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Chapter 10 THE BREAK-UP

Soon after, Ashy and her parents came home. Her father's condition appears to be improving as well. She now has to cope with the issue that she left behind. Because their graduation was approaching, she had to report to their school. There is one more thing. Storm is something she needs to see. She needs to be able to communicate with him and explain why she was absent from their chat. She will most likely understand what she is about to say.
She went to see his father before leaving the house.
"Good morning, how are you feeling?" she inquired with a smile.
When she saw her, Dad his face lit up.
"How are you doing?" "Aren't you going to your school, even if you haven't been there yet?" "Her father gave her a kind smile.She sat close to him and kissed him on the forehead
Her father eventually took her hand in his.
"Ashy, I apologize, hmmm.?" Because we put the money we had saved to good use. "It's really for you," her father responded, his eyes welling up with tears.
Even though she was already in bed, she couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face; she was still thinking about it, which crushed her heart too much.
"Don't worry about that, what matters to me right now is that you've had an operation and you'll be happy, right? It's just money,  when I find a job, we'll make money again and you and mom, you're just here at home and you're not going to work," Smile replied. That is something she want to repay her parents' generosity. Nothing is more important to her right now than her father's happiness, and they will be with him for a long time.
Her father cried as he remarked, "We are so lucky that you became our child."
In response to her father, she chuckled, "I'm even lucky, so I have to leave since my instructors won't pass me on." She was ready to leave the room when her phone rang ad suddenly took his hand again. He looked at it.
"Aah, repair that heart problem. Choose happiness. The opportunity to love comes only once in a person's life. Yes, many will come, but only one will stand out in our hearts." he stated solemnly, as if he understood what she was going through.
She gave it a hug and then walked out of the room.
She immediately recognized Jem when she came at the school, hugged her, and then spoke.
"Where are you from, Ashy? Your time is up, and our professors are on the lookout for you. It's a good thing you came now, because you can still take the major exams " her friend stated bluntly while holding her hands.
She apologized to her friend, "Jem, I'm sorry, I mean it? It's a succession of incidents. I can't think straight and I haven't even told you. I'm truly sorry."
"The essential thing is that you're here, come and report so you can figure out what to do with your grades," a friend hurriedly said.
She went straight to her teachers. She told them what had transpired, and they were able to understand her. She was granted a chance to take the final exam. She took a test on the spot. They liked it right away since she was well-prepared and really intelligent.
She went looking for Jem as soon as she realized she had an issue with her grades. It was clearly waiting for her when she saw her in the canteen.
"Oh, how are you doing? What did they say?" it was a thoughtful inquiry.
"All right, they got it, and I took the exam right there on the spot; I'll find out the results tomorrow."
"Perhaps you could tell me a story," the friend said.
Tell the tale of who she is. She told her friend what had occurred to her father and how they had unexpectedly traveled to America to have him operated on.
Jem inquired, "Have you met Storm yet?"
Suddenly, the expression on its face shifted to one of concern.
"Not yet, really, I don't want to be contacted either, when we arrived, I tried calling him but couldn't get through."
"Do you realize he's looking for you with me?"
He couldn't possibly have missed it if she hadn't read it.
"Then why is he seeking for you from me? He looked for you from Mark as well, and he even sent you to your house in case no one was there. So what was on his mind when you concealed him? That you just hoped for him so you wouldn't have him summoned?" the buddy explained.
She simply rubbed her temples. Why, oh why, didn't she take the time to read her message? She even referred to it as a case, but no one responded, and he didn't have time to publish it. She is a suddenly felt worried that she might not know what he was thinking. "Jem, please come with me to their house, I need to talk to him. He can't think of anything. I swear I texted him. Here it is, "she showed the message she sent to him.
"So he didn't read it," the friend agreed, "because if he did, he wouldn't be looking for you like that."
"I'm not sure,  that's why I'm calling him," she said, her face tense. She didn't know what she was thinking at the time. She might have believed she had buried it. This is something she will not allow to happen. She'll do anything she can to save their connection as long as she can. In any case.
They hurried away with a friend to pay Storm a visit at their home.
They rang the doorbell as soon as they arrived in front of the house. The maid left to call Storm after opening the gate, as if warning them not to let the visitor in lightly, especially if they were unknown.
When the gate was reopened, a woman appeared, who was also elderly but displayed her wealth in her appearance and attire. She reasoned to herself that this could be Storm's mother. It made her examine herself from head to toe. Before speaking, she simply swallowed.
"Good morning..." she says to start the conversation.
The woman added, "Mrs. Chavez."
She said it again, "Good morning, Mrs. Chavez."
The woman asked coldly, "Yes, what can I do for you?"
The woman's brows sprang up as soon as she spoke her name, as if she already knew who she was.
"I'm Storm's mother, what do you want from my son?" the query continues to be serious.
"I just wanted to speak with him, aunt it's very important."
"If it's about your intention to run away, well, forget about it. Storm came to believe that dating you was bad, and don't call me aunt. We're not close," he said forcefully.
"However, he stated that he was looking for me last time in case we weren't at home because we had to take my father to the hospital on that particular day. I had to give an explanation. Perhaps he'll change his mind," she pleaded.
"Yes, he tried to locate you, but he soon recognized that you are not worth the effort. He understood Girlie genuinely cared for him, and he couldn't deny it. So, if I were you, I'd refrain from putting pressure on my son. You haven't earned him. You were on the verge of ruining his life and future. I promise you, I'm not going to let that happen. If he promised you something, don't believe it. They'll marry, and that'll be the end of it, so you'd better leave my son alone! " It yelled at her, and she didn't know how she'd feel at the time. She almost sank to her knees, unable to believe Storm was so shallow.
She couldn't seem to find a way to relax on the journey home. She didn't want her parents to watch her cry as much as possible. She doesn't want to add to their burdens. She had to return home, though, to greet her father and assist her mother with the situation.
"It's all right, you want me to take you home?," Jem said quietly.
"I'm fine, Jem. Just return to the board next week." She answered to her pal, "I'll remain again right now because Mom still needs a companion to look after Dad."
They've already split up. Ashy managed to hold back the tears she had wanted to cry earlier. She believed Storm was capable of defeating her,  but she didn't because she wouldn't select him and couldn't battle him. She couldn't abandon his folks when they needed her, either.
She walked into their home gently.
She went to see her father.
She grinned and kissed him on the forehead, like she always did.
While staring at the him, his father inquired, "How are you doing, Ash, and how is school?"
She responded with a smile, "It's okay, I took the exam earlier by tomorrow so I can see my grades, and I'll graduate too." Her smile was genuine, but it couldn't conceal the grief in her eyes.
"That's a good news, why don't you seem happy?" Her dad noticed.
As she reached him, she remarked, "I'm still pleased," and she hugged him like a child.
Her father inquired, "Did you fix the problem in your heart?" He reached a point when he couldn't control himself any more. She'd already cried the tears that had been threatening to escape her eyes. She cried nonstop for a long time without saying anything. During those hours, all he wanted to do was cry and cry.
"What happened?" her father said as he massaged her back to soothe her.
"I went to see him, but I couldn't speak with him instead, I spoke with his mother. Hee hasn't waited for me yet, he's getting married," she answered. She's still in tears.
"The grief is still unbearable, I never imagined it would be so simple for him." she said still with tears in her eyes.
"Ash, when a person loves, the pain is included. It will never go away. In a relationship, it's not just fun. Sometimes the pain you feel is more frequent. But remember, the pain you feel now will be the cause, so that you can be a better person. That  pain will strengthen you in any life challenge."
"As I told you before, when I leave this world, always choose the right, always choose what makes you happy; don't live for other people, but for yourself," her father replied thoughtfully.
She grinned at her father and said, "You'll always be with me, won't you?"
He promised her, "Your mother will never lose me,  I will always be with you."
Those moments seemed to take on half the weight she was carrying. Her father's remarks were enough to lift her spirits. As a result, she was even more determined to stick to his guns. She should forget Storm if necessary, because that's who she should be. It's just a matter of believing that he's the one person you'll ever love and want to be with. Where is that promise, though? He's getting married to his girlfriend. What do you name that kind of love?
Ashy tried to accept the notion that being with Storm was merely a fantasy. She couldn't help but recall their shared experiences. The tightness with which it embraced me. Her human body is weakened by her gentle kisses. Especially the fact that it was fantastic in bed, which he had assumed would be the case for the rest of his life. But he must now accept that he will be sheltered by others. Those are the times when she closes her eyes because she believes she shouldn't.
She had just regained consciousness when she heard her mother wail. She called him, clearly upset. His mother hugged him as he emerged from the kwaeto.
She sobbed as she grabbed him tightly, "Your daddy's son is gone."
As soon as she came, she felt as if he had been showered with cold water, and he saw his mother sitting and crying."
Why did her father take her only a week before graduation? He didn't even see her go up on stage to accept her mother's award.
Ashy's graduation day arrived, and she was delighted since it was their dream, but she was also sad because she had lost the two most important men in her life in a second.
She received the title Magna Cumlaude and made a point of praising her father in her commencement speech.
"Well, even if you're not by my side right now, even if we're not with you, I want you to know that all of my success is because of you. To you two and Mom, I want to thank you for all of your sacrifices and unwavering support. You might not be with us right now, but you'll always be here in our hearts," she said. She came to an end of his remarks since tears were already streaming down his face.
She couldn't celebrate that day even if she wanted to. She just wanted to sleep. For a few days, she was likewise silent, unsure of what she should do. She pondered how she could regain her previous strength.
Her sister bid her farewell. "Sister, I need to return, I apologize if I won't be able to stay with you here." She is also a student at another university, which is fairly far away.
"Here, take it. You'll need it for your summer class. Study well, huh?" she said, handing the money to her sister at the same moment.
"Sis, don't," she said, "you and mother need it, and I have a scholarship, in case you forgot." Ashy, of course, would not accept her sister's rejection.
"Don't worry about ulme and mom, I'm going to seek for a job,  the essential thing is that you're comfortable while you're studying," she said her sister, touching her on the shoulder.

Book Comment (217)

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    Sät ŠeÿHaa



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    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


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    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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