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"What happened?"
I was stunned as I saw the red-haired musician at school wearing a white long suit worn by doctors.
"Bro, what happened?" he asked my brother.
"Well, she just woke up sweating and panting. She shouted, also."
"Maybe she had a nightmare." Uno said and walked towards me.
I was stiffened but I managed to close my eyes. I can smell his manly scent in my place. He's so close. "You should take a rest, Ale. You had a nightmare, right?"
"Silly. Nightmare in the afternoon." my brother managed to joke.
"Can you hear me, Ale?"
"I-I'm fine. You can leave me alone." I said but they stayed maybe they didn't hear me. I want to get up but I can't.
"Don't force yourself, Ale. You just went through a month of being comatose. Your body is still weak." Uno said.
"W-what h-hap-pened?" I queried. I mean I've been comatose for one month? But I can't even remember anything except for my dream?
"Do not force yourself to speak. It's not good for you. Just listen while we assist you, is that okay? Nurse Giovan, please come here."
We helped her normalize her breathing by ensuring that the oxygen is at its normal level. We adjusted the machines little by little.
"I'll start now. It might help you recover. After the accident you and Markian went to, you woke up. I think that was one hour after the accident but after that, you passed out and didn't walk up until now. I-I'm just glad that you survived." he addressed and held my hand.
"W-where's Markian?" I asked.
"Oh my gosh, that's the hottie doctor from 3 years ago, right?"
"Hey bro, your back!"
"Ah, I'm sick."
"Welcome back, doc."
I just smiled at them. I was just looking at them and I didn't notice that I'm going to bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry, miss. Are you alright?" I asked. At first, I didn't noticed that it was her.
The sunlight blocked her face, as soon as I recognized her, my heart pumped crazily. T-this woman!
"Y-yes." she answered. She looked at me from head to toe so I got intimidated but I'm too shy to make her see it. Her friend said something but I didn't listen to that. I overcome my nervousness and offered my hand, pretending to be calm.
"Uno," I cooed and smiled widely. I hope I'm not creepy wearing my smile.
"Azhlley, he wanted to be friends with you, look!" she giggled.
I blinked uncountable as I heard her. Pfft. She didn't changed. Her attitude still reminds me of her 7 year old self. I was about to laugh at her reaction when I stopped myself and cleared my throat, "No, miss. I'm talking to you. It's okay if you don't want to shake hands with me, Ale."
I felt ashamed for the sudden action I made. I left them without saying anything after that. "Ahh, Uno. What a bad impression you have left. She don't know you yet. All she knew is your younger self!" I pointed to the mirror as soon as I reached the comfort room.
"Hey, Drew!" Yulo said and waved his hand. He's talking with the band members.
"Hey." I cooed and walked towards them. I hope they didn't saw what I did earlier.
"Are you ready?" he asked and I just nodded once.
"Surely, she'll remember you."
As soon as the program started, Ale was already at the stage. All I know is that we're just going to play a song and after this, my surprise for Ale will happen.
"She's so lucky! Drew's just beside her!"
"I missed you so much, my baby Drew, huhu."
"Marry me, Drew!"
Ugh, girls. Stop. This is just me. Kidding, haha. Well, I do accept compliments as long as it won't reach the limit.
"Lucky your ass." I heard her whispered. "Go and stand here, idiots." she added.
I can't help but to laugh but it was too late when I realized she heard me. Oh no, did I make her feel uncomfortable?
She's panicking. I can see it through her eyes. Lady, please face your fears. I'm just here.
I was about to speak to her before the band starts to play but she almost escaped. Gladly, our band mates were able to stop her.
"You can't escape me, Ale." I said and my heart pounded so hard as I blew it out of my mouth loudly.
"Don't call her by her first name. She's not comfortable." our band mate who was named Markian said.
Did I made her feel uncomfortable? But that was how I call her when we're young. That was her favorite part on her name...
As soon as Ale saw us fighting, she felt uncomfortable. Ugh, this man. He shouldn't argue with me when Ale is around. She doesn't want to see someone's arguing.
"U-uh, what's going on?" she asked.
I badly want to hug her like how we used to do when we're still young. She was comforted by my hugs and said she wished of me being in their town.
Did she changed already? Did she still remember me?
Bleke, the drummer counted and we started to play. Markian started to sing and as soon as we reached the middle part he stopped playing and singing.
"Hmm-mm! Mic test. 1. 2. 3." and there, I saw Markian pulling a bouquet of pink tulips for Ale. He handed that to her and talked about his love for Ale but it doesn't sounded genuine.
"Now." I said as Markian stopped. Yulo started to pass the massage and the band started to play the melody I had composed. Surely, she likes poems more than tulips for her father taught her that material things were nothing compared to those who comes from the heart. She told me one time that instead of bedtime stories, her father used to create a poem for her on the spot.
"This isn't a song. Haha. But I hope you'd like it." I started.
I was almost done on confessing.
"...That was the most gorgeous thing I've ever heard from a 7 years old. You're too young back then and—" I didn't finish the poem I wrote as Markian started to play a new song. The band jammed with him.
Explore your life, do your best,
breathe and witness what can it bring,
you'll know that you are imperfectly perfect,
a tremendous art, living.
After that incident, I found them in an accident. I took care of Ale as it's my duty as a doctor and as her… friend.
I felt bad for Ale and Markian. They're still too young to experience this.
"Paging Dr. Nueva, please proceed to the ICU." they called my name for about 3 times and so I rushed to the room where Ale is staying.
I thought something bad happened to her but as soon as I opened the door, I saw her eyes looking at the ceiling.
S-shes finally awake!
I controlled my happiness, trying to keep it inside but my lips and aura showed it. I can't hide it. I felt my heart racing.
I thought she'd be glad to know that her childhood friend is back but I was wrong. As soon as we talked about the accident, she asked his childhood crush. Haha, silly me.

Book Comment (240)

  • avatar

    highly recommended story! Read it guyys! keep it up po!! More stories to come!! Padayon💗💗


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    Jennalyn Mirabueno Satira

    Congrats po. Nasa rank 7 ang story mo..❤


  • avatar
    Ferreira dos SantosMaria Fernanda



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