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Chapter 6: Official players

After a few days, we're all back to our regular schedule, some things changed and some things stayed the same.
There's still Ace making fun of me, Peirce and Annie always fighting- well Annie started to fight back after that incident of Peirce confronting her, Icer being a bully- mostly to Sam solely and Troy picking on Liz.
I'm practicing my harp because miss Tirrae is told to be back on three days, so every one of us is doing our best to accomplish our tasks.
Ace's group are no where to be found these past few days, so is the rest of the Core society, I also heard some rumors about electing a new campus Queen maybe that is one of the reasons why they got so busy.
My fingers really hurt from strumming the harp, I would have preffered the piano because I know a lot of songs by playing it. I sighed and decided to take a break, I didn't bother looking for the two cause I'm pretty sure that they are busy in their own practices.
I walked out the music room and inhaled the fresh air from nature, the sky is blue and it's a perfect day to roam around the academy, but since I'm a lazy person, I walked down towards the library to read something knowledgable.
I walked pass a certain bookshelf and tried to ignore it, I mean, I can somehow check it out for a reply right? I made sure that no one notices me, before walking right into the shelf and somehow manage to find the book.
I flipped through the pages and found the letter but it was a new one now it has his hand writing that says:
'Of course I know, but consider the word privacy, are you dumb to realize that?'
Then another angry face was written below it, I grinned and wrote something down below it.
'This is still an open library for us students' I argued and draw a happy face to tease him.
After writting I immediately folded the paper and tucked it inside the book before returning it to the shelf.
I was suppose to be reading books now but I end up doing my homework that was due tonorrow.
I also did my research project and sent it to Icer's email before he could scold me again, the whole research lasted to 15 pages and it took me a lot of time to research and double check it at the same time.
I checked my phone and it was already lunch time, I messaged Sam to meet me at our building so we can have our lunch together and she replied 'okay' with a smiling face.
After printing my research, I took my flashdrive and turned the computer off before standing up, I think my spine stiffed on a long time sitting on the swivel chair.
I sighed and walked out the library, the sun is shinning above me and I can almost feel myself getting roasted so I jogged towards the main building to put my research papers to my locker then immediately proceeded to our building.
On the way there, I saw Loraine and Annie walking together and both of them look so exhausted, ooh they had classes this morning? Thank goodness.
"Oh you're here, take Annie with you for lunch cause I'll be eating with my friends at the grand hall, I'll fetch her later" Loraine said.
"Alright, enjoy" I waved at her.
Me and Annie walked towards our building when we noticed a few lady guards scattered by the entrance, at first we didn't give too much thought but one of them asked for our ID's.
I showed them mine and Annie excuse herself because the Dean still didn't gave her's since she is a transferree. After a few questions, Annie managed to stay calm and answered all of it before they finally let us through.
"Geez, well that was a pain" Annie rubbed her neck.
"Who knew that the Dean allowed them to look through our ID's" I mumbled.
Most of our teachers- back when it was just my first year here- they would remind us not to show our ID's to everyone even our classmates, friends or school mates because someone can use that to cheat, other than that there's no more reasons why.
When we got into the cafeteria, we took our meals and look over our table to see Sam and Liz already there, they haven't touch their foid yet so I'm assuming that they are waiting for us.
"Sorry we're late" Annie said, they just gave us a smile and we started eating.
"Did they check your ID's as well?" Sam asked me.
"Yeah, did the Dean really allowed that?" I asked, they both shrugged then I felt my phone vibrated.
I fished it out my skirt's pocket and saw a message from Icer, I sighed turnung turning it off and returned it inside my pocket to continue my food, I'll check it out later.
"Maybe he did, besides the school wouldn't dare to let them see our ID's for unimportant matters" Liz pointed out.
"Positively right" Sam muttered.
"Hey did you guys finished the research this week?" I asked them.
"We're still working with the output" Sam answered.
"Yeah, the output is kinda difficult to make since our topic is complicated" Liz mumbled while playing with her food.
"You guys should just focus on the main concept and try to look for the conclusion- I mean, you should open up for the main point before thinking about the other matters by the board" I explained to them, they both blinked trice.
"Icer is lucky to have you as his partner" Liz frowned.
"Yeah that bastard sure is taking this chance to improve his rank" Sam added.
I only laughed at their complaints and finished my food, Annie on the other hand is just looking at us making me tap her shoulder.
"You okay?" I asked her.
"What on earth are you guys talking about? I don't totally get the whole concept" she complained, I smiled.
"You'll get it soon, this research is not completely a battle between our classes" I chuckled and she nodded understandingly.
After our lunch, I opened Icer's message and he told me that he's already done with the final report and I gave him a simple thanks as a reply.
While walking back towards the main building, Loraine suddenly appeared out of nowhere to take Annie back to their classroom while we proceed to ours after taking my research papers on my locker.
I sat on my desk and reviewed everything that is written on it when one of our classmates approached me.
"Woah Tine, you're already done? I bet you'll still get the 1st rank this year" she said.
"I know right?" The other one said.
I just gave them a simple smile then someone landed a folder on my desk, I look over to where the arm came and there stood Icer.
"Have you read the whole thing?" I asked him while checking his work.
"I wouldn't done the report today if I didn't" he answered and I continuesly nodded my head, I started reading his final report and I really admire his words but a certain mistake captured my attention.
"Okay... you got one wrong here, page 3, 2nd paragraph, 4th to 6th sentences" I pointed out he sighed.
"Right, I'll settle that later then, I just need the preview from you" he said.
"Alright, I think the rest are okay, you just need to fix that little error and we're good to go" I told him and handed him back the folder, he nodded and went back to his seat.
"Impressive, he didn't scold you for pointing out his mistake" Sam whispered.
"It's about the grades that's why he didn't complain" I responded then the teacher came.
We greeted him before sitting back down with notebooks, pads and pens ready to start shuffling the topic and the lessons for today, well I can't say more cause this class is full of competetive students.
After our classes we went to the gym for our volleyball practice, we settled our things inside the locker area and changed into our practice attire, while changing, I was thinking about the even next week, geez time sure flies so fast.
I already started writing my letter of absence to the Dean because I'm planning to go home next friday and will be back on monday, I'm planning to catch the last flight next sunday to make it back here before monday to attend my classes.
"Hey, let's go" Althea nudged me, I smiled before following her out the locker room, good thing that Sofia and the rest are no where to be found here today.
The coach gathered us to form a circle and announced that we should elect our official members on the court, of course it was mostly based on our performance but our future team captain left all of us silent.
Some of us are hoping to be the team captain but some also wants to be part of the official players, I didn't really cate about my position tho, I'm fine with anything.
"Miss, I think we'll have Ashlyn as our team captain" Sam suddenly raised her hand catching everyone's attention.
"No. 9, miss Fukuda, are willing to take the ressponsiblities of being a team captain?" Coach asked her, she proudly stood up.
"I am willing to coach" she smiled making us cheered.
Once settled, Ashlyn, together with our coach and club coordinator discussed a few things away from us while we simply talk about things.
Everyone of us are getting along very well so we don't need to argue about being the official players or not, in fact, we are supporting each other on almost everything since the try outs.
"Okay we've decided our official players" the coach announced, catching our attentions.
"I'll start off, we have no. 3, Kiana Justice Evergreen, our libero" Ashlyn clapped while Kiana's eyes widened, well she obviously didn't expect to be called on first.
"No. 8, miss Samantha Caina Morgan, our Ace and wing spiker" said by the Coach.
"Next on the list is no. 12, Lizelle Quin Zamora, middle blocker" Ashlyn grinned- Liz is her favorite member so far, more like they have this mother-daughter relationship.
"Okay, let's also welcome no. 1, Althea Stanzelle Cromello, our middle blocker" Coach said and Althea squealed in joy making us chuckled, okay now the last member.
"Lastly, no. 5, Cursetine Aidoar Belfour, our setter!" Ashlyn cheered and my brain disconnected to my body immediately.
The next thing I knew, everyone was cheering for me and congratulating me. I didn't know that this was suppose to be happening, I mean, it's not like I don't want to be one of the official players but does this means that I have to work harder?
The first quarter examinations are also a 5 weeks away and and before that, I also need to go back to my home country to welcome my dad- and that also reminds me on my music performance, I also need to practice it.
I already memorize the whole notes all I need to do is to improve my finger moving through the strings.
I thanked everyone who greeted me and greeted my team, I also thanked the coach for trusting my abilities and I promise to do my best to help my team for the best results.
Since today is a special day for all of us, the coach let us play for ourselves- a friendly game. we played 1 match since we all need to rest to do our own works afterwards.
The match ended with the other team winning, I was really happy when they announced it as a tie, all of us were celebrating and no one dared to drop our lively atmosphere.
We are currently having our shower now and everyone is chatting happily, I rubbed the shampoo off my scalp with the help of the water flowing off the shower.
"How about you Tine?" One of our members asked.
"Of course I'm going, it's worth to celebrate!" I chuckled and once again the shower room was filled with their squeals.
Once done we headed towards our building for dinner, we occupied the longest table for us to seat together, I saw Xiena eating with Loraine on our table, we only wave at them and they smiled before giving us a thumbs up.
Our table was filled with warm atmosphere, of course we are still silent because the issue about last week is still raw in other students mind and maybe the victim's friends are here so it would be rude if we'd be laughing out loud.
After dinner I excused myself immediately, I still need to meet up with Icer for our project, I know that I already settled everything but I still need to discuss a few things to him.
These past few days, he's been treating me warnly while Ace is totally the opposite, everytime we would meet, he would be so mean and say a lot of negative things to my work but I didn't mind him.
I set foot inside the lab and I saw him sitting on his area while doing a few things, writing, looking at the microscope then write again.
I knocked on the door twice catching his attention, he raised his eyebrow at me and I grinned.
"You're late" he grumbled.
"I know my dinner was delicious so I couldn't help but get another serve" I lied, well I enjoyed talking to my team.
"What's that?" I asked him.
"Extra homework from the terror monkey tsk, it's not our fault that the investigation is still on going and the victim's family is fxcking rich and they didn't believe that their daughter commited suic*de" he settled his eyeglasses down and massage his temples in furstration.
"Well it wasn't a suic*de" I mumbled and checked his paper.
"Talk about that crap" he hissed, I chuckled.
"How are you guys?" He asked.
"So far so good, nothing's bothering us" I replied and checked his paper.
"I think I know this" I said.
"Yeah?" He asked me as if he is challenging me.
"Give me 10 minutes" I smirked, he shrugged and moved away from his seat so I can sit on it.
I took another sheet of paper and look through the microscope, I was right, this was our experiment back when I was on my primary school.
It was pretty easy actually and I jotted down the answers and the other information that he may need on the lower part of the paper before reading all of it silently just in case of any errors.
"Done" I said and turn to him, I didn't notice that he was just staring at me the whole time, I cleared my throat and slid the paper to him, that's when his attention shifted to the paper.
Well that was awkward, I watch him read the whole thing and he nodded his head in satisfaction afterwards, he grab the pen that I was holding and wrote a dot on the paper.
"It was good but you forgot to write the dot" he grinned, I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"So where's the final report? Any improvements?" I asked before standing up from his seat to look for my notes on the little shelf inside the lab- more like it's an open locker for our bags and other things to put when we enter the lab.
He then land a white folder on the table, I took my notes when I found it and went to seat on the chair infront of his desk.
"I added some things and also changed the ones you pointed out earlier" he responded and I nodded my head.
"What's this for?" He reffered to my notebook.
"Nothing, I need it for my homework" I said while reading his new report.
"When are you guys going back to attending classes properly?" I asked.
"Probably one of this days? Why? Miss us?" He teased.
"Dream on Devarez" I frowned and he chuckled.
"Just kidding, so denial of you Belfour" I once again rolled my eyes at his statement.
Silent spread all across the corners of the room, he's re-writing the answers I wrote on another sheet of paper while I continued to read the contents inside the folder.
Once I was done scanning through the words of the last paragraph, I closed the folder and he looked at me.
"Do you really think that you research enough?" I asked him.
"Well yeah, it took me some time to cover up the missing ones" he replied, I clapped my hands and he gave me a confuse look.
"Looks like we're ready to present" I said in a cheerful tone and he smile, a geniune one.
"Great job" I pat his shoulder before standing up.
"You too" he said lowly and went back on writing.
"Well I'm off, thanks for the time" he said and rose from his seat as well.
"Yeah same here, thanks for working hard, good night" I waved before walking out the lab.
I was about to turn to the hallway when I heard rushing footsteps towards me making me halt.
"Cursetine!" He called, I turn my heel to face him and I saw him jogging towards me.
"You forgot this" he handed me my notebook which I took away from him and smiled.
"Thanks Icer" I said and he nodded.
"No problem, uh good night" he looked away and I felt the tip of my ears heating as well as my cheeks.
"N-night" I manage to say before we both parted ways.
I unconciously walked towards our building with my notebook in my hand, my heart is keeps makung rapid beats, am I sick or something? I swallowed a lump down my throat before hissing and lecturing myself while walking up to the lift.
When the elevator opened, my jaw dropped when I saw Pierce walked out of my room, I immediately marched towards that direction to confront him.
"Oh hey Tine" he smirked.
"What the hell are you doing inside there?" I asked him.
"Visiting my fiancé, what else" he rolled his eyes as if it wasn't an issue for him to go to the girls dorm at this night to visit his fiancé.
"Hmp, get back to your building" I turn my back against him and entered my room.
I saw Annie sleeping peacefully while hugging a very familiar pillow- I smirked, that pillow is the one that Pierce used when we had our field trip last year, I also heard him saying that it was his favorite pillow that time.
Oh Xiena Annika, your fiancé is really trying his best to help you overcome your trauma, I instantly shook my head and changed into my pajamas before finally working on my homework.
I have a lot more work to do these following days so I need to cope up with everything as I can to maintain my rank and grades.

Book Comment (253)

  • avatar

    this story is really good... i like it and nice 😍


  • avatar
    Alonso Oswald

    This story is really good,i love to read it and sometimes make me want a lover.


  • avatar
    Mango Float

    so kilig


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