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Chapter 5: Provoking Him

Joel Serge and the other guards became more curious about the girl.
There was a glint in Tobias' eyes as he commanded, "Go and investigate the girl who was survived from the attack." Through all the clues he had, he suspected that the person who survived the attack could be the same person who stole his robe.
He fixed Joel with a steely gaze. "I have my suspicions, and I want you investigate it. If she is innocent, then she has nothing to fear. But if she is guilty, then she must be held accountable for her actions."
Joel nodded, sensing the gravity of the situation. "As you wish, My King. I'll send my best guards to search for her and gather any information they can."
Tobias leaned back, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that this girl was hiding something, and he was determined to find out what it was.
As they were about to walk away, Tobias called out to them. "Be careful, Joel. There are forces at work here that we don't fully understand. And she may be more dangerous than she appears."
Joel said, “My King, I just checked that the Alpha of Dark Valley Pack didn’t just seem the way he was. In the end, it wasn't the silver sword that killed him, but because of his broken spine.”
Tobias narrowed his eyes in bewilderment as he heard the report. "Are you sure about this?"
The death of the Alpha of Dark Valley Pack was not caused by being stabbed with a silver sword, which was a common way to kill a werewolf. Instead, his spine was broken, which suggested that someone used a different method to kill a lycan. It could imply that the Alpha might not be a werewolf but a lycan.
This information was significant because it implied that the Alpha's death may not have been a straightforward attack by merely another lycan, but rather a deliberate and calculated murder.
Tobias had heard stories about the Dark Valley Pack's legendary Alpha, who was said to be a formidable opponent. Hardly no other pack's Alpha ever dared to take him on. Knowing that the Savage Fury Pack was involved in Alpha's death piqued his curiosity, leading him to speculate that someone had sought the Alpha's death. It caused him to wonder: who was that fellow, exactly?
He suddenly realized something and said, “It seems that fellow hid something fishy here and the young girl could be a very important person considering her extraordinary skills. Joel, have you found out about the girl?”
Joel replied, “I checked, but I didn't find anything about her. There were many she-wolves in the pack, but no one had seen the girl who seems…”
They had no further leads at that point. After a moment of silence and consideration, Joel and the other guards turned to their king.
"Interesting! It's really impressive for such a young girl to have that kind of ability!”
The dark eyes of the Lord lit up with a gleam of amusement. As he elegantly twiddled his fingers, he said, “Let's just call it a day. You don't need to look into anything anymore.” He wanted to play games with the girl who had stolen his robes because he rarely met somebody so interesting recently…
The death of the Alpha of Dark Valley Pack and his pack members had led to widespread unrest.
The Royal Court, the Intelligence Bureau, and the Department of Justice were preoccupied with investigating the massacre, but there were some who were secretly celebrating the events.
A few days later, the night was very quiet in the king’s palace. The moon shone brightly in the sky, casting a silver glow over the palace grounds. The guards patrolled the area, their footsteps echoing softly in the stillness of the night. Inside the palace, the halls were empty and quiet, as most of the residents were asleep.
Tobias, the lycan king, sat in his chambers, surrounded by maps and documents. He had been working tirelessly, trying to piece together the clues of the recent attacks on the werewolf and lycan packs. As he studied the papers in front of him, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important that he was missing.
The silence was only broken by the sound of rustling papers and the scratching of his quill as he made notes. He worked late into the night, his eyes fixed on the documents before him.
A sudden gust of wind entered the chamber, catching Tobias' attention. He turned his head towards the source of the noise and was startled to find a dagger lodged in one of the pillars. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that there was a letter placed underneath it.
As Tobias held the dagger and the letter, he walked towards the nearby candle to read the message. When he read the letter, his face changed from curious to grim. His face became gloomy, and his eyes flashed with anger and concern.
Tobias slammed his fist onto the table with a loud thud as he finished reading the letter. The force of his punch was so strong that the table shattered into pieces beneath his hand. His expression was one of anger and frustration as he tried to process the information in the letter.
“Guard! Summon Joel and Rowena to come here right now!”
The guard immediately sprang into action, rushing to find them.
Scarlett stood back, a wicked grin spreading across her face as she watched. She had deliberated over this, fully aware that her plans would bring about turmoil and destruction. She anticipated Tobias' wrath but was prepared to deal with it.
As she listened to the commotion outside, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had waited for this moment for so long, and now it was finally here.
"How dare you, lycan king! You'll face consequences for the slaughter of my pack!"
“There’s no way this can be tolerated!”
Scarlett had given her best effort and now had no choice but to wait for the outcome.
She glanced up at the crescent moon in the sky and realized it was almost midnight, prompting her to rest. Without a second thought, she vanished. Despite the tight security in the palace, she was able to sneak past the guards undetected. No one would even notice her.

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    Tuico Angelica



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    parabéns pelo livro


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    muito bom


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