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Chapter 2 A Night To Remember

Queenie’s eyes widened in surprise; she didn’t anticipate his action. But when she felt his warm lips, the lids of her eyes suddenly became heavy and she just closed her eyes. Her sudden surprise immediately replaced it with a tingling sensation and she started enjoying his kisses.
She also inhaled the fragrant breath of the man mixed with the smell of alcohol which added to the electricity she felt all over her body, it may also be the effect of the alcohol she drank.
He seemed to be an expert kisser. But what should I expect? Being handsome must have given him many girlfriends.
Queenie also began to respond to his kiss; she was very carried away by the strange emotions and feelings caused by his kiss.
Her body stiffened when she felt his right hand caressing her body while the other hand was still wrapped in her neck. This was all new to her and didn’t even know how to react so just let this man do what he wanted.
In just a few minutes, the kisses end up to more daring actions that eventually make their bodies become one.
Queenie looked at the man beside her, she couldn’t believe that these things happened as fast as in a blink of an eye. Her most precious gem was now taken away by this stranger man that she didn’t even know the name of.
She felt the warm tears roll down her face. After the overwhelming ecstasy that she felt earlier, now, she scolded and blamed herself for being careless.
She stared at the man’s face again. ‘This man is really handsome, at least I gave my first night to an adorable man.’ After saying this she stood up quietly and went to the next room where Mia was sleeping. She hurriedly wakes up Mia and pulls her away from this house without giving any explanation.
Ralph drank too much last night; he woke up at noon and had a severe headache. He remembered his ‘unwanted visitors’ and hurriedly out of the room. He immediately looked for the two but the servant, Rosie, said they had left earlier because they had to return to M City for their job.
‘So, she’s working. Where is it?’ Ralph asked.
"What did you say, Sir?" Rosie asked, she thought he was talking to her when she heard him speak.
"Nothing." Ralph shook his head and went back to his room to sleep again.
When Ralph lay on the bed he could not sleep again because of the memories of what happened between him and Queenie last night.
He smirked, ‘first-timer.’ He knew it was Queenie’s first. But he enjoyed her innocence and the pleasure of feeling and ego that he was the first to take her. He felt a strange heat in his body after thinking of it.
Ralph is a certified gigolo, he had many girlfriends, well not too many, just about five but if you will count those girls who are assuming that he was their boyfriend, maybe twenty.
But seriously, he only counts five because those are the girls that he officially courted and their relationship lasted for a few months. And although, he had intimate moments with these girls they did not end up in a so-called ‘sex’ so technically, this is also his ‘first-time.’
He was also surprised at himself last night, he didn’t expect to do those things to a girl that he just met. He was so captivated by the beautiful curve of her body. Well, not only her sexy body but also on her naturally beautiful face. Ralph closed his eyes while remembering the sweet and passionate kiss they shared last night. He hopes it will happen again.
‘Well, I will just charge it to experience, since we can't meet again, the M City is too big to cross our path again,’ Ralph said these words to pacify himself.
When Ralph could not sleep again, he just got up and took a bath to relieve the body heat he was feeling. After getting dressed, he went downstairs and went to the dining room for breakfast, although it was lunchtime now. After eating, he gets ready to leave for M City.
While driving home, his intimate moment last night with Queenie was still playing on his head. ‘Queenie… Queenie… I didn’t even get your contact number.’ Ralph was full of regret but ‘There is no use crying over the spilled milk. So, I will just forget about you,’ Ralph convinced himself and focused his eyes on the road.
Queenie was back to normal; it means she was busy working again. But she was thankful because it helped her to quickly forget her strange experience in Q province.
Tomorrow is the start of school, ‘Finally, I am in college. I could not believe that despite being an orphan I could still go to college. Of course, I am very thankful to the owner of the Cold Brewed Cafe shop for this opportunity.’ And to show her gratitude, Queenie worked even harder and their manager was happy to see her persevering in life.
In the evening when she returned home, she vigorously prepared all the things she needed for school.
After she prepared everything that she needed for tomorrow, she went to bed. Queenie paid a glance to Mia who’s been sleeping soundly. She took a deep breath and lay down on her bed. She set the alarm clock before turning off the bedside lamp and closed her eyes, tired from the day's work, and immediately fell asleep.
The next day Queenie immediately woke up when she heard the loud alarm of the clock beside her. The tiredness and sleepiness that she was still feeling was overcome by the excitement she felt as she stood up to prepare for her first day of school. After taking a bath, Mia was still sleeping but she didn’t bother to wake her up, anyway, she has her own alarm clock.
But after cooking and preparing the breakfast and Mia was still sound asleep, she walked towards her and gently shook her shoulder to wake her up.
"Hey Mia, get up, you will be late for school."
Mia lazily sat up and said, “Back to school again, time to burn eyebrows again.”
Queenie just laughed at what Mia said. Mia is a Sophomore student taking BS Accountancy. She said this is not the course that she wanted but this is what her parents want to help with their business.
"Shall we go in together?" Queenie asked her while eating breakfast.
“No need, you can go first because you might have something to do. I’m sure you have a freshman student’s orientation.”
Queenie nodded then quickly finished her breakfast.
When done eating, she immediately brushed her teeth and looked in the mirror. She looked at her bare face and put light make-up on it. She took the hair drier and quickly dried her hair and tied it up.
She looked at herself in the mirror again and she smiled when she saw her charm glow on her simple dress… ‘charm really?’ she just laughed and shook her head after realizing it.
She rode a bus to get to school. When she arrived, she didn’t expect that many students were already roaming around the campus. Initially, she thought that she was too early but she was surprised to see these students that are now busy looking around and finding their classrooms.
Probably these early students just stayed in the dorm inside the campus. There are dormitories here but they are a bit expensive so she prepared to rent a room outside. Anyway, their boarding house was also nearby and her work schedule surely will not meet the guidelines and rules that dormitory implements like the curfew.
She immediately searched her room for the first subject and fortunately, she found it quickly. Her first subject was at six in the morning, it’s already 6:30 a.m. but their professor is not yet in.
A few minutes later, a loud voice was heard on the speakers planted around the campus.
“All-Freshman students please gather at the auditorium now. Your orientation will start at 7 a.m.”
‘Oh so, there is no class yet,’ Queenie whispered.
She was about to leave the classroom when she collided with someone. "Sorry Miss," he immediately apologized, looked at her then smiled.
‘Wow! He still has the guts to smile after he hits me,’ Queenie said to herself then turned around and accompanied the crowd to the auditorium. She did not know where the auditorium was so she needed to walk with them.

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