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Chapter 60.1: The Leave of Nine

They almost cried not just because they’re already leaving the organization, not only because they’re already going home; but because as they leave, they know whatever they had for a decade, whatever they have gained and lost—all of it should be buried deeply in their core. They could not talk about it whenever they wanted to. They could reminisce those moments, but no one should know what are those events.
That is cruel. It was like you were ordered to play dead when you’re living all along.
“Sir, we’ll be going there first before we send you home,” one of the bodyguards informed them, pointing to a place not far away from the city.
“That’s okay, but what is it for?”
“The boss has to meet you first before sending you off.” The man smiled genuinely.
Upon hearing that it was Lux who had ordered them, agreeing is the best answer they could give.
“Sure.” One of them nodded.
The view outside is worth choosing to use the aircraft. As they flew away from the Island, they get nearer to the land where normality exists.
“Wait, if we’ll meet the boss, why he didn’t come with us?”
“Sir, he never arrived with other people. It’s always just him.”
“Woah! I never knew that the boss can operate any vehicle! What did he use this time then?”
The pilot laughed. “To be honest, we don’t know either, Sir. He might be using a submarine. I had only seen him use a chopper once.”
“The organization has submarines?!”
“We don’t know, either. But I think it has.”
“No wonder, money is just a piece of wealth for him.”
“Everyone who had a glimpse of his richness had said the same thing, Sir!”
Kilometers away, even that far, they have already seen Lux standing in front of seem to be a towering rest house. With his stand and posture, they are certain it was him waiting for them to land.
“There he is. See? He has even got there faster than we did.” The pilot shook his head.
“We have never won over him!” his copilot agreed.
“Gentlemen, we’re now landing.”
Even still far from where they’re heading to, just the fact that there are buildings from miles away have already calmed them down.
“Sir!” they saluted to the man as soon as they get off the chopper.
He nodded and raised his hand. “Come in.” He offered and went inside the building.
Unlike their facility on the island, the building is indeed really more like a rest house with things and furniture that aren’t just painted white.
“Have a seat.” Lux eyed on the couches before picking up the folders on his table.
Meeting him that close without anyone around, without their Captain neither their Heads made them tremble. They might be sitting manly, but just the man’s presence alone was enough for them to feel uneasy and inwardly turmoiled.
“Before sending you to your places, it has already been a rule of the organization to take here those who are leaving. No one in the Island knows about this but don’t worry, this is just to clarify things and make sure that everything is understood.”
Suddenly, they felt nervous as he opened one of those folders and called a name—a real one.
“Let us begin with you.”

“Captain!” Euno run towards Eve, holding a piece of paper.
From the journal she’s working on, she raised her head and closed it; and waited for him.
“What is it?”
The man waved the thing he’s holding and smiled widely. “We received a letter from our men!” he informed with excitement.
As soon as Eula heard it, she left her table and went to their side. “Open it now! Are they home already?!”
“Wait! Wait! You might have read something inappropriate here. Let me see it first!” he teased and slowly tore its side; and pulled its content as if an hour is not too long for them to wait.
He laughed when she glanced at the two, and they are both looking pissed. “I am opening it now,” he teased more and slowly unfold the paper.
He creased his forehead and turned serious as he scanned the writings; making the two women get curious and worry. He folded it back and stared at them.
“What does it say?” Eve asked in almost a whisper and sat down weakly.
The man looked at them, shut his eyes and bowed down, then gazed back at them.
“Captain.” He gulped.
She held her breath as she waited for him to speak up. Her hands are lightly clenched and gently gritted her teeth.
Euno shook his head and put down the letter on her table before stepping backwards a few metes away.
“There is no inappropriate news there!” He laughed and run to the door, readying himself to escape but even before he could, Eula crumpled a paper from the bin and threw it on him.
“You really did nothing good anymore!” She frowns.
He chuckled and sat down. “I am bored! What do you expect me to do the?!” he complained.
“Now I wonder how Head Epharil had managed to get along with Captain Eulysis and Head Eulejius! That surely had bored her to be with them! Imagine how stoic Captain is, he’s like a man of a statue! And Head Eulejius? Man! It has always been awkward whenever he’s around!” He burst into laughters until he can breathe no more.
Soon after, the three of them are all laughing at his statement. Somehow, they’re already getting better.
“But this situation of mine is far worse than Head Epharil’s! Those men are gentle gents enough! They are so considerate with her!” He glanced at them.
“And what do you think of us, hmm?” Eve raised a brow and read the letter.
“I am not saying that you two aren’t considerate, okay? But I never knew that it will be this boring. I miss my pals.” He sighed.
“Oh, I see. So, they have already off to their hometowns. That is good, then,” Eve whispered and caressed the paper.
“But what?!” Eula cut her off.
“I know my members so well. This is not written by anyone of them.” Her forehead creases as she stood up.
“What do you mean it wasn’t theirs?” Euno query and get it from her.
“Not unless it was written in their behalf.” She put on her coat.
“Where are you going?” Eula asked and helped her pin her badge, though still wondering what she’s planning inside her mind.
“I’ll just thank the boss for bringing them back safe and sound.”
The two looked at each other then gazed at her.
“Don’t make unnecessary things that might make him mad at us, okay?” the woman shook her shoulders.
Euno stared at her with doubt plastered on his face; forehead is creased and brows almost meet.
“Eve, we’re just days away from leaving this organization. I understand that you want to make sure that they were really sent home. I wanted to know that, too. But as long as we are here, we can’t do anything. Don’t make the boss feel like we’re doubting him,” he reminded her seriously.
She nodded and gave him a tap on the shoulder. “He may be cautious and secretive, yet so are we.”
As she left the room, she can still feel their eyes following her. And she knows, she can feel it, they wanted to say a lot of things, but they are aware she knows about those, too. Hence, they remained seated and uttered no words.
She felt being followed while she’s walking in the corridor, the surveillance cameras are being focused on her.
'So, this is what happens when you go to his office without a notice,' she thought and pretended not to be bothered at all.
His bodyguard welcomed her as soon as she reached the floor, going to the man’s office.
“Is the boss in his office today?” She smiled and tried her best to sound friendly as the man isn’t familiar to her and he might don’t know her either yet—unless he was present during the presentation.
The man awkwardly glanced at her badge, to which made his eyes widened.
“Captain!” he saluted as soon as he read her nameplate.
He was about to report when another one came.
“Captain Eve! Are you looking for the boss?” the bodyguard asked and approached them.
“He’s new to this building, Captain. Pardon him if he had—”
“Oh, no! You understand it wrong, mister. He has been hospitable to me.”
“Good to know, then.” He smiled and turned to the man. “This is Captain Eve. The one you’re asking about earlier.”
Eve looked at the man with a questioning look, waiting for him to talk. But even before he could, she was already led to the office.
“I am not sure if he’s busy today, Captain. However, he didn’t give us any notice that he’ll have a private meeting today.”
“That is okay, I just wanted to meet him.”
“I am uncertain if he’s not busy, Captain Eve. But there is no harm in trying if it’s you. An upper actually came here hours before you, and he declined his request to talk to the officer.”
She was stopped upon hearing that and think twice about her plan.
“That is already an officer he has declined. What more if it’s just a Captain?” She joked and decided to withdraw.
‘Captain Eve, the boss is waiting for you.’ Program Lux’s voice interrupted him.
“See? There is no way that the boss will refused to see you, Captain Eve. He may be terrifying, but I have never seen him disrespected any woman.”
The door opened, making their conversation be stopped.
“Good luck, Captain!”
Unlike their usual meetings, Lux isn’t pleased to see her. He frustratedly put down his pen and raised his brow on her.
“What brought you here, Captain Eve?”
She composed herself and acted like she didn’t get intimidated by his attitude. She casually sat down on one of the chairs and faced him.
“I know I should no longer ask you about this but—”
“You have already said it, Captain. You should no longer ask about whatever that concern of yours. So, why are you here to ask about it anyway?” he cut her off.
She gulped furtively. 'They aren’t just whatever concern.' She thought.

Book Comment (285)

  • avatar
    Jackely Danao

    thank you very much for your wonderful story I love it 💞💞


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    ótimo livro me senti ótimo depois de ler


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    Drian Eugatac



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