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(Beginning Arc) Chapter 5 - Marvin

-Li:Goodmorning Constantine!
Constantine:Goodmorning sis
Li:i can't drive you to school today because i have a lot of works to do
Constantine:It's okay I'll just walk
Li:Okay here's your allowance manage it okay?
Constantine:Roger sis!
Li:i have to go take care!
Constantine:You too sis. Okay, i should take a bath because it's freaking 9am!
Constantine:Mom, dad I'll go (i wish you were here)
Karyl:it looks like we're neighbors now
Constantine:It looks fun๐Ÿ˜Š (what the f)
Karyl:Oh anyway we move here yesterday and we saw your sister she's beautiful but I'm more gorgeous!
Constantine:....(the f*ck is this dwarf saying)
Karyl:So, let's go?
Karyl:To the University you moron๐Ÿ™„
Constantine:Okay okay. (Who the f*ck are you to call me a moron you st*pid dwarf)
Karyl:Let's go!
Constantine:Okay chill
*walking together on the way to University*
Karyl:why are you so quiet?
Constantine:sorry I'm not used to being with a girl
Karyl:So you're a virgin?
Constantine:Excuse me?
Karyl:Oh HAHAHA you know you should be thankful that I'm going to university with you a lot of boys loves me you know that?
Constantine:No (what a confidence)
Karyl:Then you should be thankful I'm so beautiful, you'll even want to accompany me
Constantine:Thank you?
Karyl:HAHAHAHAHA you really said thank you
Karyl:Hey your nice i like you. Be my friend
Karyl:,Yes, starting today we're bestfriend, so protect me okay?
Constantine:Wait what do you mean by protect you?
Karyl:You're a street fighter right? So you must protect me at all cost
Constantine:Oh okay (who are you to protect?)
Karyl:it's okay i can protect my self
Karyl:Oh we're here
Lennon:What's up dude?
Hillarion:Hey how are you?
Karyl:Hello guys!
Lennon:You're Karyl right?
Hillarion:Why are you and Constantine together?
Lennon:Did you too dating?
Constantine:What? No we're not dating-
Karyl:Yes we are๐Ÿ˜†
Lennon:Hey it's an early couple guys
Karyl:Just kidding! I have a boyfriend
Constantine:Yes she does
Hillarion:An early broken hero Constantine! HAHAHAHA
Lennon:Broken hero HAHAHAHA
Constantine:where did you get the word "hero"?
Hillarion:Because you're a street fighter and you're the hero
Lennon:Yep that's right he's the hero
Karyl:Should i say "My hero~"?
Hillarion:Bro is that an ara ara voice๐Ÿ’€
Professor:Okay guys sit down our class is about to start. Good afternoon everyone
Whole class:Good afternoon Prof
Professor:Sit down and today we will start our partner reporting. Okay the first one is Hillarion and Lennon.
Lennon and Hillarion:Good afternoon everyone this is the report of Hillarion Stephen and Lennon Crisley
Professor:So what will you report?
Hillarion:It's about controlling anger prof
Professor:okay start.
Lennon:Good afternoon everyone. Today we will learn how to control anger.
1 Think before you speak
In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything. Also allow others involved in the situation to do the same
Hillarion: 2. Once you're calm, express your concerns
As soon as you're thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but nonconfrontational way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them.
Lennon: 3. Get some exercise
Physical activity can help reduce stress that can cause you to become angry. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run. Or spend some time doing other enjoyable physical activities.
Hillarion: 4. Take a timeout
Timeouts aren't just for kids. Give yourself short breaks during times of the day that tend to be stressful. A few moments of quiet time might help you feel better prepared to handle what's ahead without getting irritated or angry.
Hillarion and Lennon:And that's all thank you for listening
*whole class claps*
Professor:Okay next is Constantine and Karyl.
Constantine:Good afternoon everyone we will report about impulsivity.
Karyl:What is impulsivity? Impulsivity isย the tendency to act without thinking, for example if you blurt something out, buy something you had not planned to, or run across the street without looking.
Constantine:When a child or adolescent is suffering from an impulse control disorder, it can be detrimental to his or her ability to function. The severity of the disorder can have negative ramifications in every aspect of his or her life and will most assuredly have a negative impact on the lives of those around him or her. When children are struggling with sexually maladaptive behaviors on top of an impulse control disorder, the results can be devastating.
Karyl: You may find yourself struggling to maintain order in your home while also living each day fearing for what your child may do next. You may also be worried about the lives of those around your child because you are aware of the level of danger that his or her behaviors can entail. Itโ€™s possible that you might even be struggling with feelings of guilt, questioning whether or not you did something or overlooked something that led to the onset of the behaviors that your child is demonstrating. Some examples of symptoms that are commonly associated with impulse control disorders can include:
Acting out aggressively, even when unprovoked
Angry outbursts and/or temper tantrums
Compulsive stealing
Compulsive lying
Playing with fire
Participating in risky sexual behaviors
Demonstrating periods of emotional detachment
Extreme agitation and irritability
Constantine: Here are some treatments. Medication management: Successfully managing the symptoms that your child is experiencing may involve medication. Our residential program has three psychiatrists as well as an internist that will meet with your child at least once every 28 days in order to monitor the therapeutic effects of any medication prescribed. Additional appointments will be added based on the needs of each child.
Individual therapy: Individual sessions are held at least once per week. During these sessions, patients meet with their therapist on a one-to-one basis in order to work towards developing personal problem-solving skills and coping skills. This time can also be used to teach patients appropriate behaviors, identify traumatic events that may be causing them pain, and learn to gain control over their impulsivity.
Group therapy: Group therapy sessions are used as a time for our patients to meet together in order to enhance positive social interactions and reinforce coping skills they are learning. These sessions are held on a daily basis and include goal groups in the morning and rehab groups in the evening. Group sessions cover a number of different topics including family issues, anger management, sexual safety, and empathy skills.
Karyl:And that's all Prof
Professor:Good job Constantine and Karyl
Karyl:I told you it will work
Constantine:Yes thank you
Karyl:I don't accept thank you!
Constantine:What do you want?
Karyl:A lollipop!
Constantine:Okay calm down (phew i thought i was gonna stutter)
*time passes*
Hillarion:Hey will you walk again?
Constantine:Yes my sister is too busy
Lennon:Where's Karyl?
Constantine:Her boyfriend picked her up first
Lennon:Okay take care!
*Constantine walks across the bridge*
??:Hey you!
*Swings a bat*
Constantine:Whoa what was that?
Logan:I told you we're not done yet
Constantine:A fight?
Logan:A street fighter like you will die here now. Boys kill him!
Lee:Let's go!
*Constantine, lee and others started a fight*
Lee:Guys his so powerful Retreat guys RETREAT!!
Logan:We're not don Constantine my brother will punish you! Let's go guys!
Constantine:You stupid motherf*cker started a fight!
Marvin:๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. I see your fighting style you amazed me. I'm sorry my brother is so stupid
Marvin:I'll give you a chance to join my gang if you join we won't make your life hell
Constantine:Sorry I'm not interested.
Marvin:Oh come on Constantine this is the best deal i made
Constantine:Sorry i quit Street fighting.
*Constantine walks away*
Marvin:So your fighting style is aikido and muay thai
Marvin:Hmm... Let's see... oh i need to go my fans are waiting for me
Constantine:Okay? (Leave you st*pid motherf*cker)
Marvin:So he's strong huh? Hmm... if I can't beat him I'll just take the important people in his life WHAHAHAHAHA
*arrives at home*
Constantine:I'm home
Li:Come here I'll prepare some food
Li:How's your day?
Constantine:It's okay i get in trouble
Constantine:I'm just defending my self
Li:Oh okay sorry
Constantine:I'm full I'll go to bed goodnight sis
*Li looks at her pendant*
Li:I'm sorry mom and dad i can't protect my little brother. I hope nothing bad happens to him.

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    amazing ๐Ÿ˜


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    life is winderful


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    Cortes CaadlawonSyniel Jay

    thank you


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