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Chapter 2 The lost child

Layla was alone in the dark. There was no light.
She was alone scared to death when suddenly, the door to her room opened before she could react, she saw her uncle strangling her to death, and as she was struggling to free herself from the wicked man, she woke up panicking. It was all a dream, said little Layla. She was scared to death that she started crying.
The nurse noticed her crying so she came to her to ask what was wrong with her, but Layla didn’t choose to tell her about her dream, she instead asks of her parent.
The nurse was shocked she didn't know what to tell the little child but she knows if she doesn't tell her about it, sooner or later she will know about it.
And concerning her health status, she knows Layla is a strong girl and wouldn’t faint because of it like old women do when their child pass away, so she decided to tell her the truth.
“Layla you know God is always with you, you have an angel who guides you wherever you go and your parent will want you to be alive and live happily,” said the nurse.
Though Layla knows her parent is dead, she can’t seem to accept it, so she wanted to confirm it.
I know my parent loves me and want me to be happy, so please nurse, tell me where they are so I can go and meet them said Layla.
You can’t go and meet them where they are Layla. You just have to stay here and live happily.
The nurse didn't know how to tell her that her parent are dead. Though she wants to tell her she can’t just think of a way to tell her without hurting her. Since the nurse didn't want to tell her about her parent and keep preaching to her, she decided to ask herself
is my parent dead?
The nurse hesitated for a while before answering. Yes, Layla!!!
I don’t want you to feel down about it. God wants them to rest, they have been working all their life so it's time for them to rest that’s why they are gone.
Just know in your mind that they didn’t die they only went to rest.
Layla doesn’t want to argue so she answers with a deep sigh. As the nurse was saying all that, she remembered when the man who hit her parent to death was smiling, as he was enjoying her parent's death.
she was pained, heartbroken. She asked God why there were wicked people in the world.
She recognized the Camry who came to take the murderer. She knew it was her uncle's car but she was wondering why her uncle will choose to kill her parents.
She remembered it was the same uncle who invited them for dinner.
At that moment she knew humans are brutal. She knew she can only trust herself.
she decided to work hard and make all the secrets behind her parent death be opened to everyone.
Her heart was locked. Her tender lovely heart was gone. All that is in her mind now is revenge. Her old self is lost. Her lively self is lost.
The young smiling and happy faces are gone.
She is now left alone in a world where no one loves her and wishes her dead.
Some days later she was discharged from the hospital. During the days she was in the hospital her uncle and his wife came to visit her. They pretended as if they have no clue about who was behind the incident, but Layla doesn’t dare tell them she knows about it
and her uncle doesn’t knows she can ever have the clue that they were behind it.
But what Layla doesn’t know was the reason why they wanted her parent dead and this she has to find out.
After she was discharged, her parent lawyer told her she will have to follow her uncle or stay in an orphanage.
she wanted to refuse at first but she remembered that if she should go to the orphanage, she won’t be able to know the reason why they have to kill her parent and she won’t be able to get their weakness she would use against them in future.
I will follow my uncle, I love Zoey ( Zoey is her cousin) and I will like to always play with her
she said with a smiling face.
Zoey was happy to hear that from her
mum can you let me and Layla go to the same school we will act like a twin sister.
Let’s get a home first baby before we decide that. Your twin sister must be exhausted, she said sarcastically but with a serious face.
Aunt Betty, I would love to go home now I am sick of being in the hospital it makes me sicker.
You can’t call me that anymore, you call me mummy now. You will start living with me, so you have to call me mummy and you also call my husband who is your uncle's daddy.
Mummy don’t be too hard on her, you know she just lost her parent she might find it hard to call others her mum and dad said, Zoey.
Don’t worry they are also like my parent I will call them mum and dad you are also like a sister to me Layla said with a smile but with a murderous heart
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    Prasenah Subramaniam

    Good storyline


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    Sousa cruzElivania

    uma história que você pode contar para os seus amigos Era Uma Vez um grupo de xadrez pois só duas pessoas foi os ganhadores e apostaram um dinheiro


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