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Chapter 14 Can you help me?

NICA kicked the flat wheel of her car, now she is stuck in an isolated place. "Why do I have to be so unlucky right now!?" She muttered while looking around.
She is scared to stop a vehicle passing by because she cannot trust just anyone, who knows what evil plan they might make. She sighed, she thought that this unhappiness is happening because she was happy a while ago. When she remembered her half-sister, the fear she feels turned into anger.
Nica quickly grabbed her bag in the front seat of the car and look for Chris' calling card. She knows that her half-sister will go to Chris' place, so she has a reason to disturb them.
"Can you help me?" Janice requested to the young man.
Chris scratched his nape when he saw that Janice is having trouble taking off her blazer. Her hands seemed to lack strength to pull it off her arms. He had no choice but to stand up and approach her to help.
She was being ludic and thus his hands suddenly swiped across his breasts when he tried to take off the other sleeve of her blazer.
"Shit!" He cursed when the young lady suddenly laid down and he falls on the bed too because he tried to support her. It was as if fate was playing with them because his face accidentally met her chest.
"Uhmmm!" Janice could not stop the soft moan from escaping her mouth when she felt the warmth of Chris' body. Her inner self secretly celebrated because she knows she is infecting his weakness.
Her pleasant scent goes through his nose. He was dazed for a few seconds and was only brought back to sanity when his phone, which is in his trouser pocket, rang.
"Sorry, it was not my intention!" He apologized to her at the same time he gets off her.
"No, it's okay!" Janice quickly gets up and pulled Chris in the hand to make him go back.
"Janice, stop it!" He was irritated with her obvious moves of seduction. "Don't let my respect for you to go down! You know that I am about to be married to your sister."
Janice felt as if she was splashed with a cold water on the face and she felt shame. However, she does not plan to give up. "Chris, I love you!"
Chris sighed and just pretended that he did not hear anything. He immediately took out his phone from his pocket and answered the call even though it was an unknown number because he wanted to avoid Janice.
"Chris?" A lady's voice said his name from the other line the moment he answered the call. His hand that was holding the phone went frozen when he recognized who is it because of its voice. He felt guilty even though he is not yet married with her, nor neither do they have a romantic relationship.
"Hello?" Nica spoke again when she did not receive any response from the other line.
"Chris, who's that?" Janice asked the young man and approached him.
Nica frowned when she recognized her half-sister's voice coming from the other line.
Chris distanced himself from Janice before he speaks. "Something's wrong?"
Janice frowned because of what Chris did and because he sounded worried about the person who is calling.
"Ah, yeah. My car's tire got flat and—"
"Darn. Why did you go out alone at this hour? Where are you?"
Nica was astounded. She does not know, but she feels happiness from the bottom of her heart because of how he acted.
"Hello, Nica?" Chris called her name when she did not answer his questions. He is extremely worried because she might be in danger now.
"That's Nica?" Janice asked, irritated.
Chrismith ignored Janice, he just focused his attention to the person on the other line.
"Can you help me?" Nica really wanted his help. Although she would like to hear her half-sister's irritated voice more, she suddenly felt nervous. From where her car is parked, she could see two men who seemed drunk. She prayed for them to not go near her place.
"Please take care. I'm on my way!" Chris quickly picked up his jacket that is resting on the armchair.
"Where are you going, Chris? You're going to leave me here alone?" Janice asked. Her hope was revived when he looked at her. "Please don't go!"
"I'm sorry, Janice. Your sister needs me." Chris did not wait for Janice's reply. He quickly opened the door and continued to go his way out.
"Ahhh!" Janice furiously threw a pillow at the closed door. "You, Bitch!" She yelled as she grabbed another pillow and messed it up out of anger for her half-sister. She almost wanted to cry because she lost to her again. She cannot accept it.
Chris would like to make his car fly just to immediately reach the place where Nica is. He was just thankful because there was no traffic and the place was not far away.
He was still not near, but he could see two men outside Nica's car and it seems like they are trying to know who is inside it or if someone is inside it. He made the car horn beep a few times and of the two's surprised, they ran away.
Nica sat properly on the car seat when she heard the noise. She was shivering in fear and hiding so the men from the outside would not see her. They even knocked and tried to open the door.
"Are you all right?" Chris asked while checking her face. No matter how much she tries to hide the fear she was feeling, he could see through her. Because of the worry and pity he is feeling for her, he suddenly held her waist and embraced her. He wants her to feel and know that she is not alone all the time.
Nica's heart beats faster when he hugged her. It was beating rapidly since earlier, but she knows the reason why it is beating fast once again was something else. It was because she was scared, but now it is because of mixed feelings. However, it was not irritation nor anger that she felt at his dare to hug her. She felt chilled later on, but it was different from when Philip hugged her.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?" Nica asked, confused. She felt disappointment because she is assuming that he maybe is regretting that he hugged her and it was a mistake.
"Sorry because I came late."
Nica stopped herself from smiling. She felt like her heart was being tickled.
"Let's go to my car and wait there for the car mechanic I called."
Nica just followed him when he invited her. She herself is feeling unusual about her body's actions. She could not speak a word and worst, her cheeks are flushed.
"You came out wearing just that?" Chrismith's forehead furrowed when he noticed the young lady's clothing.
Nica immediately folded both sides of the jacket she wears to hide her other cloth from his intense stare.
"What happened?" He asked another question. "You know it's late and you still go out and with that clothing? What if I was not here? Do you know how much trouble you might have gotten from those men if they had seen you in that thin garment?" He chastised her. He could not control his anger at her for being so careless.
It slipped my mind because I was rushing." She said, like a child afraid of her father's rage.
"How important is that business and you forgot about what you are wearing?" He sounded extremely irritated.
"It's just that I saw Janice go out." She is pouting while looking in a different direction because she cannot meet his eyes.
"Then?" He is impatient to wait for her explanation.
Nica turned her head to look at him and frowned. "Then I followed her, obviously!" She rolled her eyeballs.
"And since when did you become her stalker?"
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She instead gave notice at his stare at her. "And wait, why are you even mad?" She queried.
"Because you were neglecting yourself." His baritone voice was either calm or mad.
"It's your fault that I go out in this style. We are not married yet, but you flirted with my bitch sister!" She yelled. She feels annoyed and embarrassed at the same time because he saw her looking like that.
His forehead furrowed whilst staring at the young lady. "We're just friends and I helped her check in at a hotel because she was drunk and she did not want to go back at your house." He did not bother to make sure if her dirty accusation of him is now clean.
"Tss, whatever!" She rolled her eyeballs and crossed her arms while sitting. She does not want to speak up anymore because she would always hit below the belt every time her half-sister is involved in the issue. She wanted to say he is stupid if he believes her sister's drama is for real. It was not a long while that the car mechanic, he called came and change the tire of her car.

Book Comment (142)

  • avatar

    highly recommend all the novel of this author.love it


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    Sundance Thriftshop

    Highly recommended story nakakakilig ,andito na lahat ng emotions ..😘


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    I enjoyed this book very much... Well done to the author!


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