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Chapter 6: First Encounter

After Tobias summoned Joel and Rowena, they arrived in his chambers with haste. Joel had a look of concern on his face while Rowena seemed calm and collected.
As they entered the room, Tobias stood up from his desk and gestured for them to approach. Joel quickly stepped forward and spoke first. "My King, did you summon us?"
"What's the matter, My King?" Rowena asked later, bowing respectfully.
Rowena Hayes was a striking figure in the room, with long dark hair cascading down her back and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a hint of mystery. She stood tall and confident, her posture exuding a sense of strength and authority. Despite the tension in the room, Rowena remained composed and unruffled, her expression betraying no hint of fear or concern.
Tobias knew that he could rely on her to keep a level head and provide sound advice, even in the most trying of circumstances. Her presence brought a sense of calm to the room, and he was grateful for her unwavering loyalty and dedication to the kingdom.
He didn't mince words, his expression grave. Passing over the dagger and the letter to them, he added, "We have an intruder in the palace. The thief who managed to steal my robe has threatened me and I suspect she was trying to send me a message. I need you to find out who it was and bring her to me, alive."
Joel's eyes widened in surprise. "I see, My King. We'll start an investigation immediately and report back to you as soon as we have any leads."
Joel and Rowena exchanged a look, both knowing that this was no small task. The palace was vast, with many hidden passages and secret rooms that could be used to evade detection. But they were both experienced members of the king's guard and were confident in their abilities to find the intruder.
Rowena stepped forward, her voice calm and measured. "My King, if I may make a suggestion. Perhaps it would be best to increase security measures throughout the palace to prevent any further breaches."
Tobias nodded in agreement. "Good idea, Rowena. I want the guards on high alert and all entrances to the palace to be closely monitored."
Joel added, "We'll need to start by increasing the security around the palace and questioning all those who were on duty. With your permission, we'll also send out a group of our best trackers to search the surrounding area for any signs of the intruder."
Tobias nodded, impressed by their plan. "Very well. Keep me informed of any developments. And be careful, both of you. I have a feeling that this intruder is not to be underestimated."
Joel and Rowena both bowed and turned to leave, but before they did, Tobias called out to them once more. "And make sure to keep this quiet. I don't want any rumors or panic spreading among the people."
They both nodded and left the room, leaving Tobias to ponder the implications of the intrusion. Tobias was left alone once again, his mind racing with thoughts of who could be behind this brazen act and what their motives could be. He knew that he needed to find out who was behind it and why, before things spiraled out of control.
Scarlett stepped out into the cool night air, feeling relieved to finally have some space to breathe. But as she made her way down the path, she soon realized that she had somehow ended up in the same spot she had started. It seemed like she was trapped in some kind of loop, constantly circling within the palace grounds.
Scarlett's frustration and confusion grew as she wandered aimlessly through the winding corridors and gardens of the palace. She tried retracing her steps and taking different paths, but somehow always ended up back where she started. Hours passed, and exhaustion began to set in as she realized she was no closer to finding a way out.
Damn! Her anger towards the king grew with each passing moment. How could he have designed such a confusing and intricate palace? Scarlett felt like a rat trapped in a maze, with no escape in sight. She cursed under her breath, realizing that she had underestimated the king's intelligence and cunning.
But Scarlett was determined not to give up. She kept moving, searching for any possible exit or weak spot in the palace's defenses. She knew that her survival depended on her ability to escape and stay hidden from the king's watchful eye.
Eventually, she ended up in a magnificent large chamber. It was opulent and adorned with intricate designs and embellishments. The walls were painted in a soft shade of cream, with gilded frames hung with intricate paintings. A large, ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow across the room. The floors were made of polished marble, reflecting the light from the chandelier and adding to the overall grandeur of the space.
In the center of the room stood a large, plush sofa, covered in rich velvet upholstery. It looked inviting and comfortable, and Scarlett couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of someone being able to lounge on it whenever they pleased.
Scarlett noticed several doors leading off into other chambers as she explored the room, but none of them seemed to be the way out. Scarlett sighed in frustration, wondering how much longer she would have to wander aimlessly before finding a way to escape.
Without warning, a strong hand grabbed Scarlett's wrist, startling her. "Well, well. What do we have here?" The strange man said, his voice low and smooth.
She tried to pull away, but the grip was firm and unyielding. She turned to face her captor and found herself staring into the eyes of a tall, muscular man with a stern expression.
"Let me go!" She hissed.
Tobias laughed, and then frowned.
As the man grabbed her hand, Scarlett's mind raced to place where she had seen him before. His grip was tight, and she could feel the calluses on his fingers as he pulled her closer to him. When she looked into his blue eyes, she felt a sudden jolt of recognition. It dawned on her that he was the same man whose robe she had stolen from the lake a few days ago.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He demanded, his voice rough and authoritative.
Their eyes locked in a fierce stare, neither of them willing to back down. Scarlett's initial fear turned into anger as she realized that she had been caught by the very man she had stolen from. "Who am I? And who are you?" She retorted, her voice laced with defiance.
The man's grip on her arm tightened, but she didn't flinch. "I asked you a question," he said sternly, his eyes narrowing.
Scarlett's mind raced as she tried to come up with a convincing lie. "I'm just a traveler passing through," she replied, her tone cold and dismissive.
Scarlett glared at him, her heart pounding in her chest. She reached out and grabbed his arm, before he could react.

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