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Is He Dumb Too?

He headed towards a classroom and I looked up to saw Grade 11 written above it. I sighed with relief, thank goodness.
He walked into the classroom and I followed.
Oh, A teacher was in already.
The teacher turned to our direction as soon as we entered. “And why are just coming to my class?” The teacher fumes, clearly directing the question to him.
He just kept mute with his head down.
Is he dumb too?
“Just get out of my sight!” The man yelled, and I watched as he walked up to an empty seat in the middle roll. “And who are you, by the way?”
I blinked my eyes and turned to face the teacher.
“I'm new here,” I replied simply. “Whoa, you're the new student?” He asked, shining his brown dentition. “The principal already informed all grade 11 teachers about you,” He explained like I asked him a question. I only nodded.
He turned to the class and I did the same.
“Class! Meet Audrey, she's one of us from now on,” The teacher introduced with all smiles.
And what on earth is he smiling about? I rolled my eyes, secretly. My eyes landed on three guys at the edge of the classroom, smiling sheepishly to themselves.
I scoffed inwardly and removed my gaze from their monkey faces. “Introduce yourself,” I heard say. “You have already done that,” I looked at him and told him bluntly.
He squeezed his brows. “Huh?”
“There's one thing you must all know about me,” I began, facing the whole class again.
And the girls were already giving me 'what does she want to say look' but I just let my eyes remained on the guys, since they were the ones I solemnly have a word it.
And I was glad they'll turn to me with all attention. Well, except for him though, he was already copying the short note on the chalkboard. Duffer.
“I don't interact with guys, and I'll be overjoyed if you can all do the same, don't come close to me” I said dauntlessly, and I watched as they all exchange glances, including the girls.
“Audrey” The teacher called, faintly, “But why?” A guy from the front seat asked, confusingly.
“I detest guys,” I gritted out immediately, and the whole class gasped in surprise.
They all started to murmur among themselves, shooting me all sort of looks, but who cares?
I caught Duffer staring at me, but he quickly removed his eyes. Good.
I heard the teacher cleared his throat.
Oh, he's still here?
“Uh mm. I don't know why you're being like this on your first day of resumption, but you should take your seat now,” The teacher said with a wry smile. I nodded shortly and proceeded towards the first roll.
“No empty seat here,” The girls said, simultaneously. “There's an empty seat here,” A boy announced from the back seat, pointing to a seat adjacent to Duffer's.
I secretly rolled my eyes and made to walk towards it. “That's Jin's seat,” A girl stood up and said.
Okay, What's going on?
“Will you keep quiet and sit down,” The teacher gave a scold.
“Jin is not in school today, so take your seat, Audrey” I hissed lowly and walked up to it.
I dropped my backpack on the desk and settled down. “Let's continue, class,” The teacher continues. I brought out my writing materials and looked up at the chalkboard.
It was English language, my favorite.
“A word that means the opposite of another word is what?” The teacher threw the question to the class. I folded my arms on my chest with my legs crossed.
“Anyone?” The teacher asked, looking at everyone. “Let's hear you, Audrey”
“A word that means the opposite of another word is Antonym” I answered confidently.
“Correct” The teacher smiles and the whole class began to murmur again.
Now I get it, the only thing they could do perfectly is to murmur. Fools.
I caught some girls eyeing me; I bit my lower lip, preventing myself not to laugh it out.
They should stop it, they look like Barbie dolls.
I took my eyes back to the teacher, ignoring the looks I was receiving from the guys.
It was short break period.
We had two more subjects after English language class. Some students already left the class for lunch. I glanced at Duffer's seat, and he was not on seat too.
So, he also eats?
I chuckled inwardly at my question, who doesn't eat? “Hey, you!” Two girls snapped their fingers as they walked up to me- a red-headed and a Blondie.
I see, they were actually the ones that eyed me earlier. “If you think you're crazy, then our Jin is crazier,” The red-headed smirked.
I bitten my lips as I lowered my head.
I seriously didn't want to laugh, but these people… I mean, what's up with her red hair?
“Watch as she will deal with you so bad tomorrow,” The red-headed snorted. I raised my head and burst in laughter, as I couldn't control it any longer.
They both exchanged a glance.
“You think this is just an empty threat?” Blondie spoke this time. I stopped laughing and opened my backpack to bring out my headphone and cellphone.
“You shall see!” Red-headed yelled, and I watched as they both marched out of the classroom. I smiled at their back and shook my head. Silly kids.
“Hi, Audrey” I looked to my right side to see a skinny guy standing close to me and my smile was replaced with a frown immediately.
“I'm Seo yun. You look so cute when you smile” He said, but I just scrolled down my playlist.
I finally settled with a foreign song, I fixed my headphone to my ears.
I closed my eyes, enjoying every bit of the song.
Suddenly, my headphone was removed from my ears.
I opened my eyes to see the same guy holding it in his hand. “How dare you?” I roared, standing up slowly.
“I was talking to you but…” I cut him short with a hard slap across his cheek.
I heard gasps from the few people that were in class.
“Are you crazy?!”
“Are you insane?” I yelled to his face.
“Who the f**k do you think you are to come close?” I rasped. He just stared at me in shock, with his hand on his reddened cheek.
“The next time you try this with me, I'll make sure you landed your silly ass in the hospital," I threatened through gritted teeth, staring directly into his frog eyes. I snatched my headphone from him, picked my phone which was lying on my backpack and marched off.
Such a dunderhead!
I got to the entrance of the classroom, I lifted my head to see Duffer staring at me with a hint of surprise look on his face.
I guess he saw that too.
I walked past him and left the classroom.

Book Comment (1636)

  • avatar
    LacanlaleMc raven

    love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I!


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    T MA CK

    goods wr


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    Best storyy!


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