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HA: Chapter 43

I was also wondering why the hell Sapphire ordered to undress Ara and Pauline then she looked on us.
"Boys,who wanted to try them?"she said while smirking on us.Is she for real?
"What the fuck bitch!ahh!!stop it!!"Ara screamed after my men undressed her rudely.Napunit ang damit niya at lumantad ang katawan niyang makurba naman pero laspag naman na,tsk.
"What the fuck!"I heard Shawn and Shein commented before they looked away which made me laughed even Hellisha.
I saw how Shawn and Shein looked on us with a confusion looked on what are we doing.
"Don't be innocent boys,beside you're watching porn so don't be so clean,psh."I said towards them that made them looked on us then looked again on the naked girls but when I saw him loo
"Stop undressing me!!you morons!!"Pauline said while screaming but now that she was with her bra and panty,she was even more crazily screaming in rage.
She looked at me with a bad expression on her face.
"You bitch!!why are you doing this!?"she asked me so I looked at her stupidly.
"Really?You're asking me,why?"Hindi makapaniwalang saad ko pero mas nangingibabaw ang galit ko.
"Okay.You asked for it.Devi! explain to them what's happening."I said before I sat beside Shein who are looking on the naked girls.
"So you're really enjoying the view,are you?"I said to him before I gave him a peeve expression.
He looked at me in a meaningful way and place his hands on his palm and looked at me from my side.
"Someone is jealous."He said that made me looked on him.
"Yes I'm not."I said towards him sarcastically before he looked away his sight from the naked girls.
"Don't worry wifey,I will not watch them."he said before he laughed at my words earlier.
"Of course because if you do,I will let you taste them."I said to him that made his eyes in widen in disbelief.
"Ouch!are you really my wife or not?"he said to me with a fake pain while holding his chest.
Natawa naman ako sa isipan ko dahil sa inakto niyang iyon.He is really my man.
This time my focus went on Devi who are talking now.
"Wifey."Shein said to me so I looked at him in annoyance.
"What!?"I asked him coldly.
"How can I not watch those exotic girls?"he said to me problematically.I looked at him in disbelief.Really?
"Wait."I said before I get one pad of napkin and made is as an eye mask and gave it to him.
"What the fuck is this!?"he asked me puzzlely.
"Wear it on."I said and he only complaint in disbelief but in the end he wear it immediately when I warned him again.
At this time I fixed my gaze towards Devi who are talking.
I saw how their jaw dropped when I'm in the middle of explaining on them.
"Now,after raping her and killing her.You warned me not to disclose what happened that day but you all did not made your words so you pitted me in jail,accusing the murder crime you have done."I said and as expected they are confused right now.
"What are you talking about?"Pauline asked in confusion together with Ara.
But Zion and June was speechless after remembering what happened.
"It-it was you!the nerd!"Zion said in fear while he was nervously trying to sink in their mind.
"I--I'm so sorry Zack! P--please spare us!"June said as he was begging together with Ara and Zion but except for Pauline.
"Stop it jerks!Felix's deserve to die hahahahaha"Pauline said like a crazy bitch.
But the next thing we did not expect is Shein was now holding Pauline on her neck with a bloodshot eyes.He was gone mad now, what's wrong?
"What the fuck are you talking about bitch!?Feliza is alive so don't make nonsense here."Shein said but was interrupted by Sapphire.
"Stop it Shein!"Sapphire said along the conversation so Shein removed his hands on Pauline's neck and looked seriously on Sapphire.
"What!?Are you really gone mad with her?Feliza is with us last time and I agreed that I hated her but she's my former best friend also even though I hated her being barring our relationship was,I did not plan to kill-"
"Feliz is dead Shein!Feliza is dead! remember that!"Sapphire said in a serious tone also then looked at me.
"Sapphire is right Shein,I was on the crime when Feliza died on the hands of this four people!The-the woman that I-I was courting was th-they killed her in front of me but because I was weak that time and they are so many,I can't fight back so instead of killing me,they let me hold the camera while crying and begging them to stop but this shit of people did not have mercy!!!"I said the truth and after that Shein looked on me with a bad look.
"Don't joke around-"
"He's not joking around Shein,I know somethings that you also don't know."Vera said in the scene.
"What are you taking about!?All of you!fuck can you please explain it to me!?"Shein said in a serious manner then looked on Sapphire who are quite at the moment.Is their something wrong?
"You all planned this did you?"Shein was accusing Sapphire with a bad expression while hoyhis grip.
"I don't know your plots Sapphire but please don't prank like this-"
"Shein,do you trust me?"Sapphire asked in a serious tone that made us all in the room stop from breathing.I know what she's capable that's why I'm also afraid of her.
"Yes of course but-"
Again,Shein was cutted of his words by Sapphire.
"Do you love me!?"Sapphire was asking him while holding her expressionless face.
"Yes I love you but-"
"If you fucking have the trust and love for me!then you should hear us out!Fuck it!Do you think you're the only one who's been unbelievably from the fact that Feliza is dead.No,Devi and Vera too Shein.They know more things rather than you.Now,will you let them explain now,so that you will not think about us pranking."Sapphire said with her blank expression and it made Shein speechless from her words.
"I'm sor-"
"Stop.You should hear them out first."Sapphire said towards Shein who had thought about his actions earlier.The queen is mad and so the king is confused,so what's going on later?

Book Comment (71)

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    Jheralyn Mata

    I love it. waiting for the next season/s 😊💗


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    Ciel Del Mundo

    Joi oj


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