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Chapter 2 He Doesn't Like Me

"Why did you call me, Dad?" Stella asked her father as soon as she entered his office in their house. "You should sit first!" Her father told her and she immediately sat in front of him. "I know that it is still hurting you whenever you think about your Mom but you need to move forward." Her father said and Stella nodded her head, "What do you want me to do?" Stella asked her father and Remus smiled at his daughter.
Stella left her father's office and she was holding her tears. Daisha immediately went to her and ask about what happened inside the office. "Nothing!" Stella answered and ran towards her room.
Stella didn't show up again and Daisha knew that their father told her something which made Stella cry. "Don't talk! I didn't do anything to your sister!" Remus stopped his first born and Daisha just looked at her Dad. "Can you just love her?" Daisha asked her father but Remus shook his head.
Weeks passed and Stella decided to hang out with Flora. They were near the river when it started raining, "We need to go there!" Flora said while pointing out the cave near them. "But, Flora!" Stella told her but she didn't have a choice so she just followed Flora.
They entered the cave and it was dark inside, "We will just wait here, don't worry!" Flora told her and Stella nodded her head. They sat on the ground and watched the rain pouring. "What will you do now?" Flora asked her while looking outside. "I didn't want to get married to someone I didn't love!" Stella answered and she remembered what his father told her.

"When you were still inside your mother's womb, we thought that you were going to be a boy. I was so happy that time because I could have a successor if you were a boy. But, you came!" Remus told his youngest daughter and Stella was just listening to him. "It is not my fault to be here!" Stella told her father, "You are right! It is not your fault but I need you to do something for our family." Her father said and she was going to refuse when Remus stood up aggressively.
"You can't say no to me, Stella! I have already thought about this for a long time." Remus said and went in front of Stella, "What do you want me to do?" Stella asked her father and Remus tapped her shoulder.
"You will get married to a man that I like you to be with." Remus answered and Stella immediately refused to get married. "I'm still young, Dad! Marrying is not in my mind!" Stella said and her father smiled at her. "You can't do anything about it! Everything was already prepared!" Remus answered and that's when Stella left the office while crying.

When the rain stopped pouring, they decided to go home. Stella was on her way to their house when she saw her sister leaving their house. She was going to call her but she looked like she was in a hurry.
Stella called her but Daisha was already far away so she couldn't hear Stella's voice. She decided to go inside their house and she was alone there.
She went to her room and decided to stay there because she didn't want to meet her father. It was already dark when Daisha came home and she was startled when Stella showed up in the living room.
"You are here!" Daisha told her sister and Stella nodded her head, "I saw you leaving earlier and I tried to call you but you didn't hear me!" Stella told her which made Daisha clear her throat.
They started cooking in the kitchen and their father didn't show up that night. "I will sleep now!" Daisha told Stella, "Okay, Good night!" Stella answered and stayed in the living room.
She was doing something in the living room when she noticed a shadow outside their house. She looked at it and it immediately went away. "What a freak!" Stella said and decided to sleep.
The next day came, Stella went out of her room and there was still no sign of their father. She was grateful not to see her father because Remus would just force her to get married.
"Where are you going?" Stella asked Daisha when she saw her sister well dressed. "Oh! I didn't know that you were already awake!" Daisha told her and Stella just looked at her sister. "Do you have a boyfriend now?" Stella asked her out of nowhere, "What? I don't do that!" Daisha immediately reacted to Stella's statement.
"Chill! I'm just asking!" Stella answered and stood up from sitting on the couch. She went to the kitchen and made herself a coffee. When she went back to the living room, there was no sign of her sister anymore. "Should I follow her?" Stella asked herself and she immediately shook her head. "Nah, I shouldn't do that!" She added and started drinking her coffee.
Stella was alone in their house when her father came, he was carrying a lot of bags and putting them on the couch. "Where is your sister?" Remus asked his younger child but Stella didn't know where her sister went. "I don't know! She just left!" Stella answered and tried to walk away but her father called her.
"You need to be ready tomorrow!" Remus told his younger child, "Tomorrow? What will happen tomorrow?" Stella asked her father because she was confused. "You are going to meet your mate." Remus answered and Stella froze to her place.
"I didn't want to get married—
"Just follow what I told you, Stella! That's the only way you can help our family." Remus cut what she was saying and Stella shook her head in disbelief. "Can't you just consider my feelings? I am also your child!" Stella told him and she immediately went to her room.
Stella couldn't believe that her father would do that to her even though she didn't like it. She didn't have a choice but to follow what her father told her to do.
After a couple of hours of staying in her room, someone knocked on the door and called her name. It was Daisha! "Let's eat dinner now, Stella!" Daisha said but she didn't answer her sister. "Are you already sleeping?" Daisha asked her again but she didn't want to see her father right now.
"I'm full, just eat by yourself!" Stella couldn't take it anymore and answered her sister. "Fine, good night!" Daisha told her and Stella didn't answer her again.
Stella was thinking how lucky her sister was because Daisha was the favourite child of their father. Whatever she would do, their father would still support her.
The next day came and it was the day where Stella would meet her mate. She didn't leave her room because she was against what her father wanted her to do. "Come on, Stella! Don't make this difficult for the both of us, get out of your room now!" Stella heard her father's voice outside.
Stella covered her face with a pillow and didn't answer her father. She was startled when the door opened and she immediately looked at the door," Don't wait for me to use force so I can get you out of your bed." Remus warned his younger child.
Stella didn't have a choice but to stand up from her bed and went to the bathroom. It was against her will but she needed to follow her father.
She didn't make an effort to choose a dress that she would wear and she didn't try to make herself presentable. She got out of her room and her father immediately looked at her. "Go back to your room and change your clothes!" Remus said and Stella rolled her eyes to her father.
"I will help her!" Daisha came and followed her sister inside her room. "Are you coming with us?" Stella asked her sister but Daisha shook her head. "I'm going somewhere!" Daisha answered and Stella nodded her head.
Daisha was looking at Stella's closet and chose a better dress for her. Stella wore it and Daisha put some makeup on her face. "Good luck!" Daisha whispered to her sister and they went out of the room.
"Better! Let's go!" Remus said and they left the house. They went inside the car and Remus started driving away.
Stella was looking outside when she noticed the path that they were going. "Are we going to our Alpha's house?" Stella asked her father but Remus didn't answer her. "Dad?" Stella called her father and that's when the car stopped in front of their Alpha's house.
"Greet them properly, Stella! Don't make any undesirable movements later!" Remus warned his younger child and got out of the car. Stella followed her father and they were greeted by the sentinels there.
"Our Alpha is waiting for you in the living room." One of the sentinels told Remus and he nodded his head at him. "Thank you!" Remus answered and he looked at Stella. "Remember what I told you!" He whispered to his younger child and Stella nodded her head.
Stella didn't want to be disrespectful so she tried to calm herself even though she wanted to scream at her father. They went inside the house and they immediately saw Alpha Raven.
"You are here! Have a seat!" Alpha Raven told them and they sat on the couch. "Oh! This is your youngest daughter?" He asked Remus, and Remus nodded his head.
"Nice to see you again, Alpha Raven!" Stella greeted their Alpha, "You have a lovable voice, Stella!" Alpha Raven complimented her and she just smiled at him. "Thank you!" Stella said.
"Where is Brandon, Alpha Raven?" Remus asked their Alpha, and they immediately looked around. Stella already heard that name but she didn't meet him once. Alpha Raven called one of the sentinels and told him to find Brandon. "He likes to wander outside and you can't see him stay inside our house." Alpha Raven said and looked at Stella who was uncomfortable sitting there.
"Are you okay, Stella?" Alpha Raven asked her and she immediately nodded her head. "Yes, Alpha! I'm fine!" Stella answered even though she was not fine.
The maids served some snacks for them in the living room and Alpha Raven left so he could look for Brandon. "You are doing well!" Remus whispered to his daughter and Stella didn't answer him. "Just think that you are doing this for our elders." Remus added and that's when Stella looked at him.
"Fine! I will do what you want, Dad!" Stella told her father, "I'm sorry for letting you wait!" Alpha Raven said and he came back to the living room.
A fine man was following him and Stella couldn't take her eyes off him. "Stella, this is my youngest son, Brandon!" Alpha Raven said and Brandon looked at her.
Stella didn't know what to do when Brandon offered his hand to her. "Stella?" She went back to her consciousness when she heard her father's voice calling her. "Oh! Nice to meet you, I'm Stella!" Stella introduced herself and accepted his hand. "Brandon!" The man told her and Stella smiled at him.
"Why don't you go outside and have some talk?" Alpha Raven said and looked at Remus. "Yeah, that's right!" Remus added and looked at Stella.
"We will, let's go!" Brandon said and offered his hand again to Stella. She accepted his hand and she felt how warm his hand was. When they came out of the house, Brandon immediately let go of her hand.
Stella was startled at what he did but she just looked at him, "So, you are my mate that they were talking about." Brandon told her but she didn't know how to answer him. "Yeah, I guess you are against this setup." Stella told him and Brandon looked at her.
"Yeah, I don't want to be married to someone that I don't like!" Brandon told her and Stella froze at what she heard from him.

Book Comment (102)

  • avatar
    Johnlowie Lagua

    Goods po


  • avatar
    Archie Pilongo

    nice story


  • avatar
    Hazel Kate L Mallari

    thanks po


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