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Chapter 5 Queen Elizabeth from Another World

"Rise," she commanded. As she had ordered, the princes had risen to their feet. "I see you've met my niece. Princess Rose."

Ew. Cringe.

"Who are you calling your-" Before I could finish my sentence, her foot collided with mine. Since she was wearing heels, it made the pain twice as painful.

I gritted my teeth together to prevent myself from screaming as I jumped on one foot while clutching my injured one. "What the fu-!" She stomped on my other foot, which made me switch to the other one. What is her problem?!

"Oh, what was that, my DEAR niece??" The girl faced me again, but this time with an annoyed face that meant 'just-play-along.’

I swallowed. "Nothing, aunt-"

"Elizabeth," she whispered to me.

"-Elizabeth," I mumbled.

"Good." She once again faced the princes, who were standing there patiently. "Gentlemen, my niece here will be staying with us, and I want you boys to be kind to her. Teach her how to act like a proper lady-"


"-and teach her some manners. If you impress her, she might pick you to be the next king of my kingdom."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was perplexed. They were in a conversation where I wasn't in. Pick a king? What's this all about? "Sorry, but I am not into cosplay/roleplay, so please count me out."

"You see, my dear niece. Since it had been 20 years and my husband and I still haven't conceived a child-"

"Wait, 20 years!? Is your role an old hag? But you don't look like one."

The corner of her mouth twitched. "I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that comment about an old hag, but thank you. You see, I'm a Fae. As in a fairy. Two human years mean one year for us. I'm 60 yrs old in human years. In other words, I'm only 30." She whispered in my ear.

A fairy? Is she crazy or something?

"Y-you're a....."

"Fairy? Yep"

I backed away. "Get out of here."

"Nothing is impossible in this world, my dear."

In this world? I looked around me. We were on a vacant landscape with tall trees standing behind us. Judging from its height, I can tell that I'm not in my city anymore. But how could this happen? I mean, novels about people being transported into another world are typical these days, but that's not what happened to me, right?

I mean, I haven't been hit by a truck. And I am sure that I haven't been reincarnated either.

She let out a sigh. "Look. I can tell that you are...a bit confused, so I will explain everything later, okay?" She turned to the boys who were laughing but stopped when they saw her highness glaring at them. "She doesn't go out much. She's ignorant, so please take care of her." The queen said to them.

"Yes, your highness," they said in unison.

"Good," she turned her attention back to me, "As I was saying. Since we don't have an heir to our Kingdom, my husband and I decided to pick one of the princes from other kingdoms. As for the candidates, we have chosen the youngest sons of each kingdom and would give them a test to see who is fit to be king."

"And where do I fit in?" I crossed my arm over my chest. My mind is a mess right now. As of the moment, I believe that I am either kidnapped or in a weird dream.

"You, my dear, will be going to help us to decide that. You will pick a king."

"Say what now?"

"I'm not going to repeat it since I know that you have heard me."

"Fine! You want me to decide?! Nate!" I pointed to prince Nathaniel if I remember correctly. He was slightly taken aback, and a confused expression was replaced on his expression. "Do you want to be a king?"

"I...uh.....Yes?" He said. Unsure of his answer. It made me wonder if the expression on my face had forced him to say yes.

"Good. Then you'll be the king."

"What!? But that's not how you decide it!" PRINCE Ace said.

"Fine! Then you're the king too." I said.

"What!? You can't have more than one king!"

"Gentlemen, please. Let us all just talk about it." Prince Frederick tried to calm us down.

"Oh, prince Fred, you can be a king too," I stated.


"Hey, no fair. We wanna be king too!" The twins said.

"Fine! You're all kings! In fact, we ALL can be kings!!"



"This is ridiculous!"

"Is that even possible?"

"Hold it!!!" The queen shouted. She probably disagreed with my decision. Her head snapped in my direction, and I winced under her gaze.

"You must take this seriously!"

"But why me?" I whined. She could have chosen other girls, right? I don't even do my homework correctly, and they expect me to pick a king in their play?

"Well, you're the only girl who wasn't drooling at their photos during the release of the game." She lowered her voice so that only I could hear. I'm guessing that the princes don’t know this yet. But no wonder they look familiar. They were the models for that dating simulation game.

My eyes widened at the mention of that stupid game at the store. That crap'? "How did you-"

"I was the old woman who gave you the charm." She explained. I stared at her long and hard. I was trying to find any resemblance of her to the old lady that I helped back at the mall. That is so not possible!! She looks young!

Or did she.....?

"Listen," I held my hand up to her. "I know that you needed my help, but I'm very busy, and my parents are probably worried about me. Besides, I have no interest or whatsoever in choosing a prince. I want to spend this summer sleeping and eating."

"You can do that here. You'll have tons of fun." Insisted the queen.

"No. My parents might be worried about me right now. I must be going." Then I took a step back and looked around again. "And how can you expect me to have fun when there is no WiFi!?" I whimpered.


"What do you mean no?"

"It means that you are staying."

"Did you just hear what I said?"

"Yes. Don't worry! Just trust me. And your sister will be fine. I swear on my name." She turned on her heels and walked over to the guys to tell them about my 'behavior difficulties.'

Trust her? When she's the one who probably brought me to this place?

I'll make sure to find a way to get back. For some reason, I know that I am not Georgia now, and only the queen knows where we are. Maybe if I annoy her, she'll send me back? I don't have a problem with that.

That or she could murder me instead.

Wait, what about that charm that I made a wish from? Maybe it's the key? Perhaps if I can find it, then I will be free from here. Yes, maybe that's it! All I have to do is to look for it. But where? If my hunch is correct, perhaps it’s with the queen? After all, she was the one who gave me the charm.

Feeling something hard in my short pocket, I pulled it out only to find that it was my phone.

I turned my back to them and checked to see if I could get a signal. Nope. No signal. No internet.

"Damn this other world bullcrap. Why can't I be transported to a world with wifi!?" I cried.

"What happened?" Asked prince Frederick.

I grumbled, "Nothing."

"Gentlemen!" We finally turned towards the queen, who seemed to be yelling at us. When she saw us turning our attention to her, she let out a sigh of relief. "I want you boys to take the carriage here and prepare the horses. It's time to go back."

They went down the grassy path to prepare the carriage that I hadn't noticed without any hesitation.
The queen approached me.

"So I guess that I have no choice but to come?" I asked.


"I still do not understand this situation," I said honestly. The back of my head is starting to hurt.

"You did wish for this, right?" She let out a grin.

"That was a joke! I didn't even know what I was thinking." Because of my frustration, I yelled.

"Even if you knew it was magical, you're still coming here."

"But I thought that you said that the charm will grant me any wish that I desire, right? How can you be sure that I would wish this? Have you read my mind?" I protectively covered my head in case she’d read them.

"No." she placed a hand on her hip.

"Then how?"

"Well, the item I gave you is magical for the Faes. Humans can't go to this world unless they use that item and wish for it. But even if you didn't exactly wish to be here, you'll still be coming here."

"You lost me there. And can we please speak in human terms? Like you kidnap me and throw me in a van. We sailed across the sea to an uninhabited island?"

"It seems that your mind still doesn't welcome the ideas of supernatural beings." She chuckled. "Wishes can be altered, morphed. If you wish to have lots of money, then I will bring you here, and you'll have tons of gold money. If you wish for more clothes, then I'll still bring you here and give you plenty of dresses. If you wish for a certain person to love you, then I'll give you something better from here, a prince."

"Why you....." It finally started to make sense. I had no choice in the first place!

"But it turns out you wished for something better! Wishing that you'll end up here! It made my task easier." She then let out a Santa-like laugh.

Just like what people would say, 'be careful what you wish for.’

"Say that I am playing along and believing what you just said. What was the purpose of that dating game that was just released?"

"It was an illusion that I made."

"What do you mean?"

"It will be my basis in looking for the perfect girl who would be helping me choose for the future king. You see, if I pick one of those girls who's crazy with those games, then the princes can just use their looks to their advantage. It will be disastrous."

"I don't even think that I'm the only one who isn't interested in that stupid game."

"True, but you were the only one who passed the second test."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean a second test?"

"Helping an old woman in need has proven your qualification. We all need a lady who is kind." Then she winked.

Kind my ass. If only she could hear my thoughts, then she would think so otherwise.

Book Comment (366)

  • avatar
    AlontagaEllaine Jessah

    I love it! Finished all 3 books and I’m definitely looking forward to reading another book for Ren and another for Nate🥰


  • avatar
    Khate Daryl Coleen Jepus

    I really love the story, no words how can I describe it. I want to know what happen after Rose found out she is actually a princess. Where can I read the sequel? I can't wait.


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    Clarissa Rivera Rubio

    this story makes you feel calm and read this then you will forget your problems.


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