told her where she picked up me...she told me about the location..after salute again ..I told kime about the place ...when we reach there I found the donkey but was midnight already...no light or chance to find the way...and I remembered again my uncle Said if you release the horse or the donkey far from the house he will go back in his home...I told kime about this theory...again they started to laugh at me...I didn't wait for more..I released the poor animal and I told them to follow him...I run in his direction the others just following me..after 3 hours in the darkness and the mud I was so tired we saw the donkey approach the village ..I stop the guys and I show kime the clinic...he saw at me in the eyes and said YOU ARE THE MAN.. we needed to wait the morning come so we just hide in some trees out the village...6 in the morning two man and the veterinarian passed near us...I show kime who it ENVER .after 10min enever come back and while I opening the door of the clinic kime and me we jump inside and push him down...we closed the door and we just watch him without talking...enver stand up and after few seconds he REGONIZE me first...he told me my brother was little bit better but had two bullets in his body and needed surgery..kime stay calm just ask to see LILI..We follow the veterinarian in his home and finally lili was awake..after talking 20minutes alone kime and LILI I was talking with veterinarian other room ...he made many questions at me but I didn't answer at all.after kime goes out he ask ENVER how much money need for the surgery..veterinarian jump and go under one old table he took the bundle of money and give at me back...he told us everything it's free everything it's going to be free just take those money back..kime look at me and ask me to pay him ..to give him how much I wanted..I open the bundle and I give him 20 banknotes and I got one bullet from kime pocket..the payment I make was already enough for the life of my brother 20 pcs 50dollars plus one bullet
kime watch at me carefully and we go out...I ask him to leave me there for the surgery..and like this I stayed 2 days more in that village till the surgery finish and everything was done...after 2 days kime come back to pick up us together with another new guy big boy and long hair ...he's face was so beautiful like a woman
we pick up LILI and when we was ready to start veterinarian come out and ask me about the car...kime was shock he almost forget his vehicle...he ask veterinarian 1 more favor and give him one different adress to send the car ...he give to him another payment...when we was almost in high way THE NEW GUY from today ask me about my name...I WAS SHOCK almost 5months with kime ...I never said my name ..and KIME turn around looking at me...I PRESENT MY SELF LIKE LILI
both of them looked at me and kime ask again WHAT ITS YOUR NAME AGAIN
MY name it's LILI my voice become low thus time ...kime stop the CAR and ask me to get out ...and the new guy also go out they both looked at me in that silence kime hug me into his long arms and said THATS WHY YOU ARE THE MAN ...I HAD TWO LILI YOU ARE THE THIRD ONE...YOU SAVED LILI BCS YOU ARE LILI AND ANOTHER LILI COME WITH ME TO PICK UP YOU
the other beautiful face the new guy named also LILI..I become confused.and I told to them 3LILI it's the wish of the God.. let create a trinom and be together in this life ..for sure no one can destroy us...they watched at me and both agreed .that was my first friendship I found I those dark clouds in my life..
after we get home KIME call for emergency meeting and after 1hour talking in his office..meeting was ready many big guys and young faces ..after 2minutes of that loud voices kime call both of them for their attention..
this was the words of KIME and my face start blushing..all those big guys one by one hug me and salute me like a big man ..iwas very exited and I didn't speak any words ..just that moment was saw beautiful and I feeled like I was in the heaven THE WORLD ITS MINE I said to myself..THE WORLD ITS MINE

Book Comment (1131)

  • avatar
    Sophia Cabbab

    Wow, that story was truly captivating! I couldn't stop reading until the very end. The way you described the characters and the setting was so vivid, it felt like I was right there with them. The plot twists were unexpected and kept me on the edge of my seat. Thank you for sharing this incredible story!


  • avatar

    keep writing more...this story make me so curious about everything look so real more more more


  • avatar

    the story so sad and not bad to read them also I enjoy the story


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