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Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare


A Little Introduction

I raised the glass of wine to my lips and sipped at it, not looking away from the TV screen, it was a wrestling match and I loved it. “Audrey” Mom called, I heard her steps approaching afterwards. I crumpled my face.
“Don't tell me you're not in bed yet,”
I turned to her and grinned widely.
“Come on, Mi Cha” She called me by my native name. She walked towards the TV and turned it off.
I was quite expecting that.
“You just arrived from the States not quite long ago, so you ought to be resting,” She coaxed, walking close to me. “And besides, remember you've a great day ahead of you,” She smiled lovingly. I rolled my eyes.
I dropped Chelsea- my pet, on the floor and stood up.
“Don't remind me, mom,” I said sternly.
She slowly held my hand and smiled ruefully. “Audrey, I'm very much aware you don't like to school here, and you also know how much I don't like being in the States” Her voice breaks as she talks. “It reminds me of memories…”
“It's okay, mom,” I forced a little smile.
The last thing I wanted to see at that moment was her tears. “I will school here in Korea, I will fulfill your wish” I said to her and smiled covered up her face, instantly.
“That's my baby girl” She pecked my cheeks, joyously.
“I already got everything prepared”
“And I'm sure you would love their school uniform” I smiled perfunctorily to cover how displeased I was.
I hate Korea.
“Alright mom, I'll just go to bed then,” I announced. “Sure, sweetheart,” I pecked her both cheeks and walked away.
“Sweet dreams, mom,” I said aloud as I ascended the stairs, along with Chelsea.
“You too, dear,”
I plonked myself into the bed.
I have just taken a long bath, I felt superb.
A little introduction will do.
I'm Mi Cha Kim, but I loved to be called Audrey, my foreign name. Some would even call me 'Beauty'
Yeah, I'm a pretty young lady and I normally boast about it, all thanks to my woman.
I will clock eighteen in a few months time, so you could say I'm eighteen years old already.
Truly, I was born and brought up here in South Korea. But I still prefer being in the States and that's why I often visit, I despise Korea so much and which the reason is still unknown to me.
I just returned after a long vacation with my Aunt in the States. I had a great time, indeed.
Mom doesn't care for the States because that was where she met my irresponsible father. I was barely five years old when he left us all alone. And that's the major reason I became fiery till today.
He made me detest guys so much, and I don't interact with them. I'm strong, heartened, and I love it like that. I believe guys are all the same.
People even call me names, but I do not give a damn.
The only person I care about in this world is my Mom. And yeah, my little darling- Chelsea.
My mom is my pillar.
The source of my happiness.
She never got tired of me, even though I'm a pain in her ass. Well, I believe you'll get to know me more.
I yawned softly and turned off the lamp.
I should go to sleep.
The door creaked open, and I watched as Dad poke his head inside, with a grin on his face.
“What are you still doing up, boy?” He asked as he stepped in, shutting the door.
I took my eyes back to my drawing and kept mute. “Min jun, you're going to school tomorrow. Your drawing can wait, you should be in bed by now, it's late,” Dad said immediately he sat down on a stool beside my bed. I sighed softly.
“I don't feel like going to school tomorrow,” I told him flatly, arranging my drawing materials to where they belong.
“That school is so boring, Dad” I sounded peeved, not turning to look at him from what I was doing. “It's not the school, son, it's you” I raised my head to look at him, surprised.
“You're yet to revive from what your mom did to us, Min jun” Rage crept on my body and I shut my eyes.
“You engraved it on your mind like It's critical. Look at me, I'm over it, and I'm doing quite alright without your mom”
“That's a lie, Dad” I ground my teeth. “You and I
both know that you still love that woman, you stare at her pictures almost every night” I stood on my feet, fuming.
“Well, I'm not concerned about that, but all I know is that I can never love a girl. They are betrayals and doesn't worth to be seen around us,” I gritted my teeth in annoyance as memories flashed in my head.
How she left us when everything turned upside down for my Dad some years ago, when he was shattered beyond repair. How Dad had pleaded with her, how she yanked my hands when I was crying and begging her not to leave me. But still, she left, saying she couldn't cope.
“Aaron” Dad called my foreign name, but I just wiped my tears and marched out, turning deaf ears to his calls.
I strongly dislike my mother ever since. And not only that, she made me believe women are all the same.
Dad got on his feet few years after she left us, we relocated to the USA, but I didn't really like my stay there and that was why I persuaded Dad we should return to South Korea.
I sat on my favorite chair in the garden, with tears flowing freely from my eyes.
My name is Min jun, and I also have an English name- Aaron. I'm a quiet person, I barely interact and that's why my classmates doesn't like me, except from the girls though, but I usually shun them. I avoid them like my life depends on it. But you see, I become someone else when it comes to my Dad, he's the only person I act all free with.

Book Comment (1636)

  • avatar
    LacanlaleMc raven

    love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I!


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    T MA CK

    goods wr


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    Best storyy!


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