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"We should start planning for your wedding. What's the date you guys are up to?"
My eyes widened and my mouth went agape. Wedding? I'm just 20 and I'm still studying. A while ago, we're talking about my fake pregnancy and now, we're talking about a wedding?!
"Well, it would be—I think cute if it will happen on our anniversary. Next week." Markian stated.
What the heck is this bastard talking about? Anniversary? Next week? Is he insane?! I haven't answered his question since two days ago and now, we already had an anniversary? I swear, Nathaniel Markian, you're gonna regret this.
"Is that okay with you, Macky?" grandpop asked.
"I-I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'm not feeling well." I trailed. It wasn't a lie! My head really aches.
"Oh okay, sweety. I think you really need some rest. Markian." Aunt Gian stated.
"Yes, mom?" he queried and smiled.
"Your Aunt Daughty will stay here. We have something to discuss. Go and take care of Macky and my future grandson."
"Of course, mom!"
"Is something bothering you?" Markian asked while driving.
He gazed upon me and so, I shouted, "Eyes on the road!"
"I'm sorry. I know you're mad at me for lying many times in front of them and... in front of you." he coaxed.
I remained silent. I was just looking outside with the open window. I am free to see the trees and grass vibing along the road. The urbanity's blending with the rural life. Still, with the calmness it brings, my heart still aches, seeing all of them believe what Markian said.
"Hey, talk to me." he said, trying to get my attention.
"We aren't even in a relationship yet we have an anniversary? We haven't made love yet, and now you're telling them I'm pregnant? Are you insane?!" I shouted as my calmness walked away.
"I am not. We are in a relationship. Have you already forgotten? T-that night, about 3 years ago. At your debut…"
"At my debut, you told me that you and Gracey were finally in a relationship. How dare you think that I'm Gracey? You broke up with her! I'm Mckenzie. Stop that sh-t."
My blood boiled that I almost jumped out of the car because I don't wanna see this guy right inside of this car.
"But you already forgot our promise, Macky." his voice almost cracked and as I turned to him, I saw how teary his eyes were.
"W-what are you talking about?!" I shouted, trying to sound mad.
I turned to see the trees again. I can't see him crying. I can't do that.
"I said, 'Macky, if ever we reach 20 and you or I still don't have any partner, let's be together.' and you said yes. T-that was our promise' anniversary."
"You, moron! You have a girlfriend. What are you talking about?"
"I already broke up with her, Macky. Can't you remember?" he asked and I feigned not to listen to what he's saying.
"Macky. Please give me a chance. I-I broke up with her just to be with you." he reasoned out.
"Eat your reason, bastard! You haven't really changed. You always play with my heart. With my feelings. You really wanted every girl's heart on your hand, right?" I confronted him.
"But that wasn't true! I hate seeing you cry when I'm happy. I know you like me and—" I slapped his face as she reasoned my feelings to hurt another girl.
"I can't believe you saying that, Markian. H-right! You pity me. Well to say this to you, I like someone else and now, you've got my freedom to be in love by saying those stupid lies in front of your family and my family!" I lied.
I-I do not like someone else. I know I should be happy when they announce we're getting married but it seems so wrong. Whenever I tried to be happy with their announcement, their reasons were killing me.
We pretended to be together because grandpop is losing his eyesight, h-his sickness has eaten almost every part of his body. And now, we're getting married because he pity me. He's with me and broke Gracey's heart.
How should I feel happy when—
"The brake is broken!" Markian suddenly shouted.
I panicked. Not knowing what to do. Markian hugged me and turned his back on the road. I saw a 10-wheeler truck approaching. I heard him cursing and my vision turned black.
"Oh God, thank you! You're awake!" I heard someone shouted.
The light reflected badly on my eyes which caused me to close my eyes, again. I heard footsteps approaching. Someone touched me and checked my vitals.
I opened my eyes, once again and saw Markian, a doctor and nurses.
"M-mark-kian." I uttered but I felt weak as I can't say his name fully. He just smiled at me.
"Ale, are you alright?" the doctor asked.
I saw everything went black, again and I found a little girl sitting in a garden full of pink tulips. It was surrounded by butterflies and birds. I turned around as someone called my name and tapped my shoulders.
"You missed her, didn't you?" the man I'm longing to, asked.
"D-daddy." I whispered and hugged him.
"Look, being a kid was just fun, right?"
I just nodded. felt my tears begin to drop. My heart is being torn up. I miss being young, but I miss my father more. As soon as he died, my mother began to treat me coldly.
"T-that was us!" I said and pointed to the family having a picnic together.
We're all laughing. Just happy.
"But daddy, that was just a memory. W-we can't go back to that anymore." I stuttered while crying.
"You know you can always bring that back. If you and your mommy will just accept that I won't be with you, physically. But look, I'm always here, my favorite daughter."
"Duh. I'm just your only daughter." I said and sniffed.
"Haha. Of course. Hey look, that's Markian!" he shouted.
"D-daddy I'm shy. Don't call him." I said, forgetting that this was just a dream.
"Hell—" Markian didn't finish what he was saying when someone stabbed him.
"—llo." The man who stabbed him completed the greeting that Markian should say.
I fainted as I realized it was him, too.

Book Comment (240)

  • avatar

    highly recommended story! Read it guyys! keep it up po!! More stories to come!! Padayon💗💗


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    Jennalyn Mirabueno Satira

    Congrats po. Nasa rank 7 ang story mo..❤


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    Ferreira dos SantosMaria Fernanda



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