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Chapter 49 The Chase Game

Lifting her gaze up as she swept away the strand of hair that had escaped from its hold, Tina’s brows intuitively furrowed– meeting eyes on with that familiar gaze. 
“You?” She muttered, instantly springing to her feet as she snatched the book from him in the process– her displeasure written all over her face. As if on an impulse, she scoffed– rolling her eyes in motion as she tilted her head away then back to the intruder whom she seem really pissed with.
 “Are you stalking me or something?” She inquired but then as if in realization, she paused for a moment~ narrowing her gaze towards the latter as if she could read through him. “Don’t tell me my Dad paid you for this.”
“Hey, hey, wait a moment.” Ethen briefly chuckled, not sure what she meant by that. “What did you mean by paid for this?” He snapped in, his words fading with the smiles in the process. “Let’s first get this right– you bumped into me, not the other way round. Isn’t this the point where you thank me rather?” He added with some sense of disbelief.
But the former remained indifferent– no amount of words from he was by any way going to change her assumption. “You can say all you want to defend yourself but I’m not buying it.” She blunted, vibrating with indignation. “Tell him I’m not going to soil his reputation– I know better than anyone how he values that more than his children.” She scorned and without waiting for a reply, scampered off.
Ethen’s gaze swiftly traveled after her but instead of anger, he felt pity towards her. He felt the unhealed wounds that had gradually created the bitterness she harbored– which seem to be the interpretation of her hostile attitude.
“Does she think everyone is like her Dad?” He grumbled with concern but then, thoughts of the Principal’s sermon clicked– knowing he might be keeping him waiting.
 Instinctively, he clicked his tongue with some sense of indecisiveness– glancing for the last time at Tina’s back as she joined the crowd of students moving to their various destinations~ then rushed off;  with the thoughts of the latter still in mind. Hoping to find her later on to have her open up even if she detests him.
20mins had already passed since Phidel left her friends– followed by her twin but by one way or the other,  literally unknown to Phidelia; she suddenly lost track of the former. Which onitss own, was really bad as she couldn’t tell what was on her sister’s mind. 
Intuitively, her eyes swiftly searched around the entire campus but got nothing. Anxiety instantly began to take the best of her– knowing well what her sister was capable of doing. With her telepathic nature, she quickly teleported to the places she knew Phidel could go but was met with disappointment. At this point, she knew she needed help– a person’s help if possible. 
With the thought of no other person but Rowan in mind, she teleported back to the school– finding herself in the hallway to be precise. By then, students were back in their classrooms with serious lessons going go on. 
Rowan at that moment, wasn’t by himself either. All he could think of were Phidel’s words which kept echoing in his mind as he stole glances at the empty desk. In it all, he kept checking his time– hoping school ends soon so he could go find his friend. 
The former was still with his divided attention when Phidelia’s ghost made her appearance.
“Rowan, we have to find Phidel.” She muttered immediately she surfaced– forgetting for a moment she couldn’t be heard by anyone except her sister.
 “Come on,” she hastily added~ kneeling beside the former whose eyes remained unshifted from the board while he jolted down some notes just like all the other students.
It was at that moment that reality hit her. Instinctively, she lurked helplessly around for anything at all that could help her gain his attention or send out her information. It was then that Rowan’s bag which was hanging around his desk caught her attention. 
“Ok,” She deeply breath out. “Let’s see if this works.” She commented, jolting to her full length in the process.
With an intense gaze at the bag, it fell off– making Rowan glance deftly at it. Intuitively, his brows furrowed as he lurked around him; wondering what might have caused it but found nothing suspicious. 
The latter tried to talk to him, waving her hand before his face in the process but then– that didn’t help in any way. Being skeptical as ever, Rowan picked the bag up– hanging it at its initial position. In the process of turning his concentration back to the board, Phidelia spotted the spare pen resting on his desk. 
Phidel on the other hand sat in the café which was about 15ms from the central park. She was so pissed that there was no way she could hide her anger. Her knitted brows clearly stated there was something on her mind– probably thinking about how to make Tina feel the same pain she took her twin through. 
Glancing at her coffee for the first time since she took her seat– her eyes traveled through the glass frame used for the café’s structure – viewing from a distance; the serene atmosphere of the park that lay bare before her eyes.
Intuitively, she let out a deep breath; relaxing her pulses. But then, a familiar figure in quite a haste caught her attention. She slightly hunched forward with narrowed eyes– focusing her gaze on the target, just to be sure of her assumption. 
“Tina?” Phidel grumbled to herself on justifying her conclusion. “What the hell is she up to?” She swiftly added. 
Without hesitation, the former jerked to her full length– given the fact that she couldn’t help being suspicious of everything the latter does. At least, not now that she knew how far the latter can go to escape punishment for what she had done. For some reason, she felt the school was in on it too.
Snatching her bag from the chair, she rushed off–snitching after Tina.  

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    GbCassia Eduarda



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    I loved reading these chapter


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