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Arc 5 Chapter 5.8 ( Actor Lu's Fanboy )

Standing in the middle of the garden , Zone slowly sat down on a stone chair and leaned back on the back rest . Holding the phone in his hand to his ear , he started talking to the man on the phone while crossing his legs .
" You've come "
The other side chuckled and nodded . " I was busy shooing that annoying guy away so only now did i have the time to cross over . "
Zone suddenly remembered the purple haired man who proclaimed as his ex boyfriend before in one of his past lives . Zone couldn't remember any people associated to him anymore as he had already experienced a lot of lives , why would Zone even bother remember some unimportant things .
" By the way Zone , can you recieve me over the airport? I'll be arriving an hour soon . "
Zone frowned " how did you call me when you are still in flight? "
Shade hiding in the toilet scratched the back of his head . " I ... Used my ability . "
" Fool , this world has a strict restriction to the any supernatural beings , how could you leave traces that could be exploited and detected by the Multiverse Burue? . " 
Shade who was reprimanded by Zone secretly smiled . " Then , meet me later . "
Zone hummed and immediately hang up the call . Zone took a deep breathe for a while and meditated . 
Chen Zixin suddenly saw Lu Feng coming back to the house but he directly climb upstairs and went back down doning an attire . Judging from his appearance , he will probably meet up with the hidden character..
Chen Zixin was curious but he doesn't dare ask Lu Feng who is he going to meet . Zone met Chen Zixin's inquiring eyes but ignored him and nonchalantly said . " I'll be back in a few hours . Feel free to guard the house. "
Chen Zixin nodded.  " Be careful on your way , Ah Feng . "
Zone paused then gave the young man a smile and a light pat on the shoulder then left .
Chen Zixin watched as Lu Feng's back disappeared within his sight and frowned . He's a bit dissatisfied , and he doesn't know why. 
Lu Feng is ignoring him ... Why can't he spend some time with him? Chen Zixin wants to be close to Lu Feng but he has small courage . No wonder he can't inherit the family business ... He's so timid and cowardly .
Chen Zixin habitually bit his nails and sat down on the sofa . He decided to binge watch Bloody Bite , the 20th episode was already released yesterday and he didn't have any vacant time to watch it .
Opening his smartphone , Chen Zixin opened an app and searched in the search engine the title of the drama .
In the 20th episode , Jiang Nianzu decided to visit the mortal world after the news of his right hand man's death reached his ears . He was so angered that the whole palace turned unbearably silent because of his terrible pressure .
Chen Zixin watched as Lu Feng's handsome eyes stared at the scene of Wu Zihao and Jing Jinghua talking with each other . Jiang Nianzu caught Wu Zihao's weakness .
From then on , Jiang Nianzu portrayed a gentlemanly persona and started competing with Wu Zihao .
In the comment area , the loyal cp fans wavered and thought that Jing Jinghua and Jiang Nianzu's love team is better than the female lead and male lead cp .
No one would have thought that a second young master such as Chen Zixin is actually a die hard fan of Lu Feng . Amidst the flow of conquettish and shameless fans in the comment section , there would be a hidden young master who acted so shamelessly as if a girl in love .
Chen Zixin leaned back and started eating his potato chips and soda . Occasionally , Chen Zixin would rub his silver spectacles clean and put it back on .
An hour later , the door to the villa suddenly opened and a handsome british young man strides in a homely manner as if he owned the house .
Behind him , Lu Feng calmly follows and locked the door before putting his phone at the circular glass table .
Chen Zixin sitting on the sofa holding a black smartphone looked up and met a pair of foreign blue eyes . The eyelashes of the man were long and curvey , he looks pretty yet handsome . One would think he looks too handsome to be true . He also emits a charming aura that most models have .
Chen Zixin sweeps his eyes up and down on the man's body and saw how perfect this man's body were sculpted .
Slender , not too muscular and looks thin on the outside but he suspects than his body has some hidden muscles . The man has a blonde hair and nice jawline that westerners often has .
Chen Zixin felt irked by this man's aura . His sense of crisis tingled telling him that this man would snatch his idol away from him .
Shade on the other hand also scrunitized the young man sitting leisurely on his family's Zone's sofa .
This young man has a thick wavy , black silky hair and red phoenix eyes shape . He's youthful and looked innocent and pure , like a young boy blooming . There is also a silver rimmed spectacles hanging upon this young man's nose bridge , a fair skin , and slender and tall body .
The young man's legs are also long and slender , if this guy wears a black pants , it would be a nice view. 
Although he looked behaved , Shade could feel that this young guy's head isn't innocent . This bastard dares to prey on his Zone? No way! , Who is he ?
" Ah Feng , you're back . "
Aba! He even dares to call Zone so intimately? Just how thick is this guy's face? Shade gave Chen Zixin a scrunitizing look and looked back at the calm slender man .
" Feel free to choose a room . " Zone said and then looked at the young man at the sofa . He noticed the drama playing on the young man's phone and suddenly smiled .
He intimately rubbed the guy's head and pointed at the man beside him .
" Zixin , this friend beside me is called Shade . He's my friend , hope you'll get along with each other . "
Chen Zixin , a little bit flustered immediately stood up and extended his hand to the foreigner.  " Nice to meet you , I'm Chen Zixin . " Chen Zixin always saw his father extending his hands whenever he greets big shots with high status abroad . So he just imitated .
Shade smiled and recieved the hand and shake it a little before responding back . " I'm Shade , you can call me Brother Shade . "
Seeing their interaction , Zone nodded in satisfaction and patted the young man's head . " He'll be staying in the house for the time being. So don't fight and get along well . " Zone then turned to Shade . " If you need something , just knock on my door . "
Shade nodded and smiled handsomely . He then dragged his bag towards the first guest room where Li Nuying previously stayed at .
Chen Zixin suddenly noticed the the house's silence and looked at the slender man standing beside him . Chen Zixin noticed Lu Feng's eyes on the table , following his gaze . He then remembered that he was watching an episode of the drama entitled Bloody Bite .
Chen Zixin as if injected by chicken blood flusteredly turned off his phone in a quick manner .
Lu Feng saw the ashamed expression the young man's face and felt amused .
_ so cute and bashful ... I wanna bully him . _
Chen Zixin bit his lips and shyly looked up . He saw the amused look on the slender man's handsome countenance . The red on the young man's cheeks turned more reddish making the amused actor to laugh heartily. 
Lu Feng impulsively extended his hand and pinched Chen Zixin's soft cheeks .
_ so soft like a squirrel's . _
_ i wanna bite it ._
" Aaah ahh , Ah Feng~ it hurts. "
Chen Zixin suddenly widened his eyes and covered his mouth .
_ how could he produce such shameful voice!!! _
Zone on the other hand didn't stop and felt that the young man looks so cute and behaved like a rabbit . A little bit coquettish yet looks innocent , he usually used this kind of action towards Jiro .
Zone suddenly stopped his movements and removed his hands from the young man's face . Why is he reminded of that despicable man again? Zone concealed his real expression and gently smiled to the young man .
" Have i invaded your privacy? Was it ok for you that i have touched your cheeks? "
Chen Zixin felt a bit disappointed that Zone retracted his hands. Hearing Zone's question , he quickly denied it . " No Ah Feng , it's totally fine for me to touch my face . It's totally fine , really . "
Zone stared at the young man and faintly smiled . He patted the young man's shoulder then took the liberty to pinch his cheeks for the last time before walking back to his room to search for an item he could present to the Old Man Chen . 
Chen Zixin who was left behind touched his red cheeks and bashfully bit his lower lip restraining his excitement for his idol .
His idol!
His idol pinched his cheeks!
Aaah I'm gonna die .
Sounds of glasses breaking and furniture's being thrown resonated throughout the whole mansion followed by a sound of despair and unwillingness .
" Arrgg! Li Nuying! What have you done! What have you done!!! Aaaah! " Shen Ai couldn't completely vent her anger for the bitch at the corner of the room who dared to defile her body.
No! Li Nuying is no longer a bitch! She's a bastards! She's actually not a She! But a He!!!
Such scam! She would never have thought that she would meet such a scum in her life .
" Look what you have done Li Xing! Li Xing! You ruined my life! Aaaaah! "
Shen Ai kicked the chair and punch the wall . The burning anger within her heart couldn't be distinguished and she almost want to hit her head on it .
Li Xing , also knowned as Tres helplessly sighed and hugged the berserked Shen Ai .
" Aya , forgive me . I was clouded by the beer.  It was a mistake . Please forgive me . "
" I'll never forgive you!! " Shen Ai turned around and pushed Tres .
Tres expressed a hurt look on his face and hung his head down .
" What can i do for you to forgive me? I already told you thag i'll take responsibility for the ch-
" I'll abort the child! "
Once that phrase entered Tres' ears , his eyes immediately turned dark and gripped Shen Ai's arm . " You dare! "
Shen Ai seeing the dark look on his face felt intimidated . She immediately trembled from fear and weeped . " Why did you did that to me Li Xing , I was already happy with Lu Feng . Why did you have yo break my relationship with him! "
Tres gulped.
Shen Ai weekly punched Tres' tres and knelt down weakly . " Why? " She weakly whispered .
Shen Ai felt despair and anger . She couldn't accept what happened to her and Li Xing . Covering her face , she helplessly started weeping for her loss .
" Tell me Li Xing Why! "
" Because i like you! "
Shen Ai glared at Tres . " How dare you like me!! I love Lu Feng!! How dare you you! How dare you! Coughed!!! "
Tres immediately crouched down and rub ed Shen Ai's back . " Shhh , shut your mouth now and take a rest . "
Shen Ai's eyes were filled with resentment and grievances . She almost want to murder the man beside her right now .

Book Comment (240)

  • avatar

    thanks for the amazing storyline ✌🏻🤧..


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    Yanna Adonis

    wow this is nice story😍😍


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    ji l


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