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We were sitting on the table set for 2, facing each other. I didn't bother to sneak a glance at Royce's evil face. I just glued my eyes on my food. However, my conscience bombarded me. Royce was so nice to me, but I was the opposite for no reason. I don't even know why.
"Can I talk to you? Royce asked as he rested his elbow on the table.
To be honest, it was a surprise that it took him minutes before he uttered some words. "About?"
"About the invitation last week. You didn't forget, right?"
I forcefully shut my eyes as if I was surprised by his question. "Oh...about that. I'm sorry, I was too busy to remember. And I haven't even made a decision yet," I said as I flipped my hair.
I placed my elbow on the table like mirroring Royce's gestures, but it wasn't my intention to copy him. I relaxed my chin on my palm to think through his invitation. No, not really. It was more like inventing ways not to say yes.
"I'm sorry," he said, his facial expression hardened.
My eyes widened as I heard him say sorry. I was confused. "For what?"
"For being annoying. I know you find it hard to be with me sometimes. But can you give us some time to get to know each other?" We locked stares the whole time he said that. His eyes were pure, and they sparkled. His eyes don't lie.
Somehow, I find it hard to digest what he was implying. I don't want to misunderstand him or even know if I got it right.
"I hope you can reconsider us as friends someday. What do you say?"
"Oh...," I chuckled. "Friends? Hmmm, yeah, we'll see about that."
Nelly, what are you thinking? I pressed my hands on my cheeks.
My face heats, and I don't want to appear like a roasted pig in front of Royce.
"Yeah, friends...for now," he teased, showing his wicked smirk again.
I rolled my eyes at him. This idiot...
It was on time that his phone rang. He took his phone from his pocket, and terror overtook his face upon viewing the screen.
"You should take that."
But instead of answering the call, I heard the ringtone stopped. Royce slid it back to his pocket. "Not urgent, nothing to worry about."
From what I have witnessed, it wasn't as simple as that. My instinct is always right; I have a feeling that Royce lied. However, I don't want to dig deeper into it. "Okay, let's finish our breakfast?"
"Sure. But first, are you going out with me tomorrow?"
I froze while cutting my pancake in half. I put down my fork and looked at Royce intently. "Okay, maybe just 2-3 hours. I have dinner with my family every Sunday evening," I said with all honesty.
His eyes lit up, and a corner of his mouth lifted. "I'll pick you up at 3pm. Would that be okay?" he said, then he licked his upper lip.
I rolled my eyes at him. I don't know why I don't like seeing a man lick his lips in front of me. I was puzzled whether to let him pick me up or I'd catch a taxi to the racing arena on my own. "Well, I live in GRAND VILLA RESIDENCES. Just message me when you arrive at the lobby, and I'll go down."
"No, I can pick you up at your unit. You let me know your condo unit, and I'll be there at 3pm tomorrow," Royce said with his usual well-modulated voice.
I understand that he's serious, but I don't trust him yet. And I don't think he has any idea what a man should do to gain trust from people. I shook my head in disbelief. "You don't have to. I can come down on my own," I said, my voice raised a few decibels.
"Yes, I understand. Please don't get me wrong. It's just that, maybe I should ask permission from your parents?"
Permission? What am I? 16 years old? I giggled. I can't help myself. He is not bad after all. "So that's what you mean? I am old enough to make my own decisions and go out whenever I feel like it. You don't have to do that. And how did you know I live with my parents?" I asked, narrowing my eyebrows.
"The first time we met, you said you're doing your work to help support your family. I got it figured out."
"So you got it, huh... But really, you don't have to. Just call me, then I'll come down."
"If that's what you wish." It was agreed on before he started to devour our breakfast again.
I was full enough when we got out of the restaurant. Royce insisted on taking me home instead of me grabbing a taxi. I didn't want him to open my door. But he did.
Just when he was about to start the engine, his phone rang for the second time. He turned to look at him while he was already looking at me. "That must be urgent. You should take that," I said as I flipped my hair then avoided his gaze. I chose to look outside the window when I noticed the ringtone stopped.
"What is it?" he said, and then the silence followed as the call was not on speaker mode.
"I don't want to talk about this now. Bye!" The call ended after I heard the engine start.
The trip was smooth because we didn't talk in the car. I was a little surprised that he didn't speak on our way to my place. I guess the call has something to do with it. However, I had no intention to ask.
"We're here," he said, interrupting my thoughts. "Thanks for your time, Nelina. I really appreciate everything," he said as he lifted the corners of his lips, but his eyes seemed dull. It was the same the first time we had dinner at the Italian restaurant.
Was it about his granny? A twitch of pain pinched my heart.
"No problem, thanks for breakfast," I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt. I was tempted to ask about the call, but I stopped myself from doing it.

Book Comment (72)

  • avatar
    Ness Galleto

    Interesting story! Highly recommended! 🔥😊


  • avatar
    Daisy Jane Saycon Buglosa



  • avatar

    The structure of the story was well the words that the writter used was easy to understood


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