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The Winds of Change

As we head home, we walked to the other side of the road towards our home because we want to enjoy our night walk.
“I really like their house.” Russ said as he shifted his gaze towards the big white house of someone, I considered a stranger.
I flipped my hair to the other side and put the remaining ones behind my left ear. I am not liking because I know where is this conversation going. The two of them looked at me as we head towards the corner of the street where their house is located.
“Now, what?” I raised my voice at the two of them.
“Aren’t you gonna knock on their door to see his face, Izzy?” Star smiled symbolically.
“Oh-wait. There are some people in their terrace.” Russ pointed his mouth towards it.
I stopped myself from saying anything. Because anything that I may add can be used against me. Yes, I am cautious. Because the two of them love to tease me when it comes to that guy. Do I like it? Heck no. I don’t like it. I don’t like when I hear his name. I don’t like seeing his face. And I don’t like having to stumble on him that’s why I lessen my time of going outside. Because I don’t want to see him. Period.
“So what? As if I care about it.” I didn’t look at his house. Instead, I looked at the trees on the other side of the road. I want to prolonged my eyes on them but failed miserably. Because I ended up looking at his house. To my shock he was standing in the front door wearing his significant white T-shirt. Eye contact. We made another eye contact. He still has that looked on his face and the same cold gaze that holds no emotion. He looked me longer than what I expected and after he was satisfied with what he had done he turned his back at us, giving as the same cold shoulder.
“The heck is wrong with him?” I raised my voice again. When it comes to him, I feel like I am constantly fighting the urge to not shout and go all crazy.
“Calm down. Affected much?” Russ whispered.
“Oh, shout up.” I raised my speed and walk away from the two of them.
“Wait up, Izzy. Don’t leave us two behind.” Star acted sadly but she’s just wants to tease her friend. Russ and her love to do that. Izzy is too obvious when it comes to him. Acting like she doesn’t care about him but her actions are the opposite from her words. Why can’t she admit it to herself already? She remembers during the time they went out to eat ice cream because the weather was too hot and they want to feel some coldness from within. As they are walking, her eyes saw Wenceslas with his friend on the other side of the street they are heading into. She looked at Izzy who is busy talking about the mushroom stuff toy that she’s been wanting to buy for herself.
“Don’t you notice something in the air, Izzy?” She asked her friend. Izzy stopped from talking and looked at Star looking confused.
“The air is cold. It compliments well with the heat of the sun.”
“Not that, Izzy. Do you feel something? Do you feel him?”
“Feel what? You are talking all cryptic, Star. So please, I need some clear explanation from you. Because I just don’t get what you’re saying right now.”
“Do you feel your Prince Charming who is just around the corner?” Star smiled. Izzy thinks that there is something wrong with her smile but she cannot pinpoint what her smile meant.
“C’mon, Star. I am not desperate. Princes are overrated. Who needs a Prince Charming? Because I don’t see myself needing one. I am a strong independent woman. I don’t need a man. I can live and survive life without one.” She exerts herself too much this time. She wants to fully express her thoughts about that topic because this kind of infuriates her whenever she heard that one.
“Wasn’t needing a Prince Charming, aye? We both know you are waiting for him to make his move on you.”
Izzy stopped walking and looked at her friend. She looked disgusted just by the words Star are saying to her. Is this all about him again? Can she have some rest from hearing his name? She definitely needs it. She’s been thinking about him lately. And she wants it to stop because the thought of him bothers her mind a lot. In her sleep, he is there also. He is there with her. Her dreams are filled with the two of them. Acting like a happy couple. There was a dream when they were on the beach, enjoying its breeze. Wenceslas held her hand and spin her around. Pulled her into his arms for a hug and kissed the top of her forehead. Whispered inaudible words from her ear then she saw her own self smiled after that gesture. And she woke up from that dream. It made her morning bad. She cannot focus from doing her tasks because she keeps on thinking from that dream of hers. It felt surreal. It felt like it happened in her reality. She mentally slapped herself from that thought. That was not a good one. It was a nightmare. The romantic dreams she had with him were all nightmares. She wouldn’t want to have them ever again.
“You’re thinking too deep? Does it mean you are changing your perspective about him? Are you not in denial anymore?”
She was stunned after hearing Star. Her lips turned into a frown.
“I don’t have a Prince Charming, Star. And if I have one. Why is he not appearing yet? Does his horse died while he was on his quest to reaching me that his arrival was delayed? Did he lose his way and he is at crossroads?” She wants to continue her statement when her eyes caught someone familiar. She rubbed her eyes to double-check whether her mind was just playing tricks on her of if it was real. And indeed, it is real. Because she saw Wenceslas again. Eyes scrutinizing her face and her whole physical body. What is wrong with him? He always looked at her like that. She felt like a specimen under a microscope. And Wenceslas was that mad scientist who scrutinizes her surely. She straightened her posture and act like she doesn’t care about what she had just experience. As Star and her continue their walk she heard his friend talk.
“Is that her, Wenceslas?”
She saw Wenceslas nodded in response. And she’s curious whether that nod is a positive or a negative one.

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    Tebteb Dinampo

    Woodall Alam


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    Saima Aron



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    Atin ang West Philippine Sea!!! Boycott Chinese products!!!


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