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Chapter 51.2: The First Favor

“Are you listening?” she asked them.
They glimpse at each other, then shook their heads.
“Oh, Captain. Given that bodyguards are lower than Captains, they are not allowed to meddle neither listen to any conversation being discussed by the ones that have higher status than them—”
“Even if they’re around?!” She is surprised to know that!
‘I guess there’s really a lot that I don’t know here,’ she talked to her mind.
The man nodded. “Yes, Captain. Even if we are around.”
“In this organization, who are the least privilege?”
“I am one of the Heads of the bodyguards, Captain Eve. But even my position itself is nothing compared to any team’s members. Thus, we are the lowly ones.”
She looked away. That explains why no one of them dared to talk back to her member earlier. Instead, they just stood still behind their Head and let him apologized for their lack of knowledge about how their job works.
“I never considered anyone lower than me. Not unless I have to. Please, be at ease around me.” She furtively sighed.
‘Goodness. Right, goodness. Show them kindness, Eve.’ She gulped as she reminded herself.
“Thank you, Captain. But I am afraid the other Captains, the uppers and the Boss, himself, won’t allow such.”
“I said, be at ease around me. That doesn’t include them.”
The man was silenced for seconds before he could understand what she said.
“Thank you, Captain Eve! Captain Eulysis had raised his team well-mannered and refined,” he uttered as he vows his head.
That curved her lips. Hearing everyone praising their old Captain is really an honor to their team. His legacy indeed has never stopped to amaze them unceasingly.
The elevator opens and a number of uppers are what welcomed them upon stepping out. Secretly, she glanced at the bodyguards’ shadows. They are all looking down, showing submission to those men that aren’t even worthy to be called gents.
She proceeded to walk and lead people behind her. She has no plans to waste her time glaring at them.
“Captain Eve.” One stopped her.
“You have forgotten to give greetings.” He grinned while the rest are looking at her with so much disgust.
“Captain Eulysis have truly taught our team to show respect, but only to those who eludes so much respect for others. And as far as I can remember, I am sorry to dismay you, Sir, ever since we came back from our mission, never did you show us even an ample amount of it. If he is here, I am certain, he will confront you for just seating and sleeping comfortably while we’re out there facing death. Waiting for backups, but none came. I just wished it won’t come to your door, knocking and greeting you hello. If you don’t mind, may I excuse myself now. Greetings, officers!” She marched away without looking back.
Her heartbeat is racing with her pace as she proudly raised her chin up. Their faces—the way they turned pale, that gave her satisfaction.
“Captain, they might take it seriously and plan something against you.” The Head bodyguard approached, worriedly looking at her.
She stopped in front of Lux’s meeting room and turned around to face the trembling man.
“Worry not. And if they will get you involved here, I got your backs.” She gazed at the uppers from afar. They are looking at her with eagerness to pull her down.
“Wait me here. If one of them called you, hear them not. Tell them you were ordered today to follow no one’s orders but just mine and the boss’—”
“Captain!” One of the uppers walked in a fast stride to get closer to them, interrupting their conversation.
“Yes, officer?” she acknowledged and even gave him a sympathetic smile.
“I am afraid you have to go back to your building alone. These gentlemen here has to report back to their offices.” He eyed the bodyguards.
She can feel how the poor ones be devoured by fear. The more she sees how the uppers behave, the more she becomes curious about the organization. She hissed inwardly.
‘These people are so open,’ she concluded.
“I am sorry, but they are mine today, officer. The boss has given them the order to accompany me. And oh—they have to stay with me. Hence…” She turned and glanced at the four.
“You are not allowed to leave unless I told you so. Take orders only from me. Do you understand?!” She winked at them.
“You have our word, Captain Eve! We will take no orders from anyone else today!” the Head spoke in behalf of his fellows.
“You have heard them, officer.” She placed her palm on the sensory device.
“This is I, Sir, Captain Eve,” she reported.
From his reflection, she saw how the insane man clenched his fist, to which he loosened right away when the man inside replied.
“Come in. And by the way, I have called no uppers to come here. If you have something to consult me, wait for your turn, officer.”
Again, the man just silently vent out his anger and nodded before leaving.
She took a deep breath before going in. The mélanges of the smell of mint, fragrance of air freshener and enclosed space made her confirmed that she has entered the right room.
“Be seated, Captain,” the standing man offered without throwing her a gaze.
With all the seats the room has, she has no idea which one should she use.
“Come closer, Eve. There are more vacant seats here in front.”
She was stunned by how he knows what is happening behind him. Her steps are the lightest in her team; only Eulysis and Eulejius have ever heard her stamps.
She cautiously sat down as she waited for him to turn around. He seems to be reading something, since she can hear faint flipping pages.
“I brought this since I have forgotten to tell you to bring yours.” He showed to the book he’s holding, to the certain page where he is.
“Here, are you still aware of this one?” he asked and sat down across the table in front of her.
“Yes, Sir.”
“So, have you already decided what favors to ask?”
The ambiance suddenly became suffocating as she felt excited.
“I just have to think of three, Sir. Would that be okay?”
It took him a long time to nod, as if it is already too much to ask. Somehow, she felt nervous about that. He might change his mind and give them no favor instead.
“Go ahead. Let me hear it out.”
“For the first favor, you can’t say no to any of our favors.” She paused to see his reactions. But, all he did was just to creased his forehead and motioned her to continue.
“I want to hear your thoughts about it, Sir.”
He straightened up and placed his hands on the table.
“For the first favor, I can’t just say yes to that. There will be an exception for that one,” he answered.
‘I knew it. You won’t let your guard down, of course.’ She thought.
“We are aware of that, Boss. We have read the Rules and Regulations again just to make sure we won’t be asking for something impossible to happen.” She smiled.
“Okay then. As long as it is not against with the organization, ask away.”
She felt relieved as he agreed to the first one. That is actually already enough, but to make sure, she has to use the other two, too.
“What is taking you so long to think for the other favors?”
“If you have only three wishes, and you have a lot to wish, will it be easy for you to decide which among those wishes to choose, Sir?”
“If you know what matters most, that is no problem.”
“But what if it is not you who have the right to use the wishes? Will it still be easy for you to decide?”
He stared back to her. “Captain Eulysis, you have just left, but here is Captain Eve, giving me the feeling of your presence.” He clapped his hands.
She has no idea who between her and Captain Eulysis he’s praising; or if it were them he’s clapping for.
“What if you used your position to use it all? That is another case, Eve. Don’t you think it would be best if you decide in their behalf, just like what you did to the very first favor?”
“That one is an exception, Boss.”
“An exception?”
“That is the only favor I have reserved for myself, Sir. The rest, it all belongs to my teammates.”
“You are being so soft, Captain. That goodness will someday crush you down.”
She neither agreed nor disagreed. He might be right but then, he can be wrong, too.
“They deserve to have a portion of what we have earned from working hard. Without them, it would have been a mission failed.” She can’t hide the bitterness as she defended her team.
“Regarding with that, would you mind telling me what happened during the mission?” He glanced at the time.
“Two hours, Sir. Just two hours. I promised them I will be back at 3:00 PM. They will get worry about their Captain if I don’t.”
“Is that part of favor one now?” he playfully asked.
She grinned inwardly. Being the most powerful one in the organization, it is his words that always prevail. But at that moment, it is hers.
“Yes, Sir.”
He laughed, but it’s not sounded insulting.
“Years ago, I thought I had already met someone who’s on par with me.” He glanced at the frames of Captains hanged on the walls until his eyes landed on Captain Eulysis’ picture.
“There he is, the man I am so fond of spending my spare time with. But here you are, proving that I was wrong. If I’d be talking to both of you right now, I think I have to dismiss one of you, so I won’t be troubled…” He stopped and gazed back at her.
“What a favor! That is brilliant! I don’t think even him would come up with that one. He will surely think of something else that will specifically benefit his team. I doubt you are more capable to taint your hands, Captain Eve compared to the old man.”
That last statement gave chills to her senses as he opposed inside her head.
‘That will never going to happen,’ she uttered.

Book Comment (285)

  • avatar
    Jackely Danao

    thank you very much for your wonderful story I love it 💞💞


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    ótimo livro me senti ótimo depois de ler


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    Drian Eugatac



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