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Chapter 13 My Hero

NOW I’m starting to get pissed by the fact that Nathan is still not going to school. I haven’t seen his face for a while but thankfully, Becca is here to fill in the emptiness that Nathan is causing to my system right now.
“You know what, I really love Physical Education. How about you, Natalia?” Becca randomly asked.
I sighed, remembering that we need to get our school uniforms for P.E. later on. I was traumatized by going in that same locker area because that is where bad things happened to me. But Becca assured me that she’s going to come with me later on to get her uniform as well to avoid anything that could happen to me because of Tyler’s never ending revenge.
“Come on, cheer up, girl. I love volleyball.”
“And I hate sports.”
“Don’t worry. That’s why I’m here. I’ll get the ball before it hits your face.”
We laughed in unison, thinking the same thing, or maybe my face if ever that thing happens later on.
“Fine, fine. I’ll try to be glad.”
“Well that’s the spirit! We will fight Freeda’s team, by the way.”
“What?!” I asked, shocked.
“Uhm... You know, Freeda is the team captain of opposite section.”
“Oh no...” I mumbled. “I really suck at sports...”
She chuckled, ignoring my self depriving statement.
“Everyone thinks the same thing about themselves, Natalia. Come on now, let’s change our clothes. Our coach will be mad at us if we got late in his class.”
We walked towards the comfort room before changing our clothes. After we finished fixing up ourselves, Becca and I went to the gym where our classes will be temporary held due to the fact that our lesson needs a court.
As Becca talk to our coach, I was left there all alone while staring at the other part of the gym. Tyler is on the basketball court, playing seriously with his friends. He glanced at me, but I avoided his eyes. I’m still mad at him for what he did to me at the locker room last time.
“Natalia! We are on!”
I came back to my senses right after hearing Becca’s voice. Our coach blow his whistle, before the whole team line up in the court.
“Today, we will play volleyball versus the other section. We have here Becca Valle as your team captain and Freeda Samson for the opposing team. Are you ready, girls?”
Freeda’s team cheered her up, but Becca didn’t even looked scared. Unfortunately, she chose me as a part of her first six members. I felt nervous, facing Freeda, Lia, and Elyzz on the other side of the court.
“You can do this, Natalia. I believe in you!” Becca winked at me, causing me to straightened up and focus on the game.
The game started, and Becca is really killing it. Even without the help of her teammates, we are shining on against Freeda’s team. They looked very pissed, and I wanted to laughed and scream out of joy every time that Becca will do her so called power spike.
Suddenly, the ball came into my direction. I instantly panicked, kicking it away using my hands. It landed on the basketball court, causing disturbance to Tyler’s game.
“What the heck?!” he hissed.
“S-Sorry...” I mumbled. I saw how Freeda glared at me.
The game temporarily stopped, but after a few minutes, our coach apologized to the other side of the gym before continuing the game.
“Like, she did it on purpose... Like, she wanted to be like, notice by Tyler, like, you know...” Elyzz stated.
I was about to say something when our coach blown his whistle, causing us to continue the game. We play for another few minutes, our team being on the lead again because of Becca. Until in a blink of an eye, a basketball flew over my direction, hitting me hard on the head.
I fell down on the ground, and the crowd gasped in shock. When I touched my nose, I felt something wet and warm on it... It was blood.
“Natalia! Are you okay?” I heard Becca’s voice, worried.
“Don’t come near her! She needs some air!” our coach stated.
“Oh, my, God! She’s bleeding...” It was Lia.
I felt dizzy, unable to move nor talk. Becca is still looking worried beside me, and I can hear the muffled voices near our area.
“Who threw that ball?” Our coach madly asked.
“Me! But I didn’t do it on purpose... I promised...”
I blinked several times, my eyesight is getting blurry. I saw Tyler came near me, looking worried as well. But I highly doubt it. Maybe he’s just acting or something to avoid having a detention or worst... Suspension.
“Let me bring her to the infirmary, Sir,” an unknown voice stated.
Our coach agreed, and I badly wanted to tell them not to let me leave with this unknown man. But it was already too late. The guy lifted me up and carry me towards somewhere. To the clinic, I hope. That’s when I completely lost my consciousness before I passed out.
When I woke up, I was already laying down the bed, looking up at the white ceiling of our school’s infirmary. I felt light headed, and I saw a bag of ice at the top of my head. I sat up, only getting the attention of our school nurse. I touched my nose and it wasn’t oozing with blood anymore. I’m already fine, I guess.
“Hey... You’re awake now. Do you want me to call your guardian?”
My eyes widen, before shaking my head violently in disagreement. Rule number nineteen, never let the school call you Mom. Bad things will happen if she finds out about this so called accident.
“No, no, no! I’m fine, really...” I refused.
“Oh. Okay... I guess I wouldn’t call her since that accident cause nothing very serious to you. You can leave now... And take that bag of ice with you. It will help ease the pain in your head...”
“Sure. Thank you very much...”
I grabbed my stuffs, before I remember to ask her about the guy who brought me here. I badly wanted to know about that... Even just his name. And I wanted to thank him as well for being my hero for today.
“Uhm... Excuse me? Do you know that guy who brought me here?”
“Yeah.” I sighed in relief. “Scott. Scott Smith. He’s here five minutes ago. Waiting for you to wake up, I guess. Maybe he’s still outside right now...”
“Oh. Thank you so much.”
She just nodded at me as a sign of a response. I walked out from the room, before reaching out the end of the hallway. When I’m almost turning around, I heard some familiar voices, making me stop for a moment.
When I slowly look over who owned those voices, I saw Tyler, talking to a guy with a dark brunette hair and a cute little face. He looks perfectly fine and he is probably belongs to the average looking faces here in our school. Just like Nathan, I guess.
“I told you, Scott! I didn’t do it on purpose!” I heard Tyler said.
Scott? My brain is not yet damage. It’s nothing serious, just like what the nurse had told me about earlier. So maybe this guy... If I’m not mistaken, he’s the one who saved me.
“Really? I saw how you glared at her when she almost hit you in the court earlier. And now you’re telling me that you didn’t do it on purpose?”
“Then believe what you want to believe, my dear cousin...” Tyler fired back sarcastically. “I knew to myself that I didn’t mean to hurt her that much... And why do you even care, anyway? Do you like her?”
Scott just chuckled at his response.
“I care because it’s your fault! When your Dad finds out about this, he’ll have no choice but to send you away!”
“And so? What is it to you if your majestic uncle decided to throw his own son out of the country?!”
Tyler punched the wall, making Scott stopped for a moment. He then walked away, leaving the poor guy alone in here. That’s when I decided to grab my chances and thank him for helping me up earlier, finally deciding to just ignore their conversation that I’ve over heard. I don’t want to meddle in anyone’s life now. I already learned from my most stupid mistakes.
“Hey...” I greeted him sheepishly.
He looked stunned, seeing me awake for the first time. He then gave me a small smile, and I gladly returned the favor.
“You’re awake...”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Are you already there earlier or–” I cut his statement off.
“No, no. I just came here a few seconds ago... I didn’t heard anything,” I stated, only proving that I’m guilty.
He chuckled at my reaction.
“I’m not saying that you heard something or what... Though, if ever, I’m very sorry for that.”
“No! You have nothing to apologized about... Because I didn’t heard anything... I swear.” I raised my hand like I was stating a legitimate promise.
I saw how a smile slowly formed at his lips, maybe because he was amused by my awkward reaction.
“You look cute...”
“Thanks... I mean, thank you for helping me up earlier...”
“Your welcome... Natalia?” He asked my name.
“Yeah. Without H.”
“Oh... Got it.”
Before I could say another word, I heard Becca’s voice getting nearer at our direction.
“Natalia! Oh my God! You’re fine now! That’s a relief!”
She clung into my arms like what she always does before. From the corners of my eyes, I saw how Scott cheeks flushed a red color because of the sudden appearance of Becca. He then saluted at me, before he started walking away.
“Who’s that guy?” Becca asked curiously.
“Uhm... It’s Scott. The guy who helped me earlier.”
She didn’t say anything right after I said that. She then pulled me away towards the exit of our campus.
“Well, I guess we should end our day in here, Natalia... You should head home and take a good rest,” Becca sincerely stated.
I nodded, before turning my gaze behind us. I didn’t saw Scott, but I’ll be forever thankful for him for bringing me to the infirmary earlier. Indeed, I can call him as my hero.

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    Good story


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