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Chapter 7 I am the CEO

After the conversation between Mr. Hayden and the driver, there was a sudden silence.
whereas during their conversation Layla was already awake
As soon as they got to the company, My Hayden told his assistant to take the children to wherever they wanted to go be it an amusement park or anywhere
because he was having a meeting.
As Layla got to the company she was surprised they were at that particular company, this was not her first time coming there and she knows this is her parent's company she was wondering how it turns to be her uncle's company
something came to her mind but she rebuke it, saying it was not possible did that that because the company
so she decided to ask Zoey
“ Zoey is this your parent company”
“ yes now, I never knew my parent as such a big company, from now on I will ask them for anything I want to buy, if this isn’t my parent company then why did they bring us here and why are they having a meeting” Zoey answered with pride
at that moment Layla was angry, Layla is a responsible girl, she has her standard and she hates dishonesty
“ How will my uncle call my parent property their own, how selfish of them she thinks
during their conversation the assistant was hearing everything they were saying, he wanted to put confirmation to what Zoey said but seeing Layla’s facial expression he knows she knows the truth about it and hate how Layla was proud of her parent company as if it was her parent own
“ so where do you want us to go” he broke the silence
“ we can go to the park to play and take ice- cream, Layla what do you think” Zoey replied
“Whatever,” Layla said
Zoey did not know what was going on in Layla’s mind at that moment but one thing she knows for sure is she is not in good mood, but she can’t seem to fathom the reason behind her bad mood, so as not to complicate things she only replied with hmm
At the shareholder's meeting
Man 1: Good morning to you all, this meeting was originated to find a new CEO for this company
seeing the late Mr. Hayden left his will, then we summoned the lawyer to come tell us who was chosen to be the CEO, Mr. James can you come forward to tell us who the late mr Hayden wants to become the CEO
Mr. James: Good morning to you all, I hereby read the will of the late MR Hayden who wants to become the CEO after his death
“I want my daughter Hayden Layla to take over all my properties including the company, everything I own should be forwarded to her possession “
thank you, that’s all
Man1: you all know that this will be the result but as for confirmation of our thinking I called the lawyer to come over, now that we have heard it with our own hear, we can’t let that little girl take over the company
she does not know anything about business
so I need you all to give your opinion about this mater
Man2: I suggest we pick someone who has been by the late Mr. Hayden's side for a long time and who we can entrust this company with till Layla grows old enough to handle this company
man3: I think what he said is right
ten other people agreed to this
man4: I think we should state a vote ( five people agreed to it)
man5: I think someone with a bigger percentage of share should take over the company
finally Mr. Hayden: I should be the one to take over the company, this is my brother’s company and it can be entrusted to me, his daughter is even staying with me so when she grows up and is ready to take over the company I will step down
Man6: I agree with Mr. Hayden, they are brothers so he won’t watch the company die down he will take it as his own and make it grow
the other shareholders also agreed to it
Man1: as all of you as different opinions I think the best thing to do is to cast a vote, as we already exceed the time we are supposed to be done with this meeting, we will have to shift the vote to tomorrow
the time of the meeting will be sent to you this evening
Have a nice day.
(at the amusement park)
Layla and Zoey were playing happily
they ride the swing, dance with a clown, they played with almost everything in the park, after they were tired of playing the Assistant bought them ice cream, and they sat down on the chair under the big three and lick their ice cream 🍦 happily
minutes later the assistant received a call from Mr. Hayden to bring the children back so they can go home after he end the call the assistant asked them if they want to buy something else but they said they are okay with the ice cream they are taking.
“ Okay then, let’s start going your parent are done with the meeting,” the assistant said
the journey from the park to the company took them almost an hour, and before they got to the company the children already fall asleep 😴
“ the children already fall asleep sir, should I call the second driver to pick you up so it won’t be inconvenient for you,” the assistant asked his boss
Mr. Hayden: don’t worry, I will sit at the front while my wife will sit at the back, we will manage. thank you for helping the children today hope they enjoyed their self.
The assistant: yes sir, I will be on my way the driver already arrived
Mr. Hayden: alright, meet me at home by 8:30 tomorrow morning
The assistant: okay sir, goodbye madam
“ where are we going sir,” The driver asked
“ don’t you see the children are asleep where else are we supposed to go, to the club or what” Mr. Hayden shouted at him
driver: “ am sorry sir”
Mr. Haden: sorry for yourself he said irritated
The noise make Layla wake up but due to the heated conversation that was going on she decided to keep it low and pretended she was asleep.
“Honey, are you sure those people will want to support you and vote for you tomorrow” Mrs. Hayden finally broke the silence
at that moment Layla wanted to stand up but hearing this she decided to keep low to hear the rest of what they wanted to say
she has been wondering about how her parent company turned into her uncle's own since morning but she didn’t allow that thought to take over her feelings
“ don’t worry honey, have already collected the numbers of some shareholders that are easy to convince, when I get home I can just call them and bribe them”
“ how many do you think we can bribe, you know we need like 15 votes to become the CEO of the company” Mrs. Hayden replied
Mr. Hayden: don’t worry my lovely wife everything will be settled by me, very soon I will be the CEO of the country and you will be able to enjoy as you like
all this while Layla was listening to everything they said, she was heartbroken
she never expects her uncle to do something so illegal like that how ill they bribe people just to take over my parent company she thinks
meanwhile, the couple did not have any idea she was awake, they thought the children Was Asleep
minutes later, they arrived home, when the maid heard the horn of their car she immediately came out to welcome them
as she wanted to collect her madame bag she was told the children are in the car and they were asleep, so she went ahead to carry them, she doesn’t have the plan to carry the both of them together but as she got to the car she saw Layla was awake.
she first helped Layla get down from the car and carried Zoey inside.
On the way inside Zoey woke up due to the movement.
she raised her head and struggled to get down, noticing this she put herself down and let walk herself.
As she got down she saw Layla “ Layla you also awake, let’s go inside”
Layla was not in a good mood so she kept silent and followed her, they went to their room to get a change of clothes
After they were done Zoey came out to eat but Layla stayed in her room
she was still thinking of the reason they have to bribe the shareholders just to become the CEO of her parent’s company, but she was still a child she doesn’t know anything about it even thou she has been following her parent there when she has nothing to do at home or during holidays but she doesn’t know what’s going on there.
All that she knows about the company is about fashion, they design clothes.
“ why may say he bribe them to be the CEO, he is my dad's brother it shouldn’t be a problem for him to take over, “ she thought
Everything just seems confusing to her she doesn’t know anything about the business world due to she is still young.
She was in her room all this time, she doesn’t want to see anyone she just want to be alone.
She is the type of person who likes to know everything, When her parents are Alive she asks for anything that confuses her from them, this is one of the reasons why people like her. minutes later she decided to step out of her room because she was getting hungry, she went straight to the dining but didn’t meet any food
The maid was in the sitting room all this while watching Television with Zoey
she noticed Layla and realize she was hungry
“Layla are you hungry what do you want to eat,” the maid asked
“ I want to toast bread, can I get that,” Layla said
“ yes, I will go prepare it for you now,” the maid said
The maid was tired because she has been working since morning but she just have to help her with
but the fact is If she has told Layla that she was tired Layla would have changed her mind to eat something she doesn’t need to prepare for her.
Layla noticed the hesitation before she replied so she took the initiative to ask her if she is tired
Layla: are you tired?
the maid: yes I am, but don’t worry I will help you prepare it
Layla: in that case let me help you
the maid: no Layla you don’t need to, it’s not appropriate for you okay
this is my work let me do it
Layla refused to take in
Layla: it’s not fair you only have to do all the work, being seven years old am old enough to do house chores from now on I will help you with some house chores, I even want to learn how to cook so I can be cooking my food myself so let me join you
the maid: okay then since you want to learn
the both of them went into the kitchen
The maid showed her where things are kept and what they are used for, and she taught her how to prepare toasted bread, Layla was smiling and happy through the maid was teaching her things
she loves learning new things and she is always happy to learn new things
“ When do you wake up to do your house chores,” Layla asked eagerly
“ well I wake up around six o’clock” the maid answered her
Layla: hm, that’s early
minutes later the toasted bread was done, Layla took it to the dining table to eat
“ Are you not going to eat, we prepared it together, we are supposed to eat it together now” Layla said with a doll face as it bribing her to come and join her
“ do you want me to join you,” the maid asked smiling at her.
“ yes, we friends ain’t we? So let’s eat together and do house chores together from now on,” Layla said happily
she already loves the maid, she is the only person with who she wants to make friends wholeheartedly by herself,
the maid joined her at the dining table to eat
What is your name? Layla asked
“ don’t tell me you don’t know my name all this while, you can call me Sophie that’s my name” the maid replied
Layla: oh wow you have a great name
Sophie: thanks you also have a lovely name
Soon later they were done with their food and go to the kitchen to clean the plates
Layla volunteered to rinse the plate while the maid wash them
she was not tall enough, Sophie declined her request
suddenly she saw Layla going towards the door she didn’t expect Layla to give up just like that but she kept quiet and let her go.
Before she knows it Layla already carried a stool and was coming in her direction she immediately realized what Layla was going to do
Layla on the other side placed the stool where she wants to stay to rinse the plates and stood on it
“ hmm, I didn’t know you are this wise Layla,” the maid said
Layla: am wiser than you think ( she said smiling)
while washing Layla asked so many questions about plates that Sophie can't even imagine someone would ask
questions like where the plate originated
what is it made of
who made it
who was the first person to make a plate
Sophie was tired of her questions but Layla was happy about the questions she was asking so Sophie just have to oblige to it and answer all her questions
the one she doesn’t know she searches on Google.
A few minutes later they were done with what they were doing and went to the sitting room to watch a movie
They met Zoey sitting on the chair and concentrating on the television, they don’t dare to change it so they watched with her
Layla found it silly at first because she doesn’t watch cartoons at home she likes watching American movies, and fantasy movies like vampire and wolf movies, but she later found the cartoon interesting
Mr. Hayden and his wife were together in the study room calling the people they want to bribe so they had to be able to win the vote for tomorrow’s
hello it’s Hayden on the line
man on the other line: oh Mr. Hayden good evening, I know you had called me
Mr. Hayden: good evening, am calling concerning the vote for tomorrow I had like to know who you will vote for
man on the other line: Mr. Hayden if you settle me I will like to vote for you and my other subordinate too
Mr. Hayden: how do I cooperate with sir
Man on the other line: well if you can give us 5 percent of your share then you will surely win tomorrow’s vote
Mr. Hayden: ( he thought about it for a while) Then consider it done
Man on the other line: okay then we will see tomorrow, good night
the call hang up

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    Prasenah Subramaniam

    Good storyline


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    Sousa cruzElivania

    uma história que você pode contar para os seus amigos Era Uma Vez um grupo de xadrez pois só duas pessoas foi os ganhadores e apostaram um dinheiro


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