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Without breaking the gaze, I cried as I saw my mother again. I missed her so much! As soon as my body came back to its normal weight and gained energy from a month of being in coma, I would tell her everything that my father wanted me to say to her.
"Are you just alright?" she asked.
No matter how I tried to say what I wanted to say, my lips only said those words which are easy to say. "Y-yes." I stuttered.
"Oh, here's your doctor. Hi, Dr. Nueva. I would just want to discuss something." my mother said and they walked away.
Here I am again. Alone. Looking at the white ceiling. I wonder—how was Markian? I was too dumb to fight with him while he was driving. I felt jealous and betrayed. I regret that I showed off my emotions. I should've just kept them. I want to see him.
I tried to sit down but as soon as I moved my back, I felt numb after the pain. Then, I can't move anymore.
"Don't force yourself, Rum." That's the time I noticed my brother sitting on the chair on my left side.
I want to see Markian, "M-markian... " but that's what my lips said.
My brother froze for a moment and looked away. "I-I wan-tch see M-markian."
"Stop!" his voice cracked. When he faced me, I saw how red his face was. Tears are streaming down his face.
"S-stop seeing that man. He would just cause trouble on you! You almost died. Please stay away from that bastard." he exclaimed and beg.
He held my hand and covered his face with his hands and my hands. This is the first time I saw him crying. Not because of losing a pageant or not winning a girl's heart but almost losing his sister.
"S-sorry, Kyul-lo." ...I've been always a problem to you and to mommy. I will do my best to obey all of your rules.
"Kyulo. I missed that nickname. Haha." he said and sniffed. He wiped his tears and looked at me with smiling face.
"After your therapy, let's learn Filipino language again." he presume without removing the huge smile on his face.
We use English at home since my mother is an American. When I was a kid, my brother and I used to speak Filipino but as my father died, mommy said we should start speaking in English.
My brother's nickname was a combination of one Filipino word and his name. 'Kuya' which means 'big brother' and his name Yulo. Kyulo. Haha.
"I-I w-ou—"
"It's okay, Rum. Don't force yourself to speak." my brother said smiling, still holding my hand.
Our mother went inside and Kyulo was forced to wipe his tears.
"I'll just leave your meal here. Eat your lunch, okay? Mckenzie, please don't force yourself to move or speak. Yulo, take care of her. I will be back. I just have some important thing to do." she said and walked out of the room.
What is it, mommy? Is it much important than your daughter?
"I love you, mommy!" Yulo said.
This kid is so cute. Well, I'm his mother so...HAHAHA.
"I love you too, honey." I said and kissed his cheeks.
"What about me, mommy? I love you, too!" my husband said while trying to sound like a 3-year-old baby.
I tapped his shoulder lightly and laughed. He kissed me on the lips and I was stiffened.
"Honey! Yulo is in front of us!" I said and he run away.
"I didn't saw anything, mommy. Ahihi." Yulo giggled and covered his eyes but he pouted his lips as if he's kissing someone.
"Look what you've done!" I exclaimed and pointed Yulo's lips.
He stick his head in the room and laughed so hard as he saw Yulo. They just laughed and laughed while I'm chasing my husband, Michale. We have already reached the half part of our house. On the living room.
I was still chasing my Michale when I heard his phone rang. I looked at it and I saw his friend's name with no.2 after. "Honey, Jerome is calling you on his second number!" I bet he's still hiding that's why I answered the phone call.
I waited for him to speak, "Michale, nagkasakit ulit si Daphne! Tumawag na ako ng ambulansya. Inatake siya ulit ng epilepsy. Pumunta ka nalang sa Provincial Hospita!" [Michale, Daphne is sick! I already called the ambulance. Her epilepsy attacked her again.] the girl ended the phone call.
It took me for a few moment to realize what happened. Michale went out of the kitchen and saw me holding his phone. His smile faded. "Who called?" he queried.
I just glared at him while I felt my tears flowing, nonstop. I was stiffened. How could he?
"How old is Daphne?" I asked.
"H-how did you—" he hurriedly tried to get the phone out of my hands but I tightened my grip until I can't take it anymore. The phone dropped on the floor.
"Oh no, mommy. You dropped the phone!" Yulo said and tried to fix the broken phone.
"Put it down, Yulo."
"But mommy—"
"Put it down!"
I lost my temper. Thinking that he cheated, it has boiled my blood. "How old is Daphne?!" I asked, for the second time.
"T-two years old."
I thought it was just recently. But he's cheating for 2 years, now?!
"It's not what you think, honey." he tried to explain but I didn't listen to him anymore.
"Go out of this house!" I mandated.
He was about to leave when I remembered his another daughter who was now at the hospital, "G-go at the Provincial hospital. D-daphne was admitted." I said and bowed my head down.
All this time, I thought we're important to him. But I guess we're not. Thinking that he cheated on me, I'm being torn up.
"Mommy, who's Daphne?" I just shook my head, "N-nothing."
"Michale...wow. Haha. Good visiting you after 10 years. How's everything there? Surely, you're alright if you reached Heaven." I kidded.
"I-I'm sorry if I didn't treat your daughter right for these past few years. I-it kills me, Michale. It kills my heart. All I can think when I'm looking at her is you, cheating on me and Yulo." I said with my tears falling.
"Daphne had an accident with her boyfriend and the thought of them having a child was gone for now. The doctor told me that she was not pregnant. She'd been in coma for a month. I-I can't just neglect your child, Michale. My conscience is eating me whenever I do so. I think I had loved your daughter…" I said and smiled, still looking at his grave.
"...you probably think who's with her now that I'm here with you. Don't worry. Yulo's with her. I-I can't help but to smile because even if Yulo knew about the truth, he remained silent and treat her as her real sister. A-about the truth. I would tell her when she's 25. The age that I think she's already married…" I closed my eyes as I'm thinking of her, getting married. I burst into tears. I would definitely miss her, if that happens.
"...I will wait for the right man who will turn her as a woman."

Book Comment (240)

  • avatar

    highly recommended story! Read it guyys! keep it up po!! More stories to come!! Padayon💗💗


  • avatar
    Jennalyn Mirabueno Satira

    Congrats po. Nasa rank 7 ang story mo..❤


  • avatar
    Ferreira dos SantosMaria Fernanda



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