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Chapter 59.2: Bade Goodbyes

“We’ll be waiting for you outside. Make sure to meet us at Epharil’s place.”
“How I wish that tree is still there,” Eve whispered.

“Did you gave them the watches?”
“I did, Sir.”
“Good then.” The line went off after the confirmation. Bodyguard 0863 faced 0864, giving him a wondering look.
“Who do you think is H.Y. here?” he muttered.
“I can’t take a guess. If only Captain Eulysis is still here—”
“It is already enough that we met him. Let us just be thankful that he was informed that we’re the new personal bodyguards of Lux now before he died.” 0863 shut him when he felt someone’s presence going to their place.
“We have to be more cautious now since we don’t know yet who are our pals here. If we’re to be caught, our efforts will go to waste,” he then whispered.
“But why do you think H.Y. had to give them those suspicious watches under the boss’ name? Lux will be on guard if he finds out about it.”
“We’re working for H.Y., 0864. We can’t turn down his orders.”
“And we’re working for Lux, too!” the man uttered back.
“We have H.Y.’s words. He got our backs. All we have to do is to be careful here and only make a move when he has told us to.”
Their whispering were stopped when Lux came. Looking serious and authoritative. His steps are seemed to be measured to just stride on a given pace, making him look even more fearsome.
“Sir!” They saluted to welcome the man.
“It’s almost 4:00 AM in the morning already. We should be heading to Captain Eve’s quarter now. Where are the uppers?”
“They are still wide awake, Sir. Doing the plan you have dared them to work on yesterday.”
He creases his forehead and felt insulted that his officers seems to have forgotten about the departure, yet delighted to know that they took it seriously.
“Should I inform them, Sir—”
“No. Just let them. They have nothing to do there anyway.” He motioned his head for them to head to the team’s building.
“Did they told you which one they want to use? Did they prefer to use the choppers, or the yacht?”
“We haven’t checked on them yet, Sir, as you have ordered to let them be alone.”
He nodded. “I forgot. Thanks for informing me.”
The opening of the elevator echoed in the passage. They guess everyone is still sleeping except for the guards that are interchangeably guarding their posts.
As they reached the building, not even a guard is standing by the door.
“Program Anne,” Lux called and stood up in front of the entrance.
‘Good morning, Boss!’ the program replied and aired right away his arrival.
The bodyguards looked at each other furtively after witnessing that the boss still have some decency, though most of the time he doesn’t have any. It has been such an everyday struggle for them to understand his mood. Hence, seeing him having a good one is already like a break for them.
The two breathe in relief.
“Sir!” The team saluted in unison as they faced Lux.
“Good day,” he responded emotionlessly and entered the facility, wandering his eyes around as if he’s looking for flaws.
“Are you already ready?” He then glanced at the nine men standing next to their officers.
“Sir! Yes, Sir!”
“Do you prefer using the yacht or the choppers?”
Her members looked at each other. Even without hearing or asking for their thoughts, she has already understood what they’re discussing about.
“Do we have an aircraft that could take nine people aside from the pilots, Sir?” Eve queried on their behalf.
“That is no problem, Captain Eve.” Lux observed the nine and his eyes landed on their wrists.
He raised his hand to give the signal to his bodyguards. “Inform the Air Force Division.”
Eve gets curious how really huge the organization is to have high-end inventions that she thinks the outside world might be still working on. Just the budget of the organization alone is already a big question, where they’re getting it from—unless the government is providing them. But that too is questionable, since Lux had mentioned himself that he has more than enough to run the organization.
“Remember what was in the contract. It might have already ended, but that doesn’t mean you are allowed to talk about it to anyone outside this Island. Are we clear?” the boss remarked, sounding warningly.
“Yes, Sir!”
“Captain Eve.” He then turned to her. “By any minute now, the aircraft is already outside, waiting for the team.”
She gulped to clear her throat. “Shall we?” she asked them, both in excitement and glee.
They just nodded and get their personal belongings. Their way of saying yes, perhaps, she thought.
The moment they set their foot outside the organization’s facility, the men turned around and looked at the entirety of the place that had been their home for a decade.
“So, this is what our home here looks like,” one muttered and wandered his eyes from corner to corner of the facility. “No wonder it can contain thousands of residents,” he then whispered.
Just then, an aircraft came just as what Lux had asked them to bring. The noise of it makes other else not hearable.
The bodyguards from came out to fetch them. Thus, meaning to say that it is really a real goodbye to them.
“Captain, Heads!” They aligned and gave them a snappy salute.
She refrained herself from stopping them to go. 'They have waited so long for this day to come, Eve. Let them go back home,' she reminded herself and saluted them back.
“I wish you all the best! Wait for us!” she acknowledged.
“See you outside!” they remarked in unison and turned their backs on them.
While watching them go, it is as if she had seen herself in Captain Eulysis’ shoes as they sent their teammates one by one to blast the asteroids.
'That is painful, Captain. But this one is better. They’re already going home. I hope you see this yourself.' She looked at the chopper as it takes off, taking a portion of their happiness away—flying them off far from the Island Dreen.
“Who do you think will reach his home first?” Eula asked and waved her hands.
“Who knows? We don’t know how the outside world looks like now. They might even have to get lost in their own hometown.” She chuckled.
Euno laughed. “That is most likely to happen. Well, we’ll know once we get there.”
She looked back to see Lux and tell him thanks, but he’s already leaving with his bodyguards when she saw him. Wondering what it feels like for him to let go of his valuable personnels, she shrugged and gazed at her two remaining members.
“Next will be your turn.” She tapped Eula’s back.
“I am already excited to see my Lili. I can’t wait to meet her.” Eula gasped and breathe deeply.
“Worry not. She is surely as excited as you are.”
From afar, few teams are watching them, too. Eve heaved a sigh as she remembered how they used to do the same thing before.
“How I wish time will come that all of us here can leave without the need of taking life-risking missions. It is so hard to send the rest of your teammates home while there are few that you can’t take with you.”
“Captain, we are all back. No one was left behind,” Euno meddled. Somehow, that sounded comforting, making her be at ease.
“Head Epharil! Did you hear that?! We made it! We’re all going home!” She teared up as she yelled.
“She asked me to take us all back here, and I promised her once that I won’t let heavens get anyone of you.” She smiled bitterly.
“And you did, Eve. We did.” Eula held her hand and squeezed it gently.

Book Comment (285)

  • avatar
    Jackely Danao

    thank you very much for your wonderful story I love it 💞💞


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    ótimo livro me senti ótimo depois de ler


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    Drian Eugatac



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