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He's Blind and Deaf

Audrey POV
A shrilling sound jerked me awake from my beauty sleep and I almost scream. “Ugh!” I groaned, sitting up. I turned to my nightstand to saw an alarm clock on it.
I closed my eyes shortly and opened them.
I'm sure it was mom's doing.
“I want to believe you're awake, Audrey” I heard her cheerful voice outside, and I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes.
She opened the door widely and walked in, giggling like a kid. “Good morning, sweetheart” She uncovered the duvet from my body and pecked my forehead.
She sat on the bed close to me.
“Do you really have to do that?” I asked her, grimly. “Yes baby” She replied, sweetly. “But mom…” “There's no but, Mi Cha” She cut in, standing on her feet. “Now get up and let's prepare you for school” I let out a rueful breath, pushing my hair backward.
She proceeded towards my closet and I watched as she brought out the school uniform; she turned to me with a wide smile.
“Isn't it pretty?” She raised the well ironed uniform. A navy-blue blazer, a white school shirt with a school tie, together with a gray pleated skirt. I just shrugged and left the bed, I slide my feet into the flip-flops and dallied towards the bathroom.
“Hurry up, Audrey” Mom said behind me and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
I gulped down my coffee and then belched loudly, causing mom to squeezed her face in grimace. I laughed softly and stood up from the chair, adjusting my uniform.
“Are you sure you will be fine with cabs?”
“I can just hire a driver” She said, standing up too. I shot her a loving smile.
“I'm will clock Eighteen years old soon mom, so you should stop treating me like I'm ten” She chuckled softly, brushing my hair backward with her fingers. “Should I just give you a ride today?” She asked. I carried my backpack on the chair next to me and turned to her.
“I'll be fine, mom” I assured.
I pecked her forehead and rushed past her.
“Take care of yourself, darling” She shouts.
“You too, sweetheart” I also shouted as I got to the entrance.
“And make sure you don't skip lunch, okay?” I heard her say but I was out already.
I just smiled to myself while I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder.
The cab screeched to a halt and I looked out from the window to see the school gigantic blue gate. Here we are.
I paid the cab driver and came down from the cab. I watched as cars drove into the school compound, students walking in two's and more, chattering happily. Uhmm…
I made to walk in like other students but the security guard or whatever stopped me, obstructing my way with his long arm.
“Where's your school ID?” He requested.
“I'm a new student, sir” I replied with a little smile. He stared at me for a moment before nodding his head.
He paved way, I hissed softly as I walked into the school premises. “Whoa” It escaped my mouth immediately I stepped in.
I darted my eyes around the whole environment with amusement; Busan Foreign Language High School (BFS) was boldly written everywhere, it was carved with flowers too.
I folded my lips and nodded with satisfaction.
Not that bad.
I should head to the principal office.
I took a step forward and stopped again, letting my eyes search for the staircase by my right-hand side.
I already asked mom to give me directions to the principal's office because I couldn't possibly start asking people around for directions.
You could say I'm proud.
I smiled to myself as soon as I saw the staircase; High five girl!
“You're welcome to BFS once again, Audrey” The quite looking old woman said for the fifth time.
I adjusted on my seat, getting impatient already.
She should just give me the goddamn materials already and show me to my class.
She pushed the swivel chair backward and stood up. “Come have your textbooks and writing materials, girl” She said as she proceeded to the bookshelves in the office.
I quickly got on my feet and trailed behind her. “Ask any student around to show you grade eleven classroom” She said as she stretched out all the materials to me.
Jeez! “Can I just locate it myself?” I asked her after I'd put everything inside my backpack.
“Sure, but it might be stressful for you, you know, being your first time” She adjusted her glasses after she was done talking.
I nodded with a smile. “Thanks ma'am” I bowed again and walked out of the office.
“And where on earth is grade eleven?” I gritted my teeth as I climbed the stairs for the third time, tiredly. I've been searching for it for some minutes now but couldn't find it. And there were no students around to even ask anymore.
I placed my both hands akimbo as I stood in the hallway. Damn it, Audrey!
I looked from my left to right and saw a guy approaching my direction.
Oh no,
Why not a girl at least?
What do I do now? I thought, as I watched him come nearer.
I gulped.
Should I just ask him?
You will never do that, Audrey. My fist tightened.
The guy finally got to where I was, and to my utmost surprise, he walked past me without sparing me a look. My eyes popped up.
Okay, for real?
Not even a glance, like I didn't exist.
Uhmm, 'Perhaps he's blind' I thought as I watched his back walking away. Don't you think he might be in grade eleven?
I heard a voice in my head.
“He might be in grade eleven” I muttered.
I released a rueful breath and followed behind him. I pray he's in grade eleven.
I walked closely at his back, but he was not even looking back.
Okay, Is he deaf too?
I rolled my eyes as I brushed my hair backward with my palm.

Book Comment (1636)

  • avatar
    LacanlaleMc raven

    love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I!


  • avatar
    T MA CK

    goods wr


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    Best storyy!


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