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Chapter 2

"Welcome to Morgan University," a woman approached me as I entered the tall gates with an arc above it, engraved with golden letters; MORGAN UNIVERSITY.
This is one of the most prestigious universities in Vearth because aside from the fact that it is the very first university built, almost all of known individuals across the world came from here. It is also the largest university because inside you can already found all grade levels, also college. This is not a university but a city.
Finally. I finally stepped foot here.
I am here to test my 'luck' and if I am lucky enough, I'll have a chance to study here. Ever since I've heard of this famous university, it became my dream to study here but too bad, those students from earlier left bad impression of the university to me.
"Are you here to take the entrance exam?" She smiled at me. She looked like in her 20's. Shoulder length, jet black hair, thick round glasses, with a bloody red lipstick in her plump lips. I'm not good at describing people so.. bear with it.
Isn't it obvious? I supressed myself from rolling my eyes when my brother's voice suddenly ring in my head. "Let's play pretend. Be good, okay?" Ah. Annoying. After that, he just dropped me off outside earlier before driving with Leanne. He's really annoying.
I force myself to give her a smile and nodded. "I'm Tessa Rodrigo, I am in charge of the written examination. We now have a few minutes left before the exam starts." She motioned me to follow her so I did. I looked around to see that there are few people walking around and they are wearing Morgan's uniform and others are sitting on the benches with their.. uh partners.. Is this a school or a dating place?
Forget that. So to enter this university, you'll have to pass first their examinations. First is the written exams. It's just an exam yet this is the most complicated because every year, out of 1000+ exam takers, only 100 student will pass. Except those who are already studying here, they just need to have an average grade of 97, for them not to be kicked out. Now, I wonder how those idiots earlier got in here, they just wasted their chance but it doesn't matter. People like them doesn't deserve to be here.
We stopped in front of a huge castle door. She uttered something and it opened slowly. As soon as we stepped in, I was welcomed with a heavy atmosphere. I looked around only to see other kids.. just around my age. Others were pacing back and forth, there were sitting on chairs but are reading something, and others were just.. staring out of nowhere. The room is sooo wide and if my calculations were correct, there are about 300 students inside. Wow. Miss Tessa also told me earlier that we are the last batch of examiners.
"What are they doing?" I can't stop my curiosity and asked. It seems like an innocent question but I can feel someone staring at me.
"They're just nervous and others are reviewing their past lessons." She replied shortly. So, that explains the heavy atmosphere I felt.
"Reviewing is useless." It's too late to realize that I swapped my thoughts in reality. Some students that heard it turned around in my direction and glared at me, but others just looked at me confusely. What's wrong? Did I say something weird?
"W-well, if they're nervous while reviewing.. basically, they still can't understand what they're reading right?" Why am I even explaining?
I find myself a seat shortly after. Phew. That was weird.
"You," I heard a girl's voice and it came from my left side. I turned and looked at her to see if she was talking to me, and she really is. "Are you looking down on us?"
I furrowed my brows and stared at her for seconds. Uhh, you know, I don't know what she is talking about tho. She has this dumb look on her face, brown eyes and hair and a little bit of freckles. Somehow, she looked so familiar, yet she isn't. She looked like someone I met a couple of hours ago.
"You think you're smart that you know it all, and you looked down on others like us that review. Now that I looked at you, you seem dumb and-"
"Geez. You're annoying." I cut her off. She looked like she is taken aback by what I said, maybe she didn't expect. Do I look like a pushover and easy to be bullied?
"Ha! I knew it.. you're as stupid as you look. You don't deserve to be here." And you're dumber than what I thought you to be. "Did you know that I came from a rich family and we can afford to enter here unlike you, look at you wearing imitation clothes." She pointed at my hoodies. Luh, this is original tho. She has a bad eyesight. I sighed, just look at her bragging about how rich her family is. Are all students here like that? I met someone too, bragging about his rich family yet got kicked out. A total embarassment.
"You're annoying, really." I can't supressed myself anymore and I rolled my eyes at her. "So what if your family is rich? They are just thieves, stealing the money of people through taxes and not giving enough salary to their workers. You're really proud of that?" Her eyes widen by what I said. Is that something surprising? Ah, that's why I hate rich people, except myself of course. I'm rich. Rich in stubborness, according to my annoying.. brother.
"How dare you spout nonsense!" She suddenly stood in her seat and raised her voice. "That is an attack to-"
"Sssshhh!" We were interrupted when Miss Tessa shush us. "What's wrong, Miss Lameyris?" She asked looking straight at the loud woman. Lameyris, eh? Hah. No wonder she has a loud mouth, turns out they are from the same family. Why is she still here? Doesn't she know what happened to her family or she is not informed yet?
"N-nothing Miss Tessa. We were just having a friendly chat." She lied.
"No we're not. We didn't even introduced ourselves to each other." I am not the kind to lie for others. She glared at me before sitting down again but I just arched an eyebrow at her. Am I supposed to be scared or be pressured by her?
"Stop that now. We'll start our exams." Miss Tessa said and started distributing the test papers.
"Let's see if you're really smart." The one beside me uttered. Tsk. Let's see then if your effort in reviewing will pay off. Honestly, as I said.. reviewing is useless. Teachers will just secretly make fun of you.. burning asses reviewing this and that, stressing yourselves every night to read past lessons and turns out that none of them will be in the exam. That is how it is. I can't wait to see their frowning faces once they find out the contents of the exam.
"Do not open your test papers yet and listen." Miss Tessa ordered so we put our test papers at the table and looked at her. "The exam is simple, answer all questions as required. It is a 1000 item test and the passing score is 900. Goodluck." How cruel.
Everyone started opening their test papers except me. I didn't touch or moved it even an inch. The teacher said goodluck but she didn't say to start right?
I heard whispers and others were cursing. I glanced at the woman beside me, and she is frowning while answering. I told you, none of the things you reviewed is there right?
"You're annoying, really." I can't supressed myself anymore and I rolled my eyes at her. "So what if your family is rich? They are just thieves, stealing the money of people through taxes and not giving enough salary to their workers. You're really proud of that?" Her eyes widen by what I said. Is that something surprising? Ah, that's why I hate rich people, except myself of course. I'm rich. Rich in stubborness, according to my annoying.. brother.
"How dare you spout nonsense!" She suddenly stood in her seat and raised her voice. "That is an attack to-"
"Sssshhh!" We were interrupted when Miss Tessa shush us. "What's wrong, Miss Lameyris?" She asked looking straight at the loud woman. Lameyris, eh? Hah. No wonder she has a loud mouth, turns out they are from the same family. Why is she still here? Doesn't she know what happened to her family or she is not informed yet?
"N-nothing Miss Tessa. We were just having a friendly chat." She lied.
"No we're not. We didn't even introduced ourselves to each other." I am not the kind to lie for others. She glared at me before sitting down again but I just arched an eyebrow at her. Am I supposed to be scared or be pressured by her?
"Stop that now. We'll start our exams." Miss Tessa said and started distributing the test papers.
"Let's see if you're really smart." The one beside me uttered. Tsk. Let's see then if your effort in reviewing will pay off. Honestly, as I said.. reviewing is useless. Teachers will just secretly make fun of you.. burning asses reviewing this and that, stressing yourselves every night to read past lessons and turns out that none of them will be in the exam. That is how it is. I can't wait to see their frowning faces once they find out the contents of the exam.
"Do not open your test papers yet and listen closely and understand what I'll say." Miss Tessa ordered so we put our test papers at the table and looked at her. "The exam is simple. We'll give you an hour to answer but what you see, hear or discover inside this room, will remain here. Goodluck." Everyone nodded and started opening their test papers except me. I didn't touch or move it even an inch. She said goodluck but she didn't say to start right?
I heard whispers and others were cursing. I glanced at the woman beside me, and she is frowning while answering. I told you, none of the things you reviewed is there right? They started answering the exams but I didn't move an inch the whole time. I took a quick glance at her paper amd I almost laugh by what I saw. A 1000 item test.. HAHAHAHAH do they really expect they can answer that in just an hour?
At last, an hour had finally passed and everyone passed their papers so I also did. Their satisfied faces and their sigh of relief is funny.
Wait what?! The exam is finish? But it doesn't even started! She never said to start and now the exam is finished? I mentally slapped myself. How dumb.
"A blank paper?" Miss Tessa asked the moment she received my paper. "Whose paper is it?"

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    Disney's Albesa



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    muito bom


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    Santos RochaVitria

    gostei muito


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