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02: Seek Out

Naiah's POV
I smiled as I saw my result. I got a full scholarship, shouldn't I be happy? Why is it like this? I feel like I have lost my appetite more. Hays. It doesn't matter.
I heaved a sigh, it's been three days since the incident in the registration office. He's mysterious. He has this aura that I don't nor can't comprehend. Like, if you'll just approach him, you'll be intimidated. But it's in contrast with the personality he's giving off.
He was the guy at the bus incident. That has happened days ago, I can really forget those things. There are instances that I'll be forgetful about some things, and that is because I don't have a good memory of those who are not engraved on my heart, in short, people I am not close with.
I lift my head to see the last floor of the building in front of me. Whoah, what an enormous building.
CDU. I wanted to just rent a room here but then, the guard said, which I asked last time I passed here, that only SCA employees can go there, so, yea! That was sad but, well, I have time to build my own through my hard work. I am Naiah, your Miss Universe, Philippines! Kidding.
I nearly jumped out of shock when a car stopped beside me. When I saw who it was, my jaw dropped. He's here again? Another branded car, is he showcasing his wealth? Tsk.
I lifted my head when the car's window at the driver's side opened.
"Need a ride?" he said, I raised a brow. Is he that confident that I needed a ride?
"How can you say so?"I crossed my arms and still, my eyebrows were lifted.
"Say, you are standing there for a long time," he said. I rolled my eyes. Are we close? This is the third time we have met each other.
"And. . .," I trailed off. I creased my forehead.
"Do I need to elaborate on what I did a while ago just for you to know that I am not waiting for a ride?" I explained it's as long as it seems but he just smiled at me. But I know, deep inside him, he is thinking the opposite.
"No, you don't need to," he looked at me and the road and looked back at me. "You seemed to," he said and shrugged his shoulders. I thought he was leaving when he started the car but he put it on the side of the road. I looked at that and where I was standing. I rolled my eyes. He's right. I seemed to be waiting for a ride. Just now I noticed, staring at the building behind me, I literally was right on the side of the road where the passengers usually stood.
"We'll be late. We need to hurry" and I just noticed I am wearing the uniform of Coded University. I realized I really needed a ride. Tsk, I can't believe I was stupid minutes ago. I looked at the building, it's just making me curious about this place, not to mention the owner of that building and I supposed that the owner also owns the company, SCA.
I glanced at the guy in front of me, he's staring at me intently. He raised a brow and tilted his head sideways where his car was. I sighed and walked past by his side. Hays. Never mind, I also need to save money, tsk.
When we reached the school, I immediately opened the door beside me. I looked at my watch, it's just five minutes before my class. That's why I couldn't thank him anymore and quickly ran the distance to my room.
Exactly when I sat at the back part was the arrival of our teacher.
"Good morning" she greeted us seriously. Geez! She's not even smiling.
"I'm your homeroom teacher and I just want one thing in this class. Be organized. I don't want to see any disorganized things in this class. Am I clear, my students?" she asked. None of us responds to her question. I didn't expect that our teacher was as serious as the situation was. She's very intimidating, I may add.
"I'm Croza Vrelle. Just Miss Cro, that will be alright. And I will give you an activity regarding our lesson for the whole week. Get a paper and answer it" she clapped her hands twice, and because the room was filled with silence during her speech, we clearly heard her voice up to my place. What a first day. Already have an activity? Even a second was very important to her, huh?
After I'm done with the activity, which was full of vocabulary and such passed it to Ms. Cro.
I left the room when our teacher left us. I still have two hours left. 1 hour for my snack time, and 1 hour to roam around. I sat at one of the branches of the tree where I was. Yup, I am up here in a branch of a tree. How did I get here? I climbed, of course. Only if I have the power to just teleport from the ground up to here, that is impossible. I am only human, for Pete's sake.
~I'm only human~
I shook my head. I stopped midways when I heard a voice. I supposed that person is beside the tree I am currently in. I looked down and sighed when I saw him again. The guy who asked me to ride with him. He was also the same guy, three days ago. If I remember correctly, he is Keiko.
"Chill," he said and leaned on the tree. He smirks after that. Maybe, he's talking to his friend.
"That was just a game, come on! Easy man!" He chuckled after that, I don't know why I smiled when I heard him doing that. It was just so soft to my ears. I don't know if he has a side like this. Even though I only knew, I met him a few days ago.
"Oh, that. . . ," he trailed off, and he kind of tilted his head sideward, but I don't know if he did it.
"Gonna hang up. See you soon, bro" he said and put down his phone and he stood there for a minute then. . .
"Get down, Miss. You may catch an unfortunate fate" he said, and that seems like he's referring to me because he looked up in my direction.
"Step aside, Mr," I said, he really did. I ready myself to jump out of the tree but then, I was about to when I heard a gunshot. It caused me to fall, without proper preparation. I was expecting my body would hit some hard thing but a soft tug made my eyes open. There it is again. His tantalizing blue eyes.
I feel like, staring into his eyes makes me feel safe and calm despite the situation.
"Hide here, don't dare to have a peek, alright?" I nodded as if I understood something. I hid more as I heard several gunshots followed by another. Several gunmen wearing a tuxedo came out of nowhere. At the back of a tree, someone jumped down, then they ran in the same direction.
Even if I remember Keiko's words, I can't stop my curiosity. I took a peek and there in the middle of those tuxedo guys, a woman and four guys in a red cloak. Their hoods were down at their back. So I have a chance to look at who they are.
I looked at Keiko, based on what I heard about the bus incident, that was his name. He walked and stopped in front of those guys who were wearing a cloak. Okay, is this one of a gang fight or not?
"Long time no see, Blue," the woman said and smirked at him, 'Hey gurl, that doesn't suit you, witch!' Oppsss. I better not make a noise, or else, there is a chance that they would target me. I better not.
"What's your business?" Keiko seriously said, and here, I was right, he's really mysterious. So that was his hidden personality? Such an interesting thing to be considered at.
I was shocked when she turned in my direction, Keiko seemed alarmed by it but he didn't react to it.
"Why would you fire a bullet then?" he asked, this time, his voice was void of any emotion. It looks like he's going to kill the woman any moment now. And take note, the woman knows I am here! Ghad! She has a strong sense. But what I heard from her made me confused as hell. . .
"Nothing, maybe you can seek out an answer to. . . Her,"

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