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(Beginning Arc) Chapter 3 - The Student Councilors

-Professor:Okay class, sit down we'll start a lesson soon
Okay so for today's lesson our topic is about mental health problems. So, can anyone tell me what is rage?
Professor:Yes Lennon
Lennon:violent and uncontrolled anger, a fit of violent wrath
Professor:Good job Lennon
Lennon:Thank you sir
Professor:Okay next, can anyone tell me what is bloodlust? Hillarion.
Hillarion: desire for bloodshed and carnage, often aroused in the heat of battle and leading to uncontrolled slaughter and torture.
Professor:Great! Now, what is impulsivity? Constantine.
Constantine:From a behavioral perspective, impulsivity includes a wide variety of actions that , are immature, dangerous, inappropriate to the situation and done without consideration, which usually bring about negative consequences. Impulsive individuals can not delay their satisfaction and control themselves.
Professor:Very good Constantine. Today we will talk about these rages or impulses that we feel when we are mad or angry. Rage is a type of mental health illness in which an individual or person experiences strong feelings or extreme anger that can lead to pain. Meanwhile, bloodlust is destructive that leads to torture or being violent of an individual and it is not controlled by the person who has it. It can lead to torture, pain and many others. And the impulsivity. Impulsivity is a type of chronic mental health disorder in which the individual suddenly becomes blinded by extreme anger and hatred. It is the most dangerous of the three mental health illnesses because impulsivity is not controlled by the person who has it and he does not know what he is doing. Impulsivity can lead to harm, destruction, torture and murder.
Karyl:Sir can anyone have impulsivity?
Professor:No Karyl, only people with a tragic childhood and to people who have lost or died a friend, family or loved one
V-jhay:Sir in what way we can stop the person having a impulsivity or bloodlust?
Professor:Not anyone can stop the person that having an impulsivity. The only one who can stop the person having an impulsivity is his/her lover.
Hillarion:Lover? What about family sir?
Professor:Nope, if the family try to stop the person having an impulsivity it will get worse that's because the one of the cause of impulsivity is traumatic childhood. Other say that a friends can stop the impulsivity but no one succeeded.
???:Excuse me sir can we have a announcement please?
Professor:Okay go.
Alex:Good afternoon everyone we are the student council.
Marvin:Good afternoon everyone i'am the student councilor president Marvin Baracks running for the position of president and I'll promise that if we win no one will be bullied in this unversity
Lennon:Hey Constantine
Lennon:That's Logan brother, Marvin he's the president of university since last 2 years
Hillarion:Yes stupid president. In his 2 years term our comfort room stinks a lot and nothing changed
Allysa:i am Alyssa Mae Lacio running for the position of vice president and I'll promise that if we win the surveillance of the University will be intensified.
Alex:Good afternoon everyone my name is Alex lark running for the position of treasurer
Benedict:Good afternoon i am Benedict Stewart running for the president of PRO and we'll promise that no one will bullied in this university.
Karyl:Bruh same as their president
Marvin:So guys, i hope we can all get along please vote us to make our school mor friendly thank you!
Alex:That's all sir thank you!
Professor:So they're the student council that makes our school safety.
*Bell rings*
Professor:Okay class don't forget your homework tomorrow and it'll need a pairs okay?
Whole class:Yes prof
Professor:Okay, Goodbye Class have a good day!
Lennon:Hey will your sister pick you up?
Constantine:I don't know she's too busy for her work
Hillarion:He's just like your sister Tine that's why he always ask you HAHAHAHA
Lennon:No no no it's not true
Constantine:Shut up dude she's not coming I'll just walk
Lennon:Okay take care. Bye!
Constantine:I'm home😪
Li:Welcome! Sorry I didn't pick you up I'm always busy
Constantine:It's okay sis i just go to my room
Li:Did you eat?
Constantine:Yep I'm full i just want a rest
Li:Okay rest well!
*Phone rings*
Constantine:You st*pid b*tch do you know what time is it?! Dude it's f*cking 12am what do you want?
Lennon:HAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry i just want to remind you that we're partners in our homework tomorrow
Constantine:Yes i know that...(Sh*t i almost forgot about that)
Lennon:Okay Goodnight!
Li:Hey wake up it's 6am
Constantine:Okay sis
Li:Go down here have a breakfast before you leave, and i already give your allowance for this month don't waste it in stupid things okay?
Constantine:Okay sis I'll go
Li:Okay take care!
Constantine:(is this right adress?)
Lennon:Right here Tine!
Constantine:Ohh your house is like a mansion
Lennon:No it's just a small house
Princess:Lennon it's the hammer i borrowed yesterday
Constantine:wait she's living here?
Lennon:You know her?
Constantine:No I bumped into her in other days
Princess:Hi I'm Princess Joy
Constantine:Hi I'm Constantine nice to meet you!

Book Comment (1126)

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    amazing 😍


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    life is winderful


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    Cortes CaadlawonSyniel Jay

    thank you


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