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ARRIVING in front of Girlie's house, he stayed in his car for a few more minutes. He slowly came down and rang the door-bell. While waiting for the gate to open, he didn't know how to deal with Girlie. 
Soon the gate opened. The maid will let him in right away.
He finds Girlie's parents in the living room. Concern and sadness were evident on their faces. He could barely feel it.
"Storm," said Mrs. Roxas, who immediately hugged him. He felt relieved. He's surprised, this is not the reaction he expects from them when they see him. He thought they would get mad at him. 
"Auntie, uncle. Please forgive me. I didn't know that Girlie had this disease. I just found out about mom and dad," he explained, seriously shocked by the couple. 
"We understand Storm, we understand how you feel about this. We know that Girlie hurt you. And we can understand why,  we won't let you go on with a decision that soon you'll regret ." Mr. Roxas said
"We are very sorry about this storm. But we are still hoping you will forgive us. We are hoping that you will open your heart to our daughter. This is too much, we know that, but please, she's dying... It must be crazy, yes, but if it means showing how much we love her, then it is worth it all." was the long answer by Mrs. Roxas, who then could not stop crying.
"I just need some time to think ma'am. I hope you understand. It's not easy, but I'll try to understand. But please give me at least a few days to think first. You know, I might be able to convince her to seek treatment. " It answers them. Somehow, he felt sympathy for them. Although he wanted to sleep with them, he did not know how. 
"Thank you Storm, I hope she listens to you. She doesn't want to listen to us. She would rather die than have her child die. She can't undergo major treatments because she's pregnant. She has to choose between her life. and her soon to be baby's life. And she wants her child to live." answer from its mother with one palm covering its mouth. 
"After delivery, can't she undergo treatment after giving birth? By that time, no child will be affected. " It's only a suggestion. An imokication that he still care for her.
"Storm's cancer had spread throughout her body by that point. We're just praying now that she will be able to cope until she gives birth. That's all we can hope right now. " He answered while still sobbing.
He just sit on the couch. Now that everyone has registered with him. Everything explains why she doesn't bother him. Why isn't it like before if she disturb him? It turns out that she is already feeling something and her day is numbered. 
"Can I go to her? Can I have a talk with her just the two of us." He asked her parents.
"Go in, your aunt will just accompany you to her room. I need to be in the office first." Mr.Roxas responded by saying a word of consent.
"Thank you," he replied.
When they arrived in front of Girlie's room, Mrs.Roxas knocked  the door before he  gently opened it.
"You have a visitor," she said as it walked away, "just wait for you downstair Storm." It pointed at him and patted his shoulder before walking away. 
Storm just nodded in agreement with it. When the lady left, she entered Girlie's room, leaving the door open. He took it to the terrace of his quarry where he sat while looking into the distance.
"How are you?" He asked the person sitting in front of him. 
It just smiled at him, but the joy on his face was obvious when he saw it. In her eyes there's hope for tomorrow.
"As you can see, I'm okay for now.. Fighting, fighting..and fighting.. I'm glad you're here. All I thought was, I will no longer see you." A bitter smile came out of her mouth. 
"I'm sorry I didn't know. I just found out before. When else?" Questioned shown in his face.
The woman sighed before speaking. 
"It's been a long time. I've known since before I came home. Unfortunately, my boyfriend couldn't handle the pressure, so he left me. But it's okay, at least I will soon have my mini me, "she replied with a smile and caressed her tummy.
"Why didn't you tell me right away? I hope there would be  solution was found." It's a sarcastic question. 
"I was about to tell you, when I found out that you already have a girlfriend here. I even tried to talk to her personally, but I feel that you're happy with her. So I just let her go. I'm not like that with Storm. I know for a long time I hurt you too. And I won't wonder why you push her over me. I know she loves you so much. " Admit it. 
"We're gone, I thought too, but that's over. She has a life of her own and so do I, "he said emphatically. 
He changed the subject. "Why don't you get medical treatment?" he said. 
"In that case, I need to choose between my life and my baby. I have already seen the world. I felt like I knew how to be loved and to be taken cared of by the people who love me. Now, I want to give a chance to my baby to see how beautiful life is, sorrounded by those who are willing to love her. I want her to feel how happy life will bring her. I've had enough. I loved and loved myself. I did what I wanted. I experienced the things I wanted to experience. I want my future children to experience that too. " It's an emotional reaction. 
"Don't lose hope. You can still undergo chemo once you give birth." 
"It's impossible that maybe it could still happen Storm. I am weak. I feel weak. I hope it's not too late for me to ask for a favor. Please talk to me," she said.
"What would that be?" He asked, even though he actually had an idea of ​​what he was going to say.
"Be the father of my baby, save my family from shame. In the end, I will also die. You are free to find a woman you will love and be with you for life. And when that moment comes, I hope you find the woman you will love, and my baby will be treated like her real child. That would be all, and I'll be happy. Please say ye, it might be hard but soon it will all turn right." He was not used to seeing the woman like that. He cried because he was brave, strong and did not oppress. However, this irritated me.Here he proved that everyone has weaknesses. 
He smiled again and said goodbye. It will be back for consideration the next day. He also needs to think carefully about what he will decide.
He also said goodbye to Mrs. Roxas. 
"Thank you for visiting Storm, regards to your parents," he said goodbye before getting into his car.
While on the road, he could not get the events out of his mind. Until now, he is still floating on the truth. He did not even realize that he was in front of their gate. He entered their house with a broken shoulder.
He went straight to the mini bar to get some wine. That's all he can do right now. The conversation was about the wines right in front of him.
"How is it going?" It was the voice of his mother who was behind him at the time. 
He faced it. There were no words he could utter in those moments. Until his mother spoke again. 
"I know how you feel, you're confused. It's not about the company this time, it's about life. There is nothing worth the sacrifice you will make, because someone you can make happy will reassure you before you even disappear from the world, " he was expecting that fron his mom.
"I just can't think of the fact that at my age, I will be the father of my first non-child. I don't know how, I have no idea, "he replied.
"Being a father is like having a child. Being a father is like being you. As your father's love grows. It doesn't matter if he doesn't come from you, the important thing is how you can turn him into blood and flesh. " It is removing its mother."It's like you, how your dad accepted you how he loved you like you came from him." He knew there was a point to what she said. How could he miss someone who was dying, someone who had also been a part of his life? How could he deny someone he once loved? Yes, it hurt him, but that wasn't enough for him to disappoint him one last time.
"I know it wouldn't be easy. But, I suppose you're correct; I've already agreed to marry her and be the loving father of her child.But after this, let me decide for myself. " Its response to the mother.
But everything went fast. Girlie's marriage continued. His face shows indescribable happiness. He felt happiness that she never thought she could feel here.
At Storm's wedding, only Mark was his friend who was invited. He chose not to share it with others to prevent the incident from spreading further.
"Congrats, bro. You're finally married." Greetings to his friend. 
"Thanks bro, just keep it between us if possible," he pleaded here. 
"He'll know this too, bro. But go ahead, I won't say anything. Are you happy with what you entered?" It asked him. The friend knew that he no longer loved Girlie. 
"Maybe I'll be happy too. Not right now, but I know God will find a way. Another one, it's the same. There's no chance that Ashy and I will be carved. She's the one who let go, isn't she? I'm just hoping. She owns me. " It won't be made public, but the friend feels the pain and anger he feels now.
"You know, in the near future you will also be together. There are many people like that, bro. They are separated, but when the day comes, they will also come back together. " Giving a friend hope. 
"This is reality, bro. We're not in a world of fairy tales. I'll be a father soon and that's all I want to worry about." It is a strong response here.
Hewould have said something more, but he spoke again. 
"I won't close myself to someone I've once relied on bro, to someone who left me on the air. You know me. I'll only take a woman seriously once," he replied, while drinking the wine he was holding.
The wedding ended successfully. 
The two got along well. There were times when her husband had to be taken to the hospital. She will give birth in just two months. By the mercy of God, there was a change in her condition, so everyone hoped that she would be able to give birth safely and safely. 
"Thank you Storm, thank you that you didn't fail me. I really appreciate your sacrifices. It can't be matched by anything in the world." Girlie tearfully said one day that they were by the pool where they often hang out. 
"Don't mention it. I did it for you and the baby. Thank you for trusting me, for trusting me to raise your child. To our child rather, "he replied while holding her hands. 
"Will you tell me about her?" She added that she could not continue because Storm had stopped her. As much as possible, he didn't want to hear a single word about his death. Because if he is the one to be taken care of, he will still want to live it so that she can take care of her child even for a short time. He just hugged it.
Girlie and Storm had to leave the country for its impending birth. Because the situation is very delicate and they need to work hard to keep at least one mother safe. 
They have no more wasted time. They need to hurry....
"Who will help you with the business yet?" he asked before they left.  
"He needs to come home." The father's answer was concise. 
He already knew what that meant. Finally, they are okay...

Book Comment (217)

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    Sät ŠeÿHaa



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    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


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    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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